Can anyone tell me what these white dots are on the inside of my foreskin...

Can anyone tell me what these white dots are on the inside of my foreskin? I know they're not STDs but I'm still worried about what they are.
Thanks Sup Forumsros

go and see a doctor bro

I have that too but i only have like 3 dots

those are "god hates you" dots

I feel like any girl that sees my dick is gonna think I have genital warts and run lol. I'm fucked

Looks like sebaceous prominence

Genital warts for real

doctorfag here.. that's herpes, OP. Sorry.

i've got those too, i tried to pop one once and it went out just like a zit, awaiting doctor

I should probably just go see a doctor too. Because whenever I try to find stuff about it online people say its Fordyce spots but I'm farely certain that's not what they are, although I unfortunately also have Fordyce spots.

Fordyce spots

Completely harmless, but chicks will straight up thinks it's an STD

> I know they're not STDs

OP is virgin

no but I wear a condom atleast 50% of the time and always ask the girl if she has a std first

If cancer fucked HIV, then HIV aborted it late and pushed out a mutant plump, then the mutant plump puked its guts into its own ass, and you whipped out your dikk in it and fuged it anally. That's what it look like son.

His dicks tears...


>no but I wear a condom atleast 50% of the time and always ask the girl if she has a std first
Umm like people ALWAYS tell the truth. You probably got screwed over

Sebaceous prominence is a harmless condition where sufferers develop white pimples, granules or dots on the skin. Many men develop sebaceous prominence in the genital area, Sebaceous prominence is caused by an overgrowth in the sebaceous glands. Normally, sebaceous glands secrete oils that keep the skin moisturised. Sometimes, a problem arises with ectopic sebaceous glands – an abnormally large number of sebaceous glands in certain areas. This causes the appearance of small white spots or pimples.Although sebaceous prominence is not harmful or contagious, many who suffer from it still aim to cure the condition. As well as being unsightly, the white spots or pimples can cause concern for sexual partners, who may believe that the sufferer has a sexually transmitted disease. In fact, sebaceous prominence is a product of the body’s own processes, and has no connection with sexual activity or any other external source of illness or infection.

Nothing to worry about, I've got this too and have fucked plenty of chicks. They won't even notice it unless they peel your foreskin back and have a good examination at your cock (very unlikely) its hidden under the foreskin anyway. Don't be too concerned about

You should go to a doctor, pronto.

Everyones got em m8 im a neet virgin and ie still got em