Bring a woman back home from bar

>Bring a woman back home from bar
>See this
>Wat do


Motor boat them

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

Tell her to gtfo, what a major turn-off.

Suck his dick

Yell "moooom"

ask for sauce

take one for the team

Love her tenderly


Tell that old bitch to go home and send her daughter over

>bring woman back to bar from home
>go to bathroom
>jump out window

Try to conquer the peaks.

You're drunk, you're horny and you've already got her there. The obvious answer is that you fuck her.

I make her eat all the eggs


I have these eggact bowls at home, brb, taking a picture

Put some eggs in it


Bowl with eggs


bòil em

Fuck you man what am going to do with 7 boiler eggs

>inb4 pick up chicks

Pick up chicks


Then you would just turn in a full circle idiot


spray cum all over them big floppy tits

Proof even nufags get dubs