

Helium is lighter than air and will rise to the top, but still be held within the gravitational field of the planet.

I think because air is heavy, though we don't realize it since we're built for atmosphere. It's not so much that the balloon is lifted up but that the air around it is pulled down, so the balloon has to get out of its way and the only way to do that is go up.

Same reason why when you submerge a rubber ball in a pool and let go it shoots back up. Buoyancy force.

Whoa!? Does this make anyone else think?

The guy that posted this on Facebook believes the world is concaved



Helium is, in fact, the souls of the dead. They are forced to meet the Creator.

Almond status: Activated.

Anyone who still believes in this shit should be gassed. Sand people have really fucked up white peoples heads

>spinning rock
How can it be spinning if the Earth is flat?


Fuck fuck.

I know I am taking this fucking bait...helplessly...like a retard.... FUCK

Its about the relative density of matter. The same reason water and oil do not mix but one rests upon the other. The helium is held by our planets gravity but it is a weak force compared to the density function of our atmosphere.

Heretics 0
True Believers 1

is this shit a psy-op to make christians look retarded or something?

>make christians look retarded or something?
They don't need psy ops for that.

Helium is lighter than air, so a helium bubble (baloon) will rise in air the same way a gas bubble will rise in a glass of soda.

More accurately, the buoyant force of air on helium is greater than the gravitational force of the Earth on all the molecules of Helium in the balloon plus the rubber skin.

Net force points up, so balloon accelerates up according to a = Fnet / m

>The current state of 'Murican college education

Gee, maybe he should attend more hours to his gender studies class

Helium is just doing its best to get away from niggers

The order of which fluid rests on the other is due to density
Immiscibility is due to very polar water molecules being too strongly attracted to one another to mix with hydrocarbon molecules that they have only weak attraction to

>Its about the relative density of matter. The same reason water and oil do not mix

Has NOTHING to do with density.
If what you say is true, then no two liquids would ever mix.
Water and oil don't mix because water is a polar compound and oil is nonpolar.

>what is density: the question

That's a great question.

This is the correct answer

This is so stupid it hurts

Maybe gravity isn't "something", maybe it is a lack of something.

does he think helium ballons are filled with anti-grqavity or something that makes them go in the opposite direction?

they are forced upwards by the heavier air sinking underneath them

>How can it be spinning if the Earth is flat?
It could be flat but also spinning.

Not to mention the balloon never leaves earth's atmosphere, or pull for that matter, due to air pressure or lack thereof.


stfu faggot. There's always some 12 year old that got "taught" about gravity yesterday in a thread like this feigning outrage that somebody could dare question the official story.

hi Sup Forums
"In physics, an inverse-square law is any physical law stating that a specified physical quantity or intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of that physical quantity."

the jumprope analogy tries to describe the complex interactions of magnetic lines. it's a very weak example but it's an amazing tool to describe the process.

here's a better question
why is expansion accelerating. our balloon is still filling and we do not have anymore than guesses as to why. it's easy to laugh off a simple question about gravity, but we DO NOT UNDERSTAND FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES. we are still apes cracking rocks my friends. so teach and learn!

And then there's Facebook posts like the OP's that was likely written by some nigger that was high as the helium balloon that he doesn't understand the mechanics of. Gasses have different mechanics but are fundamentally the same; if you release oil underwater, it will rise to the top due to buoyancy of the oil being lighter than water. Apply the same rules to helium being release in oxygen/nitrogen. No gas actually escapes the planet, otherwise life would have stopped existing a very long time ago

lots of gas escapes!

It's like putting oil and water in a glass. The oil (helium) is lighter than the water (air), so it rises to the top, but the oil just doesn't go flying out of the glass.

>gas doesn't escape the earth's atmosphere

Prove to me that Helium exists

Prove to me that your mom's ass isn't the size of the Earth and I won't tap that shit tonight anyway!

Oil and water

you can only post a reply to this post if your country has a strategic helium supply

firing on all cylinders here

This. 100% this.


How come helium balloons don't leave the Earth and go into outerspace?


>to hold down a helium balloon
buoyancy, helium weighing less than air, op is a faggot, jet fuel, steel beams, etc, etc

based mods, bless you, bless you!

We have nuclear weapons that can create large amounts of weaponized helium in a short time by fusing the hydrogen in the atmosphere, so...yeah.

Because gravitational attraction is a function of mass.
Notice how dense objects are attracted to the Earth, but really low mass ones are attracted to a lesser degree?

Also, if you drop a tennis ball it falls to meet the Earth, but at the dame time, the Earth moves up slightly to meet the ball.
Weird innit.

Flat Earthers deny existance of nukes also, because of things like this

Because buoyancy
Why do you think air on top and the ground is on the bottom?

Same reason why water can make a massive, metal aircraft carrier float yet a tiny pebble sink.

Mass, mass, mass. (Though there's more to it than just mass for buoyancy. It has to do with water displacement as well so...)