Fuck Trump and fuck white people

Fuck Trump and fuck white people

fuck hillary and blacks did 9/11

Israel still owns US


True tbh only way for us to move forward as a species.

Heil Trump, he will rise ´murca to its glory

Can someone get Sup Forums in here

I hear a salty cuck whispering xer pronouns into mine ear





































Trump is a bad liar, mysogenistic, compulsive, thin skinned, overweight, misinformation spreading, fake news loving, climate change denying, Russian dick sucking snowflake who can't make a cognitive discussion if he isn't on script. He's a puppet of the lopsided Congress that he put into place. He promised to drain the swamp of lobbying but instead put people with global scale complications and foreign interests into power. He pandered to his base about false numbers and lies of the Obama administration then gloated about nearly the same numbers given months later simply because they have his name on it. He is constantly contradicting himself and his supporters who regardless of reason have only shown their own lack of moral compass and deep rooted superiority complex. Fuck Trump fuck white people.






















































