Be me working in ER

>be me working in ER
>EMS brings in coding/choking kid
>see this fucked up thing in his throat
>no chance in fuck I can tube this so I cut a hole in his neck
>he's dead

Well, I got to try my first solo cricothyroidotomy and the kid didn't make it. Tell me I'm not a bad doctor, medfags.

Everyone fails sometimes. Just keep trying to help people, user

Emt here, still pretty cool that you tried. Can't win em all

shit happen, it's ok dude, he was the next Hitler anyway

Also wondering what ems did /didn't do / attempted

You just murdered a child through incompetence user.

I tell you what I believe: Shit 'appens!

They followed protocol - tried to get the tube in the field, failed, dropped a king, brought him in. Naturally, that king didn't do shit.

the same way you murdered many more by not even trying to become a doctor, imagine the lives you could have saved if you had just studied medicine?

how do you deal with that stuff without having anxiety? Id have a breakdown every day if I tried to do ur job Sup Forumsro

Not a doctor, but work in healthcare. We can't do the impossible and you can't feel bad when you give something your best shot.

That's not rare. It's like 300k ppl die every yr from medical fuck ups.

The fuck had happened to the kid before they brought him in?

Darwinism at work. he shouldn't have swallowed it.

Practice makes perfect OP.

You'll get it next time.

Attending? Resident?

You make my fuck ups at work look like spilled milk. Did he die because you cut him open?

He had a dickhead lodged in his throat?

It's god's plan OP, now his atoms can be used for a fleshlight or jet fuel

He'd still be alive if he had a competent doctor not a shitty one.

Nah bro, I'm an armyfag. Murderi is literally my job.

>how do you deal with that stuff without having anxiety? Id have a breakdown every day if I tried to do ur job Sup Forumsro

The process (med school and then picking emergency medicine) really weeds out the people who have legitimate crippling anxiety. After you find out that you're physically capable of not shitting your pants, you learn like you learn how to do anything else. Practice.

You're are doing a great work.
Yet, where work is done, not everythong can be perfect.
Any idea what that thing in his throat was?

where are you from? Here in Manitoba i'm 90% sure ACPs can perform a cricothyroidotomy. just curious about your medic's scope of practice

You post on /b. You shouldn't be a dr.

Coding means choking?

That epiglottis is pretty damn swollen. Glad I just radiate cancer and dont have to deal with that ED shit.


He was mostly dead coming in the door. But if you get the airway back, these pediatric cases have a chance of coming back. I just wonder if I should have cut sooner. I spent too long dicking around trying to intubate him.

a dead kid is always good news. hopefully we all go next

Medfag here,

You have counseling available to you. This is what they'll say:

"You are a medical doctor. Do not internalize outcomes of your procedures. Take no pride, and take no blame. Yours isn't a job or career, but a calling. Remember that though lives may be saved, or not, by your hands, your duty rests solely on applying the best of your knowledge, capacity, and ability to help.

You tried. You could not save. You're not responsible to save every life, but to use what is given to you to try your absolute best to aid.

Go back, re-check your work, and improve. Always remember that at the time of the incident, you were the best alternative available; though you wish it, yours is not to control fate, but to be a tool of science. Like science, you aren't infallible, but you are most certainly needed.

Remember you are needed. People need you. You swore an oath. Rest easy and if needed, speak to someone. Carry life, not the weight of the dead"

thought this was a pic of a vage

sorry the kid died

if he was white


Ha HA Ha HA ha

I dont understand, picture A is before you cut the hole and B is after?

First year attending.

I bet you dont vaccinate your kids, or didnt if they were alive

The world's overpopulated. It needs less doctors, or more shitty ones like you. Keep up the work, user.


Just quit and work at McDonald's OP. Clearly that's more in line with your abilities.

what was it?

If it makes you feel better I make levo and methylprednisolone drips so that we can harvest organs from dying patients. I also make methotrexate drips to abortion babies.

Coding dying flatlining

pretty sure it means no pulse/breathing

Nah I didn't actually take pictures - this is just a picture from the interwebs of his condition, epiglottitis. Picture on left is what a normal airway looks like when I go to put a tube in it. Picture on the right was kind of what I was looking at when I went to intubate the kid - no space at all.

OP working on kid

A Kinder Egg toy.

They should ban those.

It's a tough procedure, especially with peds since you don't get the practice. I'm training at a trauma center so surgery takes all these procedures with the exception of a few.
I can only think of a few attendings at my program that would succeed

OP working on eyes

You can't /thread and then keep writing. That's a compiling error.

Coding means cardiac arrest. But in pediatric patients they are usually coding secondary to an airway issue (choked on something, deoxygenated, and then their heart gave out)

Fuck off.

kids dying is never ideal but dont feel bad if you tried your best at the very least. more then some people can say


>one w/a patch
>one w/sunglasses

OP saving dolphin

sup bro, german medfag here. what was that thing in his throat

Shit happens, just do the best you can -- that's all anyone can really do in the end.

Just one kid OP, there's billions more and as far as I'm concerned you did your job.

Damn that was pretty good.

OP fixed my face

People will believe this and not their eyes (these are penises)

Training at major trauma centers is hella overrated for this very reason if you're in EM. You're going to leave the ivory tower and go to the community and you won't have trauma surgery to swoop in and clamshell for you. Try to get your hands on as many of these rare procedures as possible. Careers are long. You're going to cric somebody some day.

OP saving Crabs

I had a tracheotomy recently

didn't feel a thing, the doc did a fucking great job on me

That x Ray shows a tooth in his throat. Was he missing any teeth?

Epiglottitis. Swollen epiglottis obstructed his airway.

Different procedure

OP saving Wessels

Just keep moving along. It's your passion, don't let it die. Medicine is a practice, isn't it? Well keep practicing.


yeah, I just wanted to be part of this thread

When I was a resident rotating on the MICU I saw tracheostomies being placed. Fucking brutal looking. Glad you're doing well.

Why do you have these?


This is why it's called "practicing" medicine.

Nice thread fags

OP helping the retarded

I agree. My program has not been as advertised considering how much trauma surgery takes over and the fact that the area is gentrifying so trauma is less frequent. It's going to be difficult managing a cric or a thoracotomy on an obese patient in a small community center in the future.

That's what i like to call natural selection

OP getting Pizza

Probably means different things in different places too. Where I studied it not breathing, no pulse/heartbeat, or sudden loss of consciousness

Nuclear Wessels?

It's challenging to be prepared for these rare procedures. I would get into the practice of prepping the neck and having your cric kit ready at any airway you don't get on the first attempt. Get into the practice.

When things get hard, you don't operate at the level of your expectations. You operate at the level of your preparation.

military doctorfag. had he actually arrested? hypoxic brain injury aside it's awfully hard to get the heart back once it goes from hypoxemia.

if that was your first look i would have fed a bougie - 0% chance you're getting it any other way. rapid transition to cric not a bad idea.

good on you for getting out the blade, though. my brother had 2 GP colleagues who effectively stood by while a man choked and lost consciousness, then started CPR. gold stars all around for circulating that deoxygenated blood, fuckers, instead of getting a knife.

there was probably literally nothing you could have done to resusc that kid. the real question is, why the fuck did his parents not bring him in sooner if his epiglottitis was that advanced? no way he wasn't stridorous at home.

sleep easy, friend. it's hard with kids but you can't get them back when they're too far gone.

OP Rape Consular

OP helping his co-workers.

Regardless of the outcome, he would have died had you done nothing. So you gave him his best shot, keep going user.

Keep the faith, man. Just remember Dr. Cox on Scrubs who took out 4 organs of a dead donor, and all 4 killed each recipient. That's a bad day.

Here's a funny pic, because you deserve one.

What they do with OP's patients

>mfw all these doctors posting on Sup Forums
>can barely make $2,000 a month

Hey docs how do I an hero peacefully without disgracing my family?

I don't know what I'm looking at here. Is it his throat closing up due to massive swelling?

Thanks for the advice user. I'll be attending in just a few months and am scared shitless of dispositioning my own pts

Hard to tell exactly when he arrested in the initial confusion (whether it was en-route or after coming through the door) but yeah, his chances were shit to begin with.

Failed bougie. Probably tried too many times. As soon as you manipulate that swollen bitch with anything, it just gets worse.

Your story highlights why we need to get these IM/FM trained peeps away from staffing community ERs. I'm sure there are some good ones, but this kind of medicine needs specialized training for a reason.

i think op can help you with that

>a-a-at least I tried right you guys?
You're going to repeat the same excuse fuck up after fuck up?

Hold your breath until you die.

why not change your life and make them proud? maybe make yourself proud too, user. there has literally never been a better time in all of human history to be alive. giving up is always harder than change - it just doesn't feel like it at the time.

good luck, user.

What shithole country are you in that isn't doing H flu vaccinations so you don't get epiglotitis?

Seriously, thats a 30 year old disease most places.

How did you fuck up a tracheotomy bad enough to result in death?

One of my sites has this old Indian doc that come in everyday in business casual and white coat, treats the place like urgent care. Luckily this site doesn't get traffic

Swollen epiglottis. Look up epiglottitis.

You know those old crust attendings who you laughed at because they admitted the weakest shit you'd ever seen and scanned every belly that walked in the door? You'll do that for the first few months. Then you'll realize your training was actually pretty good and you'll get into your groove.

Vaccines are optional in most countries

It's a stupid kid, quit impeding Mother Nature and allow the survival of the fittest to take its course.

You'll save the next one OP. Good luck.