If people are smart why do billions of them believe in religions and/or "souls?"

If people are smart why do billions of them believe in religions and/or "souls?"

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A person is smart.
People are dumb.

>people are smart

this has to be a joke

welcome to Sup Forums

Because it's better than believing that, after death, there's no sight, smell, taste, sound, feel, consciousness, etc.

Honestly that sounds worse than hell

Simply because it's true.

Because Jesus is Lord.

If people are smart, why do atheists exist? They can't prove there is/are no God(s).

how is that worse? you wont be concious fuckwit

>If people are smart, why do atheists exist? They can't prove there is/are no God(s).
You can't prove there isn't a teapot orbiting Jupiter., but that isn't very likely either.

even if souls exist, you can't use yours to do anything genuinely interesting like traveling to another solar system whenever you want or something cool like that. you are stuck on earth no matter what. whoopdee dooo

religion is poop. only ignorant fucks believe in that shit.

Most people are average in intelligence.

Also, intelligence is relative.

soul = intelligence.

when you can control your intelligence, you can do all that shit you said.
go to school faggot

Science can only prove things to be true

The universe is filled with a lot of strange shit.

Recent CIA doc releases showed their research where they demonstrated that remote viewing (the psychic kind) generates photons at the target location.

Measurable photons.

Humans have psychic powers and that means that we're magic. If we have access to some kind of bizarre -other layer- of reality, then it's not a stretch further to say that there are some forms of hyperdimensional beings that we would refer to as gods that are capable of interacting with us on our reality layer.

Ah a fellow atheist
*Tips fedora*
Finally someone intelligent. You want to talk about how girls never go for good guys while we clean our katanas and discuss libertarianism

>soul = intelligence

>we're magic
sounds like some childish shit; unless you mean magic in the sense that it is something we do not have defined (in english, because it is in other languages) then ok

As a species we're pretty good at cognitive dissonance, "doublethink" as George Orwell called it.

And people aren't necessarily that smart. By definition, over half are average or below.

bruh you ever trip acid

Because you let in muslims

Yeah but I like being conscious
That's how you spell it, by the way. With an S before the 2nd C. You fuckwit.

Shit, how did you find my house?



It wouldn't be completely empty though. Without the mythological shit there would still be some things left like the conquests of Nebuchadnezzar

Or the Babylonian exile and stuff

People believe because those who need people to believe sound intellectual to those who are stupid. And that's the thing they really look for. To be less stupid and worth something. The joke is, religion keeps you from becoming wise because it hold you down so you won't learn life in the real world. It also forbids you to read essential books like how to control the masses a.k.a. classic philosophy.


What the fuck does that have to do with finding my secret lair and cafe around Jupiter's orbit?

Now I'll have to change locations AGAIN.
Thanks asshole.
