What do you guys think of souls? do we have them?

what do you guys think of souls? do we have them?

No. When we die we die and that's it. We stop existing.

nah dude, it's like, nothing, that's kinda it

dude I own like all 3 dark souls 2 is my fav


That's a great fucking game. She was weak as shit though.


Of course we do. Do you really think all of human art, language, philosophy, and history is nothing more than the result of complex bioelectric interactions?


I don't even think we have true choice in life. I believe our brain is firing in response to whatever stimuli is in front of us at the moment. Based on past experiences your brain will make a choice.We merely think it's us pulling the strings

I don't see why it can't be just that, why does the 'soul' have to be what did that?
I don't think we have a soul but I'm not going to pretend I know for sure either way.

Legend of Legaia. That game was a classic.

Yes, unless you're a commie, an athiest, or a ginger.

One of the best games of all time.

I masturbated to Mei

Yes. I do. I am, however, a man of scientific mind, and would be delighted for somebody to prove my hypothesis incorrect.

Just like pressure is just a macroscopic approximation of what's going on with movement of atoms, our souls are just a macroscopic approximation of what happens when you combine a lot of neurons into a complicated network. So when the neural activity stops, our souls stop existing.

My memory may be faulty, but I seem to remember an experiment that attempted to weigh the soul. It involved a dying man and an extremely sensitive scale. They were looking for a change in weight at death, when the soul departs. As I recall, there was a nearly infinitesimal change.

The soul, being mostly energy, wouldn't weigh much, would it?

That's interesting, I'm going to google around for that experiment.

Since I don't know what the soul is, it's hard to assign properties to it, like weight.

If our human consciousness were only the result of bioelectric interactions shaped by evolution, what benefit does music, art, and philosophy provide?

I would presume that the soul is nearly or completely energy in nature. I am also assuming that the soul is an emergent quality. It exists because the conditions required for it's manifestation occur in humans, and possibly some other animals.

We become Lost Souls and make Pain Elemental vore porn as Satan himself gets brainraped by a rocket and neurons in the shape of John Romero's head explode ending the universe.

Fuck you ezra

Yeah. The mind is the soul. It is so complex that we don't fully understand it. Weird thoughts you don't understand are your soul speaking to you. It's not an immortal soul though. It's attached to your body. When you die, it disappears the same way a shitty thread does.

I'm ginger so no soul for me

Congratulations, you get to become an imp!

How did a hummingbird's beak and a type of flower become perfectly matched and dependent on one another over time? There is something in music, art and philosophy that compliments us. Or maybe I'm talking put my ass and we've just always liked those things.

Art and creativity doesn't provide a benefit for evolution, it's just a side product. which happens to be pleasant for our emotions. until rule34 started showing up for everything.