What does her pussy smell like?

What does her pussy smell like?

Rotten fish oil.
And untended yeast infection.

Broken dreams.

the souls of all lost sailors


Daddy's cum. She hasn't washed for a while.

Cheeto dust and her crippling daddy issues

book dust and skittles


Boring and self righteous

Bump, anita is hot

like sugar plums and fairy blossoms, also butterflies and unicorn farts


sour milk and pennies


diarrhea and rotting corpses

guacamole and low tide

I came here to say fish oil


My cum


Pencil shavings

coins and rotten milk


She's Armenian, so it probably smells like sun flower seeds

bumble bee tuna

I was thinking, if we didn't harass her or even talk about her, will she be relevant now?

Obviously not. She makes her "fame" by exploiting the internet bullies who were mean to her. If ignored and left to her own devices she'd just be another ugly Hebrew angry at men.

So its our fault

More or less.


That's so hot

clearly tacos

I can't even begin to imagine,the worst smell on earth.

Cat piss


It's a mix of fish and beef.

She looks like a hairy, smelly, Jew. I am not anti-juden, it's just true

Blood and stinky BO

That's pretty fucked, I still say cat piss

salty coins and milk



Both are cancer tbh

Canada; Maple syrup and moose musk.

Hard boiled eggs

Pure sodium


like bad breath

