Classical is music's greatest artistic achievement

>Classical is music's greatest artistic achievement
>Is used by scientist to make babies fall asleep
Get a lot of this.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Get a lot of this.
I thought it was used by parents to make their babies more intelligent. Your parents obviously skipped out on that.

only reason why people think that is cause it's old
imagine if Prog was possible back in the 1700s and they made it . Instead of just calling it a load of wank critics would jack off to it just like Classical

My parents made me listen to Webern and Mingus you fucking pleb.

Not true, listen to Bach's Art of Fugue and tell me that is on the same level as prog rock. If you do, you're making yourself look mighty stupid. By the way classical music isn't just old music, there are still composers whom's music is very good and is made during this generation (like Glass, Arvo Part).

And yet you still use words like pleb, clearly didn't work.

If you went back to the 1700s and transcribed any prog piece for instruments of the period you would be booed off stage and probably tomatoed. Maybe burned at the stake.

btw yeah glass and part are obligatory XX century composers


You just got fucking BTFO negro. Fuck off already.

>giving part and glass as examples
I would argue that prog is closer to Bach than those two.


Well English isn't my first language....

Those were two unrelated points, I'm not saying that Glass and Part are similar to prog rock.
Prog maybe closer to Bach, but it's still miles off.

>like contemporary music
>discover jazz
>discover classical
>learn music theory
>a million new dimensions
>tfw like music even more

Feels good man.


Perhaps composers should have stayed away from writing lullabies and dream music if they didn't want people sleeping through it.

But these compositions are made for the sense of calmness that they give....

He clearly meant "I would argue that prog is closer to Bach than those two [are to Bach]."

>t. Butt hurt class fags

my parents made me listen to egyptian music when i was a kid

>grow up listening to hip-hop
>be even more intelligent than classicfags

great feel friends

>tfw too smart for hiphop

Hip-hop is generally agreed upon by those of higher intellect to be the most challenging and engaging musical genre consistently. 99% of hip-hop is better than 100% of other musical genres.

0/10 bait

You should kill yourself for posting this

Not bait, just because you don't understand it yet doesn't mean that this is false information or intended to rile you up, friend.

I will not engage in the activity which involves me terminating my own life, but instead will continue to listen to some Tupac Shakur and sit whilst deep in thought.

guys we're being memed

where did you learn from?
any recommended sites?
i don't want to be a pleb anymore

>Trying to sound smart

good night, sweet prince.

I started here to improve my hearing and reading:
But then I got a few books about harmony and shit for real cheap in my town so I continued there and now I'm getting into more complex jazzy shit. Theory is awesome, try it out.

in which ways learning this enhanced your enjoyment of music? i mean i can understand an artists motivations and reasons to put this and this together, but it will still be unenjoyable nonsense.

Bach used a bunch of basic repetitive structures, harmonies, and key changes. Sure, ultra-super-prog music wouldn't have been acceptable in the baroque period, but that's because of some prog music's higher level of complexity.

I'm not a fan of prog music, I'd probably rather listen to Bach, but it clearly requires more skill and creativity to write than the fugues and counterpoints people learn to write in entry level music composition classes.
>entry level composition class material right here.

Bach set the basis for all modern musical practice you moron.
His work in harmonizing and chord sequencing is what even shitty prog musicians use.

Obviously the most complex music now, with unusual time signatures, syncopation, and more complex and sometimes dissonant harmonic progressions, is way more complex than Bach, even if results in something unlistenable.

The thing about the stuff Bach wrote is that it's SUPPOSED to be pattern based and regimented in structure. On some level, this favors eschewing complexity. If he didn't do that, people would've probably rioted too, so he didn't really have a choice.

I don't disagree with that at all. That's actually my point. Bach was the foundation for the more complex music that would be made after him.

That's really great,

Babbys are actually the biggest patricians

Went from pleb to patrician in 30 secs. Nice

music theory doesn't really improve your listening experience to music and the music theory meme needs to die.

Theory is useful for performing and composing music.

t. Person without music theory knowledge.

There is one counterexample that stands out.
Erlkonig by Schubert is an interesting piano and vocal piece that is technically difficult, but otherwise just a standard format that has no great interesting parts other than the music theory.

When you sit down with the music in front of you and play the piece and really analyze the piece with music theory knowledge, the incredible intracate music theory pops out and makes the piece an incredible listen.

>I'll tell you how to enjoy things

Fuck off, brat.

I know more about theory than you.

I like the Erlkonig as a piece of music to listen to. I've done analysis on the form and harmony and they're cool and all, but they don't really sway me to enjoy the piece.

I've analyzed tons of Bach doesn't make me like it any more. Same thing goes with early 20th century music.

I can hear notes and chords, understand how they function, anticipate where they go. I hear patterns and shit, it's really hard to explain, but it's like seeing a blueprint of a building while being inside of it. It really improved my memory through the years and I just like to get "inside" music and see its contents. That is, if the music is at least semi-purposefully done, not just random sounds. That I can hear quickly. That way it makes even bad music at least interesting.