If you think Gorillaz is anything else than a garbage reddit band pandering to the 15-20 year old liberal nu-male population you should leave Sup Forums immediately.
If you think Gorillaz is anything else than a garbage reddit band pandering to the 15-20 year old liberal nu-male...
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Thanks for the bump but do us a favour and kill yourself.
nu male doesn't mean anything anymore
it's just a catch all for Whoever I Don't Like thanks to Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>better in theory than in praxis
what was meant by this?
goodbye then
3 strikes you're out at the old being taken seriously in conversation game
Shit b8
Kys yrself avant-tween
I usually agree with those buzzwords being retarded but in this case they perfectly describe the Gorillaz fanbase
lmao fuck off m8, who gives a damn? People will enjoy what they like and yo pleb ass ain't gonna stop nobody
>tyrannosaurus rekt
*holds up spork*
>assblasted gorillaz fans
Can't wait for Melon to BTFO your precious AOTY into the trash where it belongs.
>waiting for "melon" to feel justified about your opinions
well now...
i haven't even listened to the album, i was just making fun of you for using edgy buzzwords to describe things you dont like
Not an argument.
Also, you seem upset and most likely are 16 years old.
i hate gorillaz especially that cunt albarn
but i hate you poltards even more, for spamming this shitty album 5 times a fucking day
>D E N I A L
Sorry but the album and the band is just trash.
Oh right, cause posting a YT meme is going to justify your opinion.
lmaoing at your life m8
Just face it.
No one cares about your opinion that they're shit.
but Sup Forums is for 15-20 year old liberal nu-male redditors
Gorillaz is fine, new album is fucking awful though...
blur sucks, too
Fuck it, Jamie was always the talented one
Sounds like a lot of you need to step out for a FRESH OF BREATH AIR.
Melon likes Charger so I don't care if he trashes it, at least I'll find some common ground with him.
>anyone who doesn't reasonate with my opinion is in denial
Yep, underage spotted.
>Not being a liberal nu-male
Get with the times, nerd
Melon ain't shit dude, hop off his nuts