Get dubs and I post her full frontal nude. Trips and I post her FB so you can tell her happy birthday

Get dubs and I post her full frontal nude. Trips and I post her FB so you can tell her happy birthday

I want to watch her piss her pants

That's odd

why not

Literally pissing her pants or out of shock due to her nude body being posted?

Nah dude like I want her to hold it in until she can't anymore and then soak her jeans with piss

Yall niggas got problems

That's weird

You're weird

Check em

Does she ever ride the other side of that lamp?

Eyy dubs

Win rar

Whatdyaknow, I got dubs. Let's see that slit.


>it is Sup Forums

why do i get the feeling she's locked in op's basement?

Don't make fun of the quality took it with an old digital camera and didn't know how to use it



Also weird

Well, that was a waste. Use a crappy old phone next time, quality will be better

What's the birthday girls FB?


Someone post it in her FB as a birthday present


Want her FB?




she knows you leaked her shit? if not that'd be great ;) I'ma get more for Sup Forums

No idea. How you getting more?


Haha u gotta let us know if she replies how will we know if u get more

That's not my convo with her, I'll post a thread whenever she does send more

You have a convo going?

What's your angle?

nope just waiting for a reply and if that doesn't happen I'll find my way around

i sent that from my fake fb. ill make a thread later today if she responds.

Looking at that pictire in smaller format makes it look shopped

How does this work? Just curious

hope 4 nude

newfag detected

I won't reveal anything because I don't want whiteknight fags to do anything about it

Just a bit old and with a shitty camera

Ok was just curious about your success rate

Sweet does it usually work?

Any moar?

every fucking day OP. every fucking day...


Butt hurt OP is butt hurt.