Hi Sup Forums...

Hi Sup Forums,in a few weeks I'll return to Amsterdam for 3 days but this time I'll try magic truffles beside smoking weed.
I documented as much as I can on psylocibyn but there are still some questions that I'd like to be answered by someone with experience:

>Do you recommend smoking between eating the truffles and the come up?

>Is it true that smoking weed after could never be the same? Smoking so much before and after the psychedelic experience can affect it in some ways?

>generally how do you feel the following day?

General drug/stoner thread

I'll bump some trippy art in the meanwhile





dunno that much about shrooms, but have some experience with Acid.

Can tell ya that somking weed helps while coming down, going through the things u saw once again.

as stupid as it sounds but it kinda helps me to "focus" my thoughts and directs it.

by truffles do you mean general edibles?


They sell them in smartshops,there are differenti strains with differenti potencies.
The truffles are basically ingrown magic mushrooms and the effects should be pretty much the same

don't smoke when taking shrooms until you've done it at least once by itself.

no smoking weed is the same, just dont be retarded and do above mentioned.

you're going to feel a bit odd the next day, nothing crazy. It's just the whole concept of seeing and hearing things that arent really there shake people up a little bit

Thanks bro

Yes smoking joints while on truffles can enhance the feeling of being spaced and i highly recommend it. Tried them for the first time with a friend there 2 years ago. Go for Mexicana first as its less visual and eases you into how you will feel when taking them.

Shit lasts like 6-8 hours and we smoked joints like cigarettes when your drunk which boosted the feeling you get when you began to feel it was sinking into the background. Just don't do that shit in the city, be somewhere quiet. We stayed (luckily) at the Bastion hotel in hoopdorff in the financial kinda district so nothing but the odd car and loads of traffic lights which looked beautiful when spaced.

Take about 6- 7.5 grams to begin with and you'll be fine. Also that shit will make you incapable of sleep so take them with that in mind and don't kerp yourself up all night. Ask the people in the shop about the do's and donts they are real helpful. Happy tripping bud

np man, have fun and rememeber if you catch yourself in a bad trip you will come out of it. its a drug, and it will wear off.

I've never had a bad trip on shrooms, I've come close because I couldnt handle how some people are shitty but just remove yourself from the situation- have a friend or someone you trust who won't judge you with you when you do.

Also, dont do a stupid amount, WAIT until you feel something then go from there. everyone metabolizes it differently, so just go by how you feel. If you don't feel anything, you havent waited long enough

for your first time do NOT take 7 grams. this is far too much and you will become overwhelmed. start off with half of this. I don't recommend smoking on it because some people become paranoid. enjoy how it is and start small, you dont jump in balls deep for anything else, so why do it with a psychoactive drug

I was thinking to tale them at Vondelpark,since last time I went there I found a really chill and isolated place. I'll be there with a sober friend,so in the case I'll feel overwhelmed we have a backup plan :)

Wtf you on about, lady in the shop advised thats how to start off and it was absolutely fine. Just as long as you dont start off doing 6-7g's of hollandia or some shit like that that would have you tripping balls. At least act like you know about this shit faggot.

My idea was to take 5 gs of tampaniensis or atlantis,wait for the effects and then redose with 2-3 gs if I feel like it

Good idea OP you will be fine, if i remember rightly the woman said if you want to come down early from your trip just chug milkshake or chocolate, sugary stuff and it'll tone things down

If you've not done it before stick with mexicana the first time so its less visual and wont freak you out. The next day or so then go for that shit that's a bit stronger. Honestly you don't wanna be overwhelmed on that shit and ruin an amazing experience. Start off light and work your way up

I head that too,I'll bring some snacks and chocomel

The thing is that mexicana seem really light in terms of visuals and generale effects,and I heard that tolerance builds up fast on psylocibyn so taking them again the next day seems pointless.
How was your esperienze with mexicana? Maybe I didn't looked up on them enough

No mad colours but almost like somrone applied a light filter in my eyes and lights (traffic lights in my case) just looked out of this world. I was told that too but we did another 7.5 each the next day and it was the same so i dont know. Also you will laugh your ass off for hours at nothing completely uncontrollably. Also when outside at night you feel serene and beautiful like some serious hippy shit but its amazing.

>>Do you recommend smoking between eating the truffles and the come up?
>>Is it true that smoking weed after could never be the same?
>>Smoking so much before and after the psychedelic experience can affect it in some ways?
>>generally how do you feel the following day?
Norml usally. Maybe you are tired because it is exhausting for your body, but besides that the trip is over after 6 hours max.

I tried truffels myself and I felt nauseous the whole time. SO i could not enjoy it too much. I prefred normal mushrooms

Sounds fun for a first time trio,I'll considerate mexicana then:)