Pay your debnts, Germany. You're just as bad as Greece

Pay your debnts, Germany. You're just as bad as Greece.

>has a strong and stable economy but doesn't pay 2% of its GDP to an alliance that, in particular, benefits them (almost as much as Poland and the Balts)

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everyone will flip their shit if they start rearming themselfs

So when are you taking your land back?

What does NATO actually do? What do they protect us from? Russia? I would fucking love the Soviet Union to live again.

Because who protects us from america now they have chosen an insane person as president? I'm not a commie but the scale has to be balanced.

pay denbts please

ok sir

>Pay your debnts, Germany.
what the fuck are "debnts"?

>Greece not only pays its dues, but manages to pay 0.46% more to make up for the fact that countries like Italy, Canada, and Germany are freeloading
Can't make this shit up

>What does NATO actually do? What do they protect us from? Russia? I would fucking love the Soviet Union to live again.

I bet you wouldn't say that same exact sentence if you lived in Ukraine, retard.

Ukraine is what happens when you exist outside of NATO.


lol europoors can't defend themselves


fuck of

we went to two wars with you bcs your shitty diplomacy

refugges crisis is your fault too


I don't know USA, it's almost like you guys can actually print money without suffering from inflation because of the petro dollar you guys are using the NATO troops to maintain.

Jeez maybe we should lower my grandma pension of 110 dollars a month to buy second hand USA made arms.

We should be good allies in the end.

... USA, you guys are massive cunts.

are you even trying

The truth is that many people in Crimea wanted to be part of Russia. Maybe if I lived in Ukraine, I would wanted to be russian too.

The things you see in the media, are almost all manipulated by the western goverments. And I'm not saying that I'm right and you're worng, I'm just saying that you can't trust anything in the news.

Greece has to maintain forces to defend its islands from the Turks. No joke.

>Jeez maybe we should lower my grandma pension of 110 dollars a month to buy second hand USA made arms.

Wow, that's exactly what we're doing to our own citizens, because you're refusing to pay your dues.

If we were able to de-escalate our spending from 3.6% to 2.0%, we would be able to spend $268,320,000 more on our social services.

I can't believe you're so dumb to make that argument and not consider the corollary. European (and Canadian) freeloaders actively harm the average American citizen.

You can kindly fuck off if you think we owe you money. But you'll never do that, will you. All that bullshit about Europe owing you is for internal consumption

>the Allies want Germany to arm itself again

What a time to be alive.


When will America take on it's fair share of refugees? You helped cause them after all.

No one is forcing you to spend 3.6% of your GDP on your military. Hell, you could do with just your nuclear triad and nothing else.

maybe you shouldnt invade goatfuckers and stick to your fucking continent you arrogant peace of shit so you dont have to spend your dollars on weapons that much?

retarded blob

>You can kindly fuck off if you think we owe you money.

Your entire cuck propaganda circuit begged Donald Trump to stay in NATO. Seriously, you spent actual, hard money, on convincing us to stay.

If you want us to stay, actually pay the dues you whiny babies. Greece, Poland, Estonia, and the UK do. Why the fuck can't you?

Are you seriously saying you can't outdo Poland and Greece?

Based hungary

I dunno m8, in the last 20 years or so, you legitimately didn't have to enter a single war. But you did, multiple times and wasted in every sense of the word trillions.

That somehow we should fork out, so you can pat yourselves on the back for being leader of allied forces for world peace.

I'm saying that US global presence is a pyramid scheme to feed your mutated mil-ind complex and to strengthen US propaganda. Neither of those will stop mattering in the short run. We don't owe you jack shit, we want you out

Also here's some food for thought.

Notice the percentages at the end of the cold war for both European countries and the US. There is no direct correlation between what Europe spends and what the US spends. It is more in line with what Russia spends

>Your entire cuck propaganda circuit begged Donald Trump to stay in NATO.

Go on and leave it. Force us to creat an EU army. Poland and others already want it.
That will sure help your influence.

>No one is forcing you to spend 3.6% of your GDP on your military.

The fact that 23 of 28 NATO member states do not pay our agreed-upon target (including you), that we are obliged to protect you from Russia, and that defense of Russia just doesn't magically appear with a zero dollar budget.

So yes, you are forcing us to spend more, because you are freeloading.

Note how countries proximate to threats actually pay their budget. Of the 4 European countries ( here) that pay their debnts, 3 of them are on the periphery of danger. Then there's the UK.

>b-b-b-but we're nowhere near the danger!
Yeah that sure protected countries in World War 2 when Germany rolled through Belgium. If you don't want to be part of a defensive pact, step out of it, you cuck. We won't defend you. That's fine. That's less territory we need to stretch our collective budget over.

>maybe you shouldnt invade goatfuckers
You seriously must be a Russian shill if you think we spend our defensive budget on goatfuckers.

NATO contains Russia, you uneducated hohol.

OK so when is NATO disbanding? I want to eat popcorn and watch. Can you please do it sooner?

And you think 2% of American military spending wouldn't be enough to protect against Russia?
Please keep in mind, that America has a much higher military budget than Russia

You didn't pay a dime for NATO in Iraq and Vietnam, you dumb nigger. The 3.7% we spend does not include those failed wars.

It does, however, include failed military adventurism by France in Libya, however.

>o no nazis
Go ahead and actually spend money on your military, we'll laugh as you have to cut social programs and services in order to make up for it.

Either way, we'll laugh.

Yes, because, if you haven't fucking forgotten, we have to protect ourselves too. That means the Pacific Ocean.

Christ, why are Germans so self-centered? Why do you join defense pacts and then proceed to leech?

>but we didn't know that collective defense meant a collective budget
I swear, you are worse than Greece with money. At least they pay in.

They have until 2024 to reach 2%, you knuckle dragging mong.

>NATO contains Russia, you uneducated hohol.

that's bullshit and you know it

Any military alteration with russia would end in nuclear annihilation. Thus radar systems, anti ballistic defenses and better delivery systems are needed.

The tanks, planes and god damn 11 fucking carriers are not going to be used in an alteration with russia. As before they are deployed the world would glow green.

So no, USA do not have to spend that amount of money to protect us from russia- a country with the GPD comparable to Italy.

You are using the russia boggy man to scare us of in paying you protection money.

That's all that is, a mafia scheme for extortion.

>we'll laugh as you have to cut social programs and services in order to make up for it.
What are you? Poor?
Last year the state (((earned)))€ more than it needed.

But America alone has a higher military budget than Russia
and NATO without America has a higher military budget than NATO aswell.
I am sorry friend, I just cant see how an even higher spending would be justified

i-is it time for reich?

>Königgrätzer Marsch
>diese Flagge

>it's more in line to what Russia spends

Good try but you're not quite there.

a.) NATO has expanded since 1988 (the start point on the graph)

Poland, Hungary, Czechia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia. It's also recognized Bosnia, Georgia, Macedonia, and Montenegro. Out of all of these new countries, only two pay their dues, Poland and Estonia.

The rest, effectively, are more territory that we have to protect, with less money.

b.) Your graph shows a clear correlation with Britain, France, Germany, and Italy spending less money, 4% to 2.5% (still fine, above 2%), 3.6% to 2.3%, 2.9% to 1.4%, and 2.3% to 1.7%. Combined with more countries applying to NATO, this is a deadly budget cocktail of the "old guard" failing their obligations and the "new guard" (countries that have joined since 1988) thinking that they can be leeches like most of the old guard.

I'm not asking Britain to ramp up its contributions. They're already above 2%, which is the agreed contribution. Every country that is below 2% is currently a leech and needs to increase.

>You didn't pay a dime for NATO in Iraq and Vietnam, you dumb nigger. The 3.7% we spend does not include those failed wars.

1. Vietnam was not a war in the 20 year time period I addressed.

2. no one is forcing you externally to spend 3.7 of your GDP on that, as we are saying from the start, internally your politicians, military industrial complex and wall street speculatnts are actually forcing you to do so and because you can't say no to them, you are shouting at us for not gutting our own frail economies to emulate your aggressor mentality

>I am sorry friend, I just cant see how an even higher spending would be justified

I haven't argued for overall spending to increase.

In fact I explicitly said here if other countries met their own 2% target, the USA could ramp down its spending from 3.7% to 2% matched, and then we can actually spend our own tax dollars on our own citizens.

>make fun of Americans for not having universal healthcare
>make fun of Americans for not having free university tuition
>make fun of Americans for not having vacation time

>literally confused why this is the case, while we subsidize your defense against Russia
Americans should be absolutely livid at how non-Brit/Estonian/Greek/Poland Europeans have treated us. Absolutely fucking livid.

>That's all that is, a mafia scheme for extortion.

A Bulgarian doesn't understand what a defense pact with a collective budget is?

Then don't join it, you dumb nigger. Christ. This isn't rocket science.

>defense pact
>mafia extortion
The dumb shit I read on Sup Forums, embarrassing

I addressed this russia fear mongering here

>2. no one is forcing you externally to spend 3.7 of your GDP on that,

We are bound to protect your country under Article 5 of NATO.

So yes, you are forcing us to overspend because you underspend.

>voluntarily join a defense pact against Russia
>whine when you have to pay money into the defense pact

Then leave. You can't wiggle out of your obligations by saying "waahhhh Russian fearmongering, mommy, hold me!"

I am deeply moved that our security is more important to you than the welfare of your own citizens.
But please believe me, we will manage somehow. So go ahead and cut your military spending to 2% and invest the free money into healthcare, education system and more vacation time. American workers deserve that

The agreed upon contribution was bollocks in the first place after the fall of USSR. There is NO political entity today that threatens militarily NATO countries. So, the 2% mentioned is aimed at us emulating you, while not having the economy to do so, because YOU guys do not want to scale back. As your own internal lobbies are holding you by the balls and make you waste enormous amounts of money on fucking military frivolities that are not going to be really used in actual war with either china or russia because MAD.

you aint protecting shit though

the only reason you accepted us was to bomb serbs from our airports

so suck my big hungarian dick you stupid fatso

Because the initial percentage was set with cold war mentality in mind. It is no longer needed, so instead of scaling down, you beat the drums to scale up, something that can only benefit you guys and your bigger dick foreign policy. It makes no difference if sadam or gaddafi trade their oil in dollars or euroes, but it dose for you. So you go to wars with them, protecting your economic interests, we get nothing in following you there.

>the only reason you accepted us

Key word "accept." You applied. We didn't annex you like the Soviets did.

Why did you apply?

When we get to the heart of that question, we'll continue talking.

>Because the initial percentage was set with cold war mentality in mind. It is no longer needed, so instead of scaling down, you beat the drums to scale up,

Have you read a single fucking post I've written?

I've outright said that the USA should scale down from 3.7% to 2.0%. This will be offset by Europeans not being freeloaders and actually paying their 2% dues. I give credit to the UK, Greece, Poland, and Estonia: they are doing what they promised to the defense alliance.

That is not "scaling up," that is doing what you promised when you joined the treaty.

If you do not want to pay, leave the treaty. Seriously. No one is stopping you. This isn't Soviet Russia. But you might find yourself part of Russia in 2020.

I'd be ok with basically doing away with NATO and having a common, well-funded EU army

I think it'd benefit Europe at least

because serbs were shelling us?
hello, it was war in the neighbourhood and we didnt want any?

>When we get to the heart of that question, we'll continue talking.

In the aftermath of the cold war may eastern european countries were unsure of their future as the world policy and relations were in flux. So we opted in joining NATO to gain a form of stability in the uncertain world. As of now the world is stable and none-threatening. With it we can't really understand as to why the spending must be that high. That is a question you are not answering. It is just assumed we should because you say so. So, 1 to 1.5 percent is a normal sum to pay for defense but that's not enough not because it will not cover it. It will not cover the constant offensive wars you are fighting under the mask of pre-emptive strikes and other bollocks like that.

Congrats, you answered step 1 of the question.
Now onto step 2: why do you think you are entitled to our services without contributing to the NATO budget?

Seriously now. You have 3 options now that the Warsaw Pact is dead, NATO, an EU army, or your own separate national army. You're not required to join NATO.

The only thing required to do while in NATO is to pay into the budget, which is how we pay for all of those neat little toys that protect you from Serbian shelling.

I don't care if you have the most pathetic GDP in the world, 10 million dollars or 10 trillion dollars, so long as you pay proportionally to the budget like everyone else.

I am completely fine with this because it takes burden off us.

>As of now the world is stable and none-threatening. With it we can't really understand as to why the spending must be that high. That is a question you are not answering

So leave the treaty? You haven't addressed this.

If you think the world, which has seen Russia annex chunks of Ukraine and attack Georgia in the past decade, is not dangerous, fine.

Go it alone. I'm legitimately saying this, not sarcasm. You are one less country to defend.

To say "wow paying for this defense pact is dumb" and staying in it, is however, hypocritical. If you don't want to pay for it, leave it.

I'll turn this around on you since you're the one crying about spending - disband NATO. Nobody would give a fuck

you arent giving anything though, you actually use our airports for transportations for free

you should be paying us desu

Nato is a joke.

>nobody would give a fuck
yeah maybe not edgy teens on the internet, no

Brits least of all. You're the 51st state in all but name, you don't need NATO at all

This is why Estonia are good lads and worth protecting and fighting alongside.

>Estonia placed above the UK

this triggers my autism

>I'm not asking Britain to ramp up its contributions. They're already above 2%, which is the agreed contribution.

We need to up our spending. The cutbacks in the Royal navy in particular is shocking. Despite them currently building two new aircraft carriers, new attack submarines and supply tankers, we need many more bread and butter ships like frigates. The 13 Type 23's are coming to the end of their life and they're being replaced with 8 new Type 26 frigates, along with an unknown number of new Type 31. We need much more than that.

We need to pay the EU, which is more expensive.

The US will pay for our defense and there is nothing your big orange baby can do about that. His (((masters))) won't allow him to pull out of NATO.

>using coincidence quotes
>when Israel isn't even a member of NATO

I wonder how many IQ points someone loses per day of viewing Sup Forums. Is it more, or less, than huffing paint fumes?

pay denbts


>tfw our commie national socialist government aims for 4% of GDP
russia we war u

We do. In the press conference when our prime minister was asked by german press whether if it would worried us if germany boosted their defense spending he started laughing and said no. I too agree with him, boost your defense spending

>thinking this has anything to do with matter

Germany is only 1 of 23 countries that underfunds NATO. However you're probably the most important, besides France.

(((They))) control Europe through NATO.
Just look at what happened when France said "Fuck off" and threw you guys out of the country.

>allowing Der Ewige Kraut to build army again
Oh boy sure it worked the last time didn't it.

German armed forces should be limited to gendarmerie tasks, anti terrorism and border/coast Guard to keep the civilians in check.

Replacing German soldiers with foreign NATO brigades in German army bases sounds like a much saner idea.

Ramps will continue to make Britain great.

Will Poland guarantee the security of Germany then?
Would Polish soldiers be ready to die for Germans?

We have a saying in Lithuania
If you want peace, be ready for way

You are absolutely wrong about that. NATO isn't a charity. The US pays all that money in to it on the basis that we're getting some benefit out of it, which at the moment is almost nothing.

A lot of the countries in NATO have long been abusing US military protection by not paying for it, nor really adhering to us politically, which begs the question, what are we getting out of it anymore?

France has the highest population of jews in europe, about a half million.

>according to this chart we are basically less of an ally than Turkey
>tfw you realize germoney will probably not pay the debts because muh economy

Thank you Merkel.

You dont pay money for NATO, you pay money for your own military. You would keep that military, even if NATO would disband.
The only difference would be that you couldn't use European military bases for your military operations anymore

if this burger user is average american voter than we really need european army asap, thang god UK is out...they will block it

>than we really need european army asap,

Implying that you'd even pay into an European army, freeloader.

Instead of having this discussion now about why you're leeching, you'll just be giving Brussels the same excuses.

Tragedy of the fucking commons. To a T.

>being this new

No, that's the whole shtick.

we are in in NATO since 1999

since than we still have troops in fucking afghanistan

what benefit is USA in NATO for us? two pointless wars

no bully hungaria leaf

Yeah because that isn't going to push moderates to the right


Are we talking Germans or "New Germans"

why you care? only scotland is welcome in european army

NuGermans mot probably

Not sure France would be too happy about a European army. They'd probably prefer to deepen ties with the UK. Even Germany will be signing a new defence pact with Britain after Article 50 is triggered.

The UK will continue to work with other European countries militarily.

Then hopefully no.

>mfw european nationalist but Merkel is destroying your dream state

Greece is better off financially than Scotland...

I know you guys just see this whole situation with Trump, NATO, and Germany as flippant nonsense, but this has been building from well before Trump, and you should take it seriously.

Did you ever wonder why Obama tapped Merkel's phone? The US has clearly been skeptical of Germany's motives for a while now. The EU has NEVER been in the interests of the US. Obama pretty obviously intentionally provoked Britain to vote leave by going to their country and lecturing them to stay since he knew it'd have an adverse reaction.

The EU is basically Germany's little pet project to politically centralize power in Europe, and meanwhile you're putting in paltry funding to NATO despite being the single largest economy in Europe.

Don't think Trump is joking when he says he wants to renegotiate NATO.

Why should any country pay for NATO, a totally useless organization?