I've never been to the USA and for reasons, I try to figure out how people dwell there...

I've never been to the USA and for reasons, I try to figure out how people dwell there. When I look at US cities with populations of between 10,000 and 100,000, I almost always see only rather small, low single-family homes including small property.

How do poor people afford to live there? Are there no apartment buildings except in major cities like NYC?

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Even the smallest towns will have a few apartment buildings. Meanwhile, outside the biggest cities, property values are often low enough that the basic steadily-working class can often afford to buy a modest house. Generally speaking, except for some very badly off rural areas, America's unemployed poor tend to live in big cities, since that's where the government-underwritten apartments are.

Where are you from user?

You'd do me a great favor if you'd give some samples of such apartment buildings outside big cities.

For instance, I tried to look up Woodburn, OR.

I'm from germany

small apartments in rural areas are c heap af.

Don't come to my country Nazi.

American cities are much less dense than Euro cities because A) Americans generally have higher incomes B) Americans have much more open space and C) The cost of living (and especially housing) is much lower.

Housing in most of the US costs a small fraction of what it does in most of Europe, so people tend to have much larger homes. We also have an "ownership culture" where it is looked down on if you rent.

Dude just go to zillow.com or apartments.com if you want to know what kinds of apartments or houses are on the market and go fucking nuts with whatever you are trying to do.

Dont be fucking retarded thinking anyone here will give you a remotely informed answer.

I don't intend to. If I did, I wouldn't have to ask stupid questions about apartments, shithead.

Define rural for me and my European standards. What population size do we talk about?

>ownership culture
It is not looked down on dumbass. The educated know it's a retarded choice to rent when you can be financed to own.

I don't want to know about the apartments themselves. I want to know where they are located and how the wealthy public perceives those who live there.

Thanks though, I'll have a look at it

>It is not looked down on

It most definitely is. In America, rental is seen as something that the lower class does.

Because the renters are not educated.

>Tying up all your monies into a house


OP here

What about educated people who can't land a job or are unable to work?

Last I checked, I made more than $3500. 1/3 of my salary towards a nice house for 20 years isn't a bad bid.

I agree. America alone is too diverse to ask Sup Forums. Were all generally retards anyway

>The cost of living (and especially housing) is much lower.


Renting in NYC or LA is much more expensive than even in the most expensive euro cities.

I rent a centrally located decent studio apartment in a 300k city in Germany for 350 bucks.

In the US I'd probably pay at least 800 even in a small town.

>We also have an "ownership culture" where it is looked down on if you rent.

It's just a no brainer for most if you pay about half of the rental cost in a mortgage.

Not too educated if you chose a dying field tbh. Job growth is growing though.

Education is not tied to job choice, is it?

Actually it is. You can choose believe that it is not though.

No, it's not. Job choice might be tied to prudence or maybe, just maybe, even intelligence. But not to education.

>How do poor people afford to live there?

What you don't understand user, is that the salaries in the US are much higher and jobs are much easier to get.

Germany is so over regulated that salaries are much lower, taxes a lot higher and jobs more scarce.

Germany is essentially communism light and nobody really owns anything.

>Renting in NYC or LA is much more expensive than even in the most expensive euro cities.

No, it isn't. London and several others are even more expensive. Also, NY and LA are only a small part of the US, on average, rents are much, much lower in the US, as is the cost of living.

I do get that. Yet there got to be some lazy, disabled, or just unlucky fellas who are not getting their share. And I wonder where they live. Some guy above pointed out that lots of those people get gov. backed apartments in major cities, but what about the rest?

Also, what about people who don't want to settle down? Or elderly persons, who can't afford (or want to) to maintain their house anymore?

They rent. There's plenty of rentals available. It is just seen as a lower class thing to do.

I live in a town with 30,000 population. Average house here cost around $70,000 which is works out around $400/month.

We have a lot of apartments too for people who can't get loans. Average two-bedroom apartment here is $550/month.

It's literally cheaper to have a single family home with an acre of land than it is to live in an apartment.

Pic related, local home for sale asking $75,000

In this day of age, your statement is very wrong. I was a supervisor for my first job and there's this 28 yo man(7 years older than me) who was under me at the time telling me how he doesn't believe in college but rather self-education. Although his theory could be right, you can't blatantly disregard his position in that workplace. I think he was a weebo but that's irrelevant.

The poorest of the poor (mainly niggers) get section 8 housing.

The poorest whites live in trailer parks (not a real housing structure so lower rents).

In big cities broke millenials just share housing and rent rooms.

There are apartments in the downtown areas of cities.

Some tiny ass town next to Portland obviously doesn't have apartment buildings.

That doesn't prove anything. You just picked an example that fits your opinion. More or less, that is. For instance, I don't know shit about why he chose this position.

Fact is, education does not correlate with life choices. I would consider myself more educated than the average man my age in germany (which, obviously, is subjective), and yet I'm a lazy fuck who doesn't want to spend his life working.

i will comit a suicide

A thoroughly expressive answer, after all.

How many parties do on average fit into such downtown apartment buildings?