So what really happened between Mike & Bootsy? Why part ways?

So what really happened between Mike & Bootsy? Why part ways?

I don't know, but I hate Ryan, fuck that guy.


also agreed. fat goofball, rarely says anything worth hearing

was kind of looking forward to the 'bootsy beats' series...

i feel like cinemassacre is falling apart, it has been slowly for a while, but its happening faster than ever now

like i met mike at pax east this weekend and he's just sitting there miserable selling avgn dvd's. idk shit seems bad

It's because bootsy was posting political shit on Twitter and than Mike opted to tell James and crew to get bootsy off the show so as not to loose views or get unwarranted hate because Mike doesn't want anything but to do his shitty vids and never work again


Is there some internal conflict or something?

seems like James is kinda past the video games thing in general, more interested in movies. mike is the one that still does video game stuff, and now that lardball ryan is starting to be a normal 'cast' member, i dunno im not feeling that at all

He was jelly because Mike's dick is bigger than his


i loved bootsy's posts on twitter though lol, he's the only one that actually seems normal and isnt all about marketing shit videos

Yeah, Bootsy was removed from the site quietly, and then they went out of there way to avoid talking about it. On Bootsy Twitter, you can tell that he didn't expect to be let go. Because be tweeted about finishing up his next project, and then says he's unsure what is going on.

This was a while back though. Never had an idea what happened. Bootsy was way better then Ryan.

I just assumed he moved away. Unless they all live in Philadelphia

they dont even stream on twitch or anything, not for nothing at PAX the twitch people were a huge deal and everyone was lined up to meet streamers, and mike was at a table like way far in pax and was like all alone lol

Nobody on this planet is as big of a faggot as Mike Matei



Bootsy was assassinated by the CIA after he made a twitter post about John Podesta molesring a family friend. They hacked his car and drove him off a cliff.

The rest of the crew are all too frightened to say anything.

It definitely wasn't that. Some folks made a thread on Reddit, and they would get removed. Fans had noticed that Bootsy was taken off from all of the site and then started asking about whether he was gone from the company. And they kept removing threads.

Also if you read Bootsy Twitter, while it was vague, you could tell he was mad. What is crazy is that I think Bootsy and Mike were childhood friends. Like Bootsy knew Mike long before Mike knew James. So if they were that close of friends, kind of nuts to drop him like that.

yeah him and mike were in the same middle school together. Bootsy seems like the only stand up guy there (james too) and bootsy makes great music too, mike and ryan just seem like your average pricks making money off youtube

Wow, that's actually really fucking lame. Too bad

btw that avgn with Keith Apicary christmas special was the worst thing i've ever watched on youtube, i fucking hate the new cinemassacre

Yeah Mike always rubbed me the wrong way. He comes off fake. Something else I noticed years ago, is that whenever James and Mike were on camera together, Mike would lose patience and act all frustrated at everything James did. The dynamic/chemistry was so weird.

Especially when you consider Mike isn't that way with Ryan. Like go watch James and Mike Monday's, and you will see what i mean. Mike gets all testy. But when he's with Ryan, he lets that fool go on and on and never gets irritated.

I never got all the jokes about Mike having a huge dick. But it always made me think James was a cuck, because of how Mike would get testy with him. And it's like, James owns the site. He should be the boss. And yet Mike seems to be walking all over him.

But yeah, I really don't like Ryan. He's really annoying. Also he shows up half of the time baked out of his mind, and looks like a greasy slob. No one wants to hear him go off with his stupid observations/attempt at humor. Bootsy at least had knowledge of classic games, and was actually good at playing them. He offered good insight.

Ryan needs to have a wash. He looks like he hasn't had a bath since 1997.


Yeah. My brothers got me into AVGN when I was a young femanon. So I have a soft spot for James. But cinemassacre has IMO gone downhill over the years. James seems to not care about the AVGN characters. Mike has way too much of a presence (his content isn't that good IMO).

Just feels like James is burnt out. I stuck around because I really enjoyed Monster Madness and his film commentary videos. But once they shifted things more towards James and Mike, and more so Mike, the quality started to go down. And it got even worse when Ryan came on. Bootsy was the only thing that made Mikes stuff okay.

All we can do is speculate. But considering Bootsy wasn't allowed to finish his projects, and that he seemed blindsided by being let go, it seems like a really shitty thing to do that to your long time friend. To do that to all the fans, and not even let them know they were letting go a longtime member of the company. But whatver.

>no one is posting pic's of Mike's hot gf
wtf Sup Forums

now that you point it out I just realize you are right about that dynamic/chemistry shit.

I noticed it started like a couple years ago. But it still hasn't really changed. It's so weird to see Mike being all testy towards James, when everyone goes to the site for James. And I don't get why James takes it, he owns the site.

There are some videos where I had to just stop watching, because the chemistry and flow between them was so stilted and awkward. It always surprised me that more fans didn't pick up on this and point it out. But anytime
I've brought it up, people go "you are right, damn".

Maybe it's cuz I'm a stupid femanon, and we are more emotional. Pick up on stupid shit like that. But the chemistry between them is so bizarre. Especially since he has endless patience for Ryan. And that dude can some stupid shit.

It might be because he got used to directing James when they were filming AVGN. Since Mike did the camera work he got used to telling James what to do to get the shot right and now its stuck in his mind that he's supposed to be directing James.

what kind of political stuff. is he a shitlord now like jontron?
remember james making the video about not reviewing the new ghostbusters. people where pissed about that too.

Completely agree.



so much for bootsy beats lmao hes like fuck that shit i did battletoads

>10 inches
hard to believe but he's actually soft in that pic

I'd like to see more Kyle/Kevin with James a lot more. Ryan I couldn't give a shit about, hes better off just working on the technical shit on the website like he has been. Fucking sick the mike the lets player sponsorship matei, his drawing skills have sunken too. I don't even watch the James & Mike Monday videos anymore. I'd just rather wait for another AVGN/Board James/ or anything that just has james in it without mike. I used to give mike a pass but he's just pissing me off now, it's like he doesnt even fucking care so he just laughs it off and continues to jerk off to NES games

well shit they removed bootsy beats on the website...only to replace it mike the coward matei's full playthroughs

he's actually still doing that. next ep will be on his own channel.

Why did they part from Bootsy? I can't find anything on the web.

He claimed that Michelle Obama was a transexual.

how are we supposed to believe that's his? Sounds like bullshit to me.

Bootsy never really added anything anyway, same as Mike. Bootsy was only ever the go-to guy to complete a hard game, or to the play the fuckwit in Board James.

Mike isn't unlikeable, he's just not particularly likeable, it just seems he's there for to create artwork for James and stream games under the AVGN name.

James' AVGN skits have been really lacklustre for perhaps the last 2 years now, Big Rigs was the last decent one imo. Prolly just focusing on being the next Spielberg now instead of what made people like him in the first place.

I still like Jame's filmmaking stuff, watching Cinemassacre 200 or Rolfe a no budget dream (which bootsy did) still hits me.

Come on this isn't legit. Pull out a ruler or tape measurer and just look at it, the biggest mutant cock is 7,5" in reality