Weird images thread #2

Weird images thread #2

last thread image limit











not weird

saves the day if you have some crazy shit on your eyes. I've used one and thank god it was there.

why she has glass

Plastic can be melted through



>nice thumbnail



I can smell this picture..




bit odd







i like how she never even flinched.










Or else it gets the hose again.




That moment when hair doesn't even respect gravity anymore

neat, whats the story?








>that fucking image


poor shieldhamster

What hose? They don't have water in Africa





Is this real?



>wake up
>need poo
>have to catch train
>leave house without pooing
(Pic related)
>how I feel on the train right now

what's weird about sausage making?

In the Digital World, Digimon make sausage out of you!



them titties though




wtf am i looking at?








border crosser
great now i have to go in a drug-smuggling-fake-vehicles wormhole.

oh shit I love these threads. Dumping.



Not so weird. How do you think Orange man gets his makeup done every day?





love these breads!

last one

It appears the First Lady has plastic tits!!!
Fucking pinch me!

My nigger!


This would make a nice album cover.


Brother is that you?


Woaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh People grinding their own meat at home.....

fucking weeeeeeeeeeeeeird.