Tfw listen to an album then find out Fantano hasn't reviewed it

>tfw listen to an album then find out Fantano hasn't reviewed it

Other urls found in this thread:

Anthony here, tell me what album and I'll review it for you

are we not men
We are DEVO

light to decent 4



Feist - Let It Die


light to decent 8
I have no idea what you're referring to

fucking pleb.

strong 6

>favourite album is relatively unknown
>no Fantano review
>no P4K review
>no Scruffy review
>band's only album
>17 ratings on RYM

feels good man

how about this one

name one album where this happens

Strong 9 to a 10

Granted that he puts the vinyl in the background of his reviews I would bet he thinks very highly of this album

He's talking about pick related

How do you rate this ''Fantanto''

cant expect more. Its just perfection

light to decent 8

i can't say, i'm too afraid that it'll become a meme or something

My favorite mostly unknown album was already a meme but it blew over it's ok you can tell us Sup Forums forgets eventually

Isn't that a Christian shoegaze album?

>tfw listen to album never reviewed by anybody
>tfw it's great
>tfw never review it yourself
>tfw never mention it to anyone

the greatest feel
me and my secret album

>someone else finds it
>someone else reviews it
>someone else talks about it

fucking slut album
get away from my ears

It's definitely more post-rock with shoegaze tones and textures, and there are heavy Christian themes throughout it but it isn't corny or pushy. It's really a comcept album set in a post-apocalyptic Texas and the gospel story is playing out alongside the album's narrative. It's really good and I recommend checking out the remixed version that came out this year.


i'd just make my own opinions up

light to decent 9


Why are some of u guys glad to know what you like isn't popular

XTC- English Settlement

strong 7 to light 8

>listen to album
>watch fantano review
>pleasantly surprised I agree with him on all aspects of the album
>start to doubt myself and think I might be droning him
>delete album and never listen to it again


>favorite album has less than 15 purchases on bandcamp
>only music that band ever released
>no reviews

Its an abstract feel

He gave Sweet Heart Sweet Light an 8 too