
> vosotros

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Mi libro luna de pluton

como en la biblia ajaksjaksgajhasa

I'm learning Spanish (cos I'm bored). This is used only to mates and children, right?

what the fuck

it's the informal plural of "you", but it's only used in Spain, everywhere else it's "ustedes"

in Spain "ustedes" is the formal version and it's not even used that much anyways, there's no informal plural for "you" in latin america..

Usted is some retarded shit, especially using third person verbs.

'Tu' and 'vosotros' are better.

It's only used by retards and homosexuals

>retarded shit
no m8, languages work differently, that's all.

I'd study the pronouns if I were you though, I think you're confusing the singular and the plural, and unlike English, in our language they're very different.

wat dd e mn by ts

spanish is such a shit language


Lmao this. Only third worlders speak it

>that flag
>that comment


I know that 'usted' stands for 'your honour', used to address a second person using a third person circumlocution; but using third person singular verbs with 'usted', and plural with 'ustedes', is silly.



>passé simple


I'm learning it only as a time-waster. It has fallen so far from the perfection that is Latin that it makes me retch.

> Passé compose.

if you had to talk to monarchy you would say "is your majesty happy?" or his/her majesty, or highness whatever, you get the point, that's a 3rd person, it's more """respectful""", hence that's how it works in our language.
except we made it a pronoun.

I wouldn't say it's silly, it's just how our language works, not every language works the same way m8.

Spanish is not as clean and exception free as English m80. And you also have to take into account that slang, and even verbs change quite a bit depending on where you are

Do Frenchies even know that shit anymore? Pic rel how i felt learning it

Latin Americans dropped the non respectful form because they had to know their place. Spaniards were literally gods.


>talking like a cuck using the formal form to everyone

¿No debería estar laborando Gustavo? El patrón se va a enojar.




¿No debería estar laborando Mano...
Ah, cierto que allá no hay trabajo.. Bueno, toca siesta entonces.

Sigue con tu mentalidad de esclavo, Ernesto, quizá en unos siglos se os pase el complejo de inferioridad.

Si vuestros gobernantes no os convierten en un estado fallido al estilo africano antes, claro.

>tomar el trabajo honrado como esclavismo
Bueo, así no me sorprende que concideren como trabajo eso de subir videos a youtube.

Lo de mentalidad de esclavo es por lo de estar obsesionados en compararos con nosotros en todo e intentando autoconvenceros de que sois mejor en algo que la antigua metropoli.

Es culpa mía por usar expresiones complejas, lo siento.

¿Compararnos con ustedes? Pero si ustedes son los sudacas de europa, cualquier comparación es redundante.

>Spaniards were literally gods.

There are more people in Mexico who natively speak Spanish than there are in Spain, so technically, it is our language now. Hell, there are more Spanish speakers in the USA than there are in Spain.

What reception do Spaniards get in South America?

Do people think you sound weird? Do they know you're Spanish by your accent or do only the informed ones know? (if I went to America very few people would know I'm English)

they fucking hate them. everybody hates spaniards

based anglos and germanics on the other hand they love


Random question: are the fact that Argentinians use Vós and Brazilians use Você related?

PS: El voseo y el ustedeo informal son pura mierda

not even in some parts of spain, like andalucia, they use "vosotros". i learned that shit in school and immediately abandoned it when practicing spanish in real life. "ustedes" is the way to go.

likewise, your "vos" is utterly retarded. why do you do that shit?

>Pretérito anterior
What were you guys thinking when you came up with that shit

Volveremos a ser un imperio, sudacas de mierda. Algún día vuestros nietos besarán los pies de su cesárea majestad el rey de España otra vez, y volverá la gloria allende los mares por la gloria de Dios y de España victoriosa de todos sus enemigos sin pactos ni mediaciones.

We use vos because we were not an important part of the Spanish colonial empire like Mexico or Peru that had silver mines and viceroyalties with courts (we finally got one buy only like 40 years before independence)
so, we were less connected with Spain and we kept talking with the pronoums that were used in the 1500s.
The portuguese part may be true but it is impossible to prove. Buenos Aires was a smuggling center for illegal trade with Bolivia and Peru, and it had many portuguese merchants. That is why the Portuguese founded Colonia in front of Buenos Aires.




por que esto se ha llenado de guiris me cago en la puta Merche



y tu que sabras guiri de mierda

>guiri de mierda

>guiri de mierda


Fuera de aquí, tudesco apestoso.

wow, those French people sure look happy

>Fuera de aquí
no me hables asi, idiota

ay che, ya sabias que tu bandera aparece español?

metete el Brühwurst refugee por tu culo

De qué coño hablas, calcetín con chancla.

No me repliques, yo a ti sí pero tú a mí no.

no nos a replicar incluso otra vez otra vez, tu mono de la nieve


vete a enganchar la sangre menstrual de tu puta madre, tonto de mierda


Andalucía is the best part of Spain


He aceptado que mantener conversaciones decentes con hablantes de castellano de otras regiones es imposible.
Aceptadlo vosotros también.

based El PeruANO

It is not

T. Andalusian

seriously, why not? i heard it is a comfy region with some deserts.

Why? I always was curious about this part of Spain, looks super comfy.

They have some serious trouble with plurals.
Don't ask.


If Andalusia was an independent nation, Moldavia would be richer than Andalusia

>some deserts

Not Andalusian but there are no deserts in Andalusia, only a semiarid zone.

Jaen a qt

SI, pero arruinado por los guiris , TONELADAS DE GUIRIS.

oh snap. almost forgot about employment over there. isn't tourism a biggie? i always thought you're almost overrun by tourists.

can you recommend me a city which i should visit in Andalucía?

looks really comfy. but aren't there deserts in the south?


Estupidos guiris.
Y que exactamente hacen estos engendros?


Qué harto me tienen los hijos de puta, todos los putos veranos infestando el suelo patrio con sus chanclas mugrientas y sus espaldas quemadas por el astro sol y la vergüenza.

>can you recommend me a city which i should visit in Andalucía?
we hate you , especially Nigels and Hans, seriously dont come here.

Our economy is shit. Our nationalism is a shit and is A LEFT WING NATIONALISM (Andalusian """"logic"""") . We have one of the highest unemployment rates in Europe. Weather is a total shit. Being andalusian is a hell cause you know people will treat as a little piece of shit whenever You are.

Y su dinero

>Estupidos guiris.
>Y que exactamente hacen estos engendros?
beber, ensuciar las calles, vomitar, decir OLE! FIESTA! y 4 palabras mas en Español , es como un bucle.

i'm neither Nigel nor Hans, i'm of balkan origin.

gracias hermanito. hay hoteles buenos por allá?

>can you recommend me a city which i should visit in Andalucía?
Sevilla and Málaga. Málaga is the second oldest city in Iberia by the way.
>but aren't there deserts in the south?
We have one. The desert of "tabernas". It is located in Almería but it is a very small desert.

No con ese acento no :^)
I guess. Never been there myself, I just know it's nice.

Tabernas Desert, but technically it is not totally a desert, but a semi-arid zone. Almost all Spaghetti Western were filmed there.

gallegos OUT of my thread

por que venis aqui? IROS A OTRO PUTO LUGAR!!!!

There, there.
Being Andalusian is okay.

Aah, ya veo. Es como cuando vienen los turis a Cusco y preguntan porque hay una bandera gay en la plaza o cuando preguntan si somos tan pobres porque tenemos una estatua de oro de Pachacutec. Yo les encuentro graciosos.

Ti es un maleducado de carallo


pues bueno

i heard sevilla and malaga are big cities, is there a lot to explore? i'm interested in culture and sightseeing. old buildings are absolutely interesting and i wish to see some.
how is nightlife there? is it better than in barcelona (doesn't count for spain for some people)?

chove miudiño


Leva sen chover 1 mes enteiro.
Vou morrer da sede.

aquí platicamos español. no slang por favor.


Both are big cities. It is funny cause We hate each other ( I mean people from Sevilla hate people from Málaga and vice versa). There are a lot of places to explore in both cities. Pic related is a town in Málaga.

most of Latin America used Vos before the 1900, and even nowadays much of it still uses it.
In many countries there were State campaigns to make people speak with Tú instead of Vos.

Vos is spreading because by chance the less shithole regions ended up using it, I am sure Bolivia will only use vos in 50 years because the wealthiest growing east only uses Vos, and due to Argentine influence (they have a huge diaspora here).
Something similar could happen in Central America with Costa Rica.


Sí hombre, y nos comemos unos frijoles ya que estamos.

Looks good.
Este sitio lo tiene todo.


Polenta con caca.