Is it wrong that I want my son to fuck my tight little pussy?

Is it wrong that I want my son to fuck my tight little pussy?

Other urls found in this thread:

How old are you?

>tight little pussy

you can have one or the other

to some people yeah

>virgin detected

>green fag

lol you must get so much pussy to know that one

Past age.

>virgins talking shit about other virgins


You really that virgin huh?



That's pretty poetic user

A babies head is a lit bigger than you dick user, no matter what you tell little girls in the internet.

How old are you? I can't answer your question otherwise.

Op Offer too fuck your son

maybe she had a c-section

show us your pussy with timestamp

timestamp + titts

Both of you will regret it if you don't at least offer. I wish my mother did with me.

op is a fag

Full on kek sir. Only cucks are saying otherwise.

Who is this girl? I keep seeing her photo on tinder

Nah I just prefer loose mommy-holes.

You're an idiot.

That is disgusting.

Sorry they took your foreskin when you were a child and cannot enjoy the more complex sensation of a looser vagina.
Like a child raised on nothing but fast food, you can now only enjoy pizza and chicken nuggets, no vegetables.



so btfo he deleted his own post gd

If you look like that absolutely nothing