ITT: Shit that happens during work

ITT: Shit that happens during work

I had one of the best weekend shifts ever

>be me, Saturday
>not too long ago, like two weeks
>working at local game store
>this kid walks in and tries to buy CoD4 Remastered
>hey kid, I need your ID if you wanna buy that
> "stfu user I can buy this I have prestige 6 on Cawwaduty"
>the mom walks in
>ma'am, are you aware your child is trying to buy a Call of Duty game?
> "why isn't he allowed"
>I explain to clueless shit mom that the game contains blood and gore and is rated M for a reason
> "well he can behave, he's an angel at home"
>kid is turning red of anger
>I still recommended them something without a violent community
>I ask them why they don't buy Duke Nukem Forever
> "this looks good, right sweetie?"
>I tell clueless shit mom that it's one of the best games we got on the used-shelf
> "we really don't know why people would bring it back, it's really good"
>kid loses his shit and starts crying
>I try to hold in my laugh
>kid breaks all the keyhangers on the shelf
>mom still bought him Duke Nukem for around 30 bucks
>manager saw the whole thing
> "user, you actually successfully sold that shitty game"
>never heard from the kid again
>mfw I sold one of the worst games in existence
>I got promoted for selling a game we haven't gotten rid of in 1 and half years

My manager is a faggot


but why didn't you bang his mom user, you're right your manager is a faggot

The woman looked like a 50 year old gargoyle.

Lmao, have anymore?

Sure, but gotta write cuz it happened this weekend

Stole 75 percent of this from an old Sup Forums story

I actually kinda liked that game, but I'm a duke nukem fan boy who took it for what it was....a shitty time passer that can be fun in the right mood.
That being said...I ain't paying no $30 for it lmao

OP here, reuploading story cuz
1) I miss how stories were actually being told
2) I'm the original writer of this story

Here's more

>this actually happened last weekend
>last Saturday
>kid returns
>my manager and I look up
>he was with his mother again
> "hey uhm.. I was wondering if you could help us.."
>well it's my job to help
> "Jason's X- ehh- box is acting weird, but he just loves his games"
>she tells about the malfunctioning xbox and says she needs a cool game for the wii
>kid already left shop, sitting on the seat outside
>I go to the back, grab a box with 'Wii' written with a sharpie
>I see the jewel
>this will do
>I hold a copy of SEGA Bass Fishing in my hands
>fuck yes
>I also grab Sonic Unleashed for the fucking lulz
>put games on the counter
>the games are really cool, kids loved them back when wii was popular blah blah blah
>mom says ok, but is going to confirm with her son
>tell her it's games about a blue guy beating monsters and fishing for catches
>if plan goes right, kid will think it's some kind of Tekken hybrid or Monster Hunter
>yes, perfect

>mom returns
>says the kid is excited, but is not allowed to enter the store because of havoc.png
>wants to see covers
>she asks if she can take the boxes outside
>tell her cuz of regulations and the alarm at the door she can't take boxes out
>kid is like thirty feet away from the store
>fuck it
>she buys the games for 20 bucks each
>leaves store in hurry because we were closing

>wait ten minutes
>hear screech
>the screech is so full of agony that you can hear it from our back room
>they knock on our window, but we're closed
>reminder: it's Saturday, so we're closed for two days straight
>I never laughed so hard in my entire life

Happened legit last weekend


>game store

Noone's going to believe that, kid.

Better luck next time.

Never heard form kid agian in end of last post now hes back just 1 week later?
Something about your story sound Fishy!


The first story OP posted took place a long time ago.

You wrote the original that has circulated on here for years and are now uploading it with a small change to the ending? Sure thing bub.

And also

>>never hear from kid again

>>same kid comes in next week.

at least try a little bit next time.

>sega bass fishing

Oh look, all the basement dwelling neckwear dshs are detectives that can't fucking read.
What a surprise.

I copypasted the story back in

Neckbeards* go go gadget autocorrect !

The shooting mechanics were pretty good. I got what I expected and enjoyed it for what it was myself.

Why wouldn't your store open on a Monday?

Because we're open full-time on Saturdays.

Too lazy to edit your shitty copy pasta, butthurt about an obvious lame pun. that went right over your head.

Even being closed on a Sunday is pretty unusual for a gameshow these days.
I find it hard to believe they would close for a weekday just because they open Saturday.

How can you copy a fucking story and still fuck it up somehow?

I'm not OP you fuck.