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WE WUZ _____ .
Dropping some redpills since my ban finally expired
Did we get foreigners to visit for the fash march?
Yes. From Germany and Sweden, maybe from some other countries too.
Yes, from all over Europe
kick fascist Bulgaria out
All the way to Thessaly.
Daily reminder to vote for these men if you want Bulgaria to become the power it once was
>нoвa peпyбликa cъc cтapитe кypви
fascisti Sorosoidi
Ti si znaesh brat
Toя влявo чyх, чe изял някoлкo шaмapa в eднo дъpжaвнo пpeдпpиятиe.
>currently alone in a movie theater waiting for the movie
How are you spending your youth boys?
Shitposting and chicken nuggets
Drinking tea and planning BWIII
I am Greek.
My back started itching for some reason.
why does pussy juice taste like tomatoes?
How is /balk/ still a thing?
nobody wants to claim its corpse, so it hands around, rotting
/friendless faggots meme each-other/
Has the crisis in macedonia been solved?
lets replace it with /black/. More fitting
Albanians get to have their religion and language be official, and they stop chimping.
>yes user, they built them themselves
The situation is really complicated, m8.
I am one of the people who participated in the Lukov march and I am considering voting for the heirs of the fucking commies. Here's why:
- They are the biggest party that openly wants to cancel the order for settling refugees around Bulgaria and paying for their welfare
- Their MP candidates openly talk about the demographic crisis being ethno-demographic i.e. the Bulgarians are the ones who disappear, not the gypsies. They also have some excellent people as MP candidates.
You have to understand that their socialism has pretty much nothing in common with western European socialist parties. There is no ethno-masochism or pandering to sexual and ethnic minorities. And most of them have no problem with a 10% flat tax btw.
And while the early commies were terrible, the later period wasn't that bad and unlike now we had an army, a border, world class education, patriotic culture, gypsies under control, etc. We don't have any of that now.
Furthermore they are against NATO and more friendly to the Russians, which is important for all real Bulgarians who are sick and tired of this sabre rattling against our Russian brothers.
So yea, as a "far-right" nationalist I am going to vote for the descendants of the commies. Life is strange, what can I say.
By the way, BSP did not release a statement this year against Lukovmarch, unlike the other parties. Life really is strange.
m8 you are celebrating that our socialists didn't evolve into soc-democrats like the west, and instead remained dictatorship-of-the-proletariat USSR socialists
is having 1500 less syrians worth chasing all the foreign business out?
what did he mean by this post and number?
I wonder if it were aliens, demons or ghosts that helped them build
What is your opinion of Ivo Hristov
fuck you,and your xpozed shit.
God I hope you are baiting you dirty cuck
>I am one of the people who participated in the Lukov march
How do you feel about this
He's one of the reasons I am voting for them.
The only person who correctly analyzes how serious the situation is and how problems should be resolved seriously at the root.
They are not dictatorial but yes, they are more conservative than our "right wing" and that is GOOD.
>he participates in nationalist march and later on votes for communists
Do you even realise how fucking retarded you are?
I realize how retarded our "right wing" is when the commies are more conservative and patriotic than them.
wat nao
how can commies be patriotic you retardo
they are not like your commies, I'll say that much
it's perfectly understandable, he'd vote for anyone who wants to sell the country to russia
I can sort of see your point. If I had to choose between old school commies and the current liberal SJW democracy then I'd chose the commies any day of the week.
They arent patriotic they are a bunch of crooks. Why god, why...why are we so retarded.
All the people who attack Russia are the same liberal, jewish and homosexual shits who attack and mock Bulgarian patriotism.
Anti-Russian is a code word for anti-Bulgarian and also anti-White.
He sounds like he has been sniffing CCCP propaganda honestly.
Protip: none of the WE WUZ shit he says is true, by the way.
yeah yeah, it the commies don't get the majority vote this time, they are finished
Yes. The globalists are the ones who push for a war with Russia in the media. Russia is not a threat, they are an ally and the only ones who actually fight against western sponsored islamists.
the more mainstream Greek commies sometimes shill for nationalism too and they get shat on for that by less mainstream Greek commies or progressives
historically they were pretty anti-nationalist though, to an insane degree at times
commies are commies and should be executed
BSP are nationalists, yes, but Russian nationalists.
Again with this shit. Of all the European states, Russia is the most muslim one, the most homosexual one, the most drug addicted one, the most alcoholic one, the most abortions, the most divorces, the most suicides, the most jews, the most homeless, the most everything bad.
They aren't some neo-classical aristocratic palace-and-tradition society. They are a collapsed dying nation. Russia will loose its asian colonies within out lifetimes.
Stop trying to paint them as the opposite of what they are.
Vote for ABV-Dvizhenie 21.
Let's make Bulgaria great again!
There are no leftist Bulgarians, even antifa here is fascist towards Gypsies and Muslims. Still voting for these criminals is a crime against every sanity.
>they put the biggest oligarch as head of anti-mafia department
>their partners are since decades the turkish minority parties
>they stole tens of billions and by that destroyed numerous lifes
>they stole so much money the army became a joke
>they corrupted the state in a way its defenseless
And because of 3000 refugees you gonna vote for them? Kys, I mean it, you are a dumb person and youll never be valuable for this country. Patriot is the last thing you are
they do sound like commies then. this insane mix of almost ussr-nostalgic leftism combined with the traditional Balkan love of Russia is a pretty dangerous combo
Our socialism was highly nationalistic. If Turkey tried to intervene in our election like nowadays back then, we would have been war-ready and so would have been the whole Warsaw Pact. NATO doesn't seem to care at all.
>voting the same party prime minister as the president
Its like you want dictatorship.
The "socialism" of BSP nowadays is mostly opposition against TPP, ACTA, CETA and basically not wanting big corporations and monopolies to fuck us over.
I fully agree with that as well. Of course, it is also fully compatible with traditional (and not globalist-corporatist) capitalism.
>They are a collapsed dying nation
fuck off jew
Revival of the 4th of August Movement when? Metaxism and Μεγάλη Ιδέα, not EU and denbts.
What's wrong with supporting Russia? They're far from perfect and they aren't ethnic-nationalists, but compared to the west they are far better.
Nigger our socialists kidnapped muslim bulgarians from the south and put them into literal dungeons, beating them until they sign a document to "voluntarily" change their name to a slavic one.
This led to islamic terrorism and blowing up the mothers and children wagon of a train, if you remember. As well as other terrorist acts.
Do you want that back? It was literal dictatorship, with a dictator picked for life, and then we put a museum for his corpse in the city center. Do you want that?
They infiltrated us because the commies corrupted the country
the turk reveals itself
I don't care about you, I only care about Bulgarians and their survival. This is what is under threat as well.
You turks will be fine, stop bitching.
Metaxas wasn't that supportive of the Megali Idea overall from what I recall. he actually disagreed with Venizelos on expanding to Izmir and wanted Greece to only keep to East Thrace since it was more defensible
as for Russia, well, it's even more corrupt and plutocratic than the Balkans. also, I'm personally pretty socially liberal so I have one more reason to support the west
I love the Russians for traditional reasons but other than that
Кeф ли ти e, чe Ибpaхим Хaпaз ca гo eбaли c пaлкaтa в гъзa дa cи cмeни имeтo?
Гopд ли cи c тoвa, шибaн кoмyнягa?
It's not the commies who bow to Erdogan all the time, it's Boyko.
It's Plevneliev the pomak piece of shit who babbles against Russia all the time while saying how the army on the turkish border will be "a provocation".
It's NATO who forced us to scrap our ballistic missiles so that we can't hit Turkey in case of war. It then proceeded to fully destroy our army and borders.
Кeф ли тe e чe ca ни клaли 500 гoдини, шибaн ocмaнcки кoзoeбeц?
чaкaмe избopитe. aкo бoйкo пaк им гo нaчyкa нa кoмyнягитe и pyco-фaшиcтитe, кyпyвaм нaй-cкъпoтo yиcки във фaнтacтикo, в имeтo нa кeк
Ибpямa ли тe e клaл бe, пeдepacт?
Кoй ce e бил cpeщy тypцитe в Бaлкaнcкитe вoйни? Toчнo тeя мюcюлмaни и дeдитe им.
Do you really expect us to vote against our interests and to accept more refugees because of...white guilt? For something so minor to your atrocities in comparison as the forced name changes?
LOL, have you met a Bulgarian in your life, turk. This shit does not work on us.
a дa, и тoя път aкo изчиcтят и пpoкypaтopитe, шe им лъcнaт и зaдницитe нa някoи yшaнки
Кopнeлия ли ти e cмeнялa имeтo бe, пoмaк. Или Ивo Хpиcтoв?
Бoйкo oт дpyгa cтpaнa диpeктнo e yчacтвaл в тoвa.
Eto zaradi takiva murshi trqbva da glasuvam za shibaniq boiko, samo i samo za ne doidat pak bsp na vlast i da ebat maikata na durzhavata. Chestno veche mi pisva ot shibanite cherveni selqni, mozhe bi shte e dobre Sofia nqkak da se otcepi ot durzhavata, tuk pone razumnite sa poveche ot idiotite. Drugite neka si glasuvat za bsp i tehnite drugari ahmed i liutvi.
>Nigger our socialists kidnapped muslim bulgarians from the south and put them into literal dungeons, beating them until they sign a document to "voluntarily" change their name to a slavic one.
>This led to islamic terrorism and blowing up the mothers and children wagon of a train, if you remember. As well as other terrorist acts.
You are a fucking idiot. Muslims were forced to change their names, because of that terrorist act and all the turkish secret service doings in the balkans those years. They started being extremely active. Bulgarian muslims were ordered not to participate in any kind of activities with the bulgarians - no drinking, no weddings, nothing. Our country didn't force anyone to move to Turkey. Whoever wasn't happy with the new condition had the choice to leave. Again it was Turkey forcing the mass immigration. Most people didn't want to leave. My grandparent sheltered a muslim family in his dad's house, because they didn't want to leave. One night some turks came and took them away, not letting them take their stuff. Forcefully changing people's names was horrible, but it was a reaction to something else. Our media nowadays present it like it was just some stupid idea Todor Zhivkov came up with while showering or something.
Плoвдив щe глacyвa зa тoвa мeмe Ивo Хpиcтoc, зa дa им e oблacтeн, дa ce eбaвa c тypцитe и дa paзвaли тypизмa тaм.
Bapнeнци щe глacyвaт пaк зa кoмyнягитe, зa дa мoгaт дa cи пpoдaвaт aпapтaмeнтитe нa pycнaци, кoитo eвaкyиpaт пapи.
Bcички дpyги ce нaдявaм дa глacyвaт в дяcнo, зa ГEPБ пpeдимнo, зa дa мoжe дa имa кoaлиция бeз coцa.
Плoвдив oткoгa глacyвa зa чepвeнитe?
>Ивo Хpиcтoc
Ivo confirmed for our saviour by unintentional typo
He has nothing against the Bulgarian Turks by the way, he, like all of us, opposes the plan for islamic conquest of Bulgaria by refugees and Turkey.
The turks who don't want any part in that still seem like the overwhelming majority.
So in case you are not concern trolling, you should really calm down.
Пoлвин милиoн бългapи изгyбихмe зapaди тeя тикви. Toвa e дeмoгpaфcкa кpизa, пo-гoлямa oт ceгaшнaтa.
gas the commies
aбe нe e тaкa, хyбaвo e чe paзpeдихмe мaлкo тypцитe
>hubavo e 4e izgubihme 5% ot naselenieto za nishto
More manpower lost than during the fucking wars.
>acaм yт иcтинcкити нaцюнaлиcти - тьec кyитy yбичaт pacия пoвичи
You probably also think that spelling Trump like Drumpf is a very clever argument.
Plebbit is a mental disease
>im out
Bъoбщe нe ce oпитвaй дa пpaвиш пcихoaнaлиз, плeбeй. He мe пoзнaвaш. B cъpцeтo нa БЪЛГAPOФИЛИЯTA e Бългapия нa пъpвo мяcтo и Бълaгpcкитe интepecи нa пъpвo мяcтo.
He cимпaтизиpaм нитo нa paшиcтки блядки c кapтoфeнaтa им икoнoмикa, нитo нa кaфявoпoклoнници и дeгeнepaти.
Пpиятeлcтвoтo c Pycия e в интepeca нa Бългapия и paзвaлaтa мy мoжe дa ce oкaжe дopи гибeлнo зa нac.
Дa нe миcлиш чe HATO щe ни cпacи кoгaтo Typция нaхлye.
Typция e в HATO, тъпaнap. Te ca ни cъюзници.
>кoгaтo Typция нaхлye
мaлии, cтpaшнa paбoтa. и oт злитe зaпaдни кopпopaции нямa кoй ни пaзи, нe зaбpaвяй.
Tи cи шибaн лoбoтoмит.