Start going to Mexican restaurants wearing a trump hat ~June 2016

>start going to Mexican restaurants wearing a trump hat ~June 2016
>sit down and order like I'm going to eat there
>see contempt on the face of the staff and yet sit there defiantly
>every time the food comes to my table, I ask for a takeout box without eating a thing
>mail each takeout box to my older brother, who is a homicide forensics scientist
>after 3 months, a takeout box finally tests positive for saliva
>he sends it back to me
>cut up the food and spit on it a little and make it look like I ate some of it.
>send the takeout box to local health department with a letter detailing my suspicions
>health department asks if ate it any of it and then asks for a DNA swab after I say yes
>I give them my DNA
>health department closes down the restaurant about two months later
>health department issue subpoenas for DNA samples of everyone
>Health department DNA test results confirm that my saliva is on the food
>Health department DNA test results confirm that the OWNER'S saliva is on the food
>Health department DNA test results confirm that a shift manager's saliva is on the food
>Health department DNA test results confirm that two of the cooks and three of the waiters spit on it.
>sue the owner for $5,000,000
>owner settled out of court for $1,000,000 Wednesday in exchange for a non-disclosure agreement
>my fucking lawyer takes nearly half
>$582,463 deposited into my banking account

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pics or fuck off

Proof or stfu

If true fucking awesome

I'm waiting for that sike brodie


You did this so many times you must be billionaire by now.

He would be in the news if this were true.


Cool story, but I'm not buying it. Numbers are too big. The owner of a Mexican restaurant doesn't have a mil to drop out of court. Anybody with sense would fight it.

whole grain pasta is better for your health

Thinking a random mexican guy who sells tacos can settle out of court for that money.



And then you woke up.

nice copy pasta I wonder if some faggot actually tried that.

such edgy fakeness only the greatest teen edgelord could come up with this.

Your Bro tests the ENTIRE box of takeout food to find trace of saliva? I would love an explanation to his superiors how he did this with his work time.

cool story bro

>this totally happened fellas no need to double check!!!
Do you get off by lying online or something?

>inb4 semen in the taco

Pure fantasy. If true he just admitted to it on 4 chan. If true, it is verifiable and he will get jail time and lose it all. If not true, he portrayed himself as an idiot Loss both ways


>owner settled out of court for $1,000,000 Wednesday in exchange for a non-disclosure agreement

BS, health department records are public, so an NDA would not even be a possibility.

1/10 for making me reply.

A mexican restaurant owner can't pay $1,000,000, lol.

Though, I do believe that if you went into one with a Trump hat, someone would spit on your food. Same with a "I'm with her"shirt at a Steakhouse.

You homogenize it and test the entire thing at once. Technically possible but OP is obviously full of shit.


F you op

Pretty creative story though

Stale pasta


you didnt notice the cum in food? cause that was for me

I like this. I want our culture to break in half, I don't want to be around liberals or their pet black people anymore. Liberals want minorities to kill whites and do everything they can to enable crime and criminals. Just the way our court system works after all their interference is absurd, criminals are treated like princes and it takes literal years to see anything resembling justice. They just want you to give up on it and let their pet minority out to go do more racial terrorism. I just don't want to be around it anymore, is that so unreasonable?

That's still a pretty chunk of money for doing virtually nothing. Kudos.

lawyer here

too short time. companies earning millions will sue for years just to not pay few thousands back.

But in reality you actually can earn from overly emotional dumb people. Just choose your targets well, because either you will waste enormous amount of time (years sometimes) for small gain and be hated by everyone, or you will be publically known to a whole gang of businesses who will not want to see you near.

ti;dr - unless you get ronald McDonald shit in your burger, it is rarely worth it.

You live in a small town, don't you

Fucking over local business owners. Fucking Retard. Get a life.


Idiot. What are you, like 12? Did you daddy/brother tell you all this bullshit? Get off your momma's computer and go do your chores you little shit.

>lawyer takes nearly half

Fucking cuck

Cool story bro

your lawyer is a better con than you are. Take notes


OP here guys! Here is some proof. $80 of my earnings.

fake and gay. nice dubs tho

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.



Not that Trump ever said that but go on shill...


The insurance would cover that under the general liability clause of their policy

yeah i miss those days too

OP sounds like a nigger.

It's also insurance fraud

I'm 30 years old and my father was murdered in a home invasion in June by a group of 5 black men all of whom were 17-18 years old. My unarmed father was shot 9 times simply for telling them to leave. They've already let go 4 of them for "lack of evidence", they probably ratted out the one who actually fired but the public defender is going to drag this out as long as possible which is 2+ years and that's once they decide if he's an "adult" or not which they've been doing since oh...october or so with no sign of even meeting to make that decision.

When the trial finally happens the PD is going to talk about what a good boy he was and that bottoming out your clip on an old man who was in his underwear is somehow a "mistake" and "forgivable". His fat cow mother will be there to cry crocodile tears. How do I know? Because the DA is already prepping me to "sit still and not be angry with these people or at the process".

So yeah, I know about your little race terror pets first hand. I know you liberals encourage it, I know you're the reason high school kids even had handguns in the first place because you gave them to em' to go kill whites.

You wish all your happy liberal shit were true but it's not, you people are criminals and I will strive to create a city, a county, a country, something, something without you in it. No blacks and no cucks.

This is 40$ that you folded.

Stick around bro you aint seen nothing yet


>You're the reason high school kids even had handguns
>Liberals are the ONLY ones calling for stricter screening processes when purchasing firearms

Did you know that in the state where I live, I can walk into a gun store and just flat out buy a shotgun or a rifle after a simple background check? I'm bi-polar and epileptic, and none of that is going to come up on a background check. I get mad easily, and my muscles spasm sometimes. Do you honestly think I should be allowed to legally purchase a deadly weapon with no training, no paperwork, no license, no registration, no nothing?

And you're pissed that someone else did just that and killed your dad? Everytime liberals bring up gun laws in this country, faggots like you start screeching that we're infringing on your constitutional rights. And those "constitutional rights" just killed your own fucking father.

Americans need ti learn that there's no need for guns in a civilized society

And how can they know that exactly ?

actually its $20

that's a repost dude...

would be great if true...but it aint.

>can't count
This is why poor people stay poor, even after getting a shitload of money

Why are you posting someone else's greentext? You fucking loser, go back to your own website.

Show just one nation with civilized society and not a single gun
You can't... people will find a way to get guns wherever they want.
You can literally make your own gun too if need be...

Did you know that a 17 year old can't own or possess a gun for any reason? Did you know that in my state you have to be 21 to even own a handgun like the one he had?

We're pro-gun because it's painfully obvious that the ideas of personal safety you people try to push are an illusion. You only do this with white people because you only want white people to be killed by criminals and that's much, much easier if they're unarmed. Only liberal whites have this idea in their head that they can call the cops and "be okay". You're not going to be okay when it happens, you or someone you love will be dead long before help arrives if you even get the chance to call for help.

I don't see what bearing your pathetic probably self-diagnosed bullshit diseases have on any of that. If you're too inferior to carry a gun perhaps you belong in an incinerator. Your attempt to make a point about the constitution is nauseating, you don't even care about or respect this country or it's founding documents and you would do or say anything nullify the rights of others because you are an authoritarian maoist piece of shit.

In fact, here:

>In a 4-3 decision, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals affirmed the trial courts' dismissal of the complaints against the District of Columbia and individual members of the Metropolitan Police Department based on the public duty doctrine. The Court explained that "[t]he duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists." The Court adopted the trial court's determination that no special relationship existed between the police and appellants, and therefore no specific legal duty existed between the police and the appellants.

Oh look, you're wrong and everyone should have a gun because the duty of police is to PUBLIC ORDER and not to YOU.

Devise a plan for the removal of 300 million+ firearms from one of the geographically largest countries in the world which is cost effective in terms of both human life and monetary expense. You have 50 state governments and tens of thousands of county and city governments to coordinate this with. Go.

Oh and the Mormons are going to fight, Salt Lake will be a blood bath - their religion requires them to protect their faith with armaments and to not give up said arms. Enjoy your pogrom.

Those sorts of numbers do not apply to these sorts of cases. You are a fantasist, OP