
>first world

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desu, I wish someone told me in high school I could study abroad for free.

>tfw only 1 out of 3
we need to abolish death penalty

i wish brazil had death penalty lmao
the only cases of death penalty is trying to create a country inside our country or be a deserter?

I think the death penalty is justified in wartime as well. Considering the increased level of violence during such a period there are so many imaginable scenarios where it would be justified.

None of that means shit in LA

Yeah nigger, you get sick and you don't go bankrupt, you have to be above the stupidity line to get the chance of higher education, it's by no means perfect but it's a great advantage

there is nothing wrong with death penalty
i hate people that defend bandits go fuck you all


If we do that how much would crime decrease?

my official statistic says that about 50%


I support the death penalty but agreed with the other two, although Mexico is one to talk.

Mexico has no death penalty and look at them.

>first world
Since when?

Since 1776 t'bh

I wish Bernie became our president

Unironically same, although he'd arguably make a better Secretary of Labor.

By which metrics?

what's your point? we have more crime mexico and no death penalty neither

HDI mostly, although we're ranked within the Top 30 of most metrics such as happiness and stability, and all memes aside even our bottom 10% live far better than those in actual legitimate third world countries.

Did you mean to post:
>What's your point? We have more crime than Mexico and no death penalty either.

>not hyper first-world, "we wuz leaders of mankind and sheit"

>HDI mostly
HDI is kind of meaningless in this regard. IHDI is more relevant.

>and all memes aside even our bottom 10% live far better than those in actual legitimate third world countries
Come again? How is freezing to death on the streets, surrounded by well off people any better?
The above and pic related doesn't even count people living out of their cars, etc. which makes the statistics a hell of a lot lower than the reality. Your nation barely values human life above profits.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you there, nor am I saying we're any hyper-first world haven like the Nordics, but you also have to remember that the vast majority of homeless people live in shelters and receive other support systems and safety nets that, while likely lacking by the standards of most other first world countries, at least exist. And there's a stable government there, which is a lot more than what can be said of most of Africa.

that map is such bullshit, im from Illinois and there are probably 6,986 homeless in chicago alone

only if you pay taxes dipshit

As of September we have free college in Ontario, and it's only a few hundred dollars in Quebec and Newfoundland.

>be polish
>don't have healthcare




>death penalty
My sides have blasted into orbit


> le death penalty is bad maymay xD

Yeah these maps are good

Mexico is a nice place

We would go bankrupt if we offered health care for all this stupidity

>has free university
>doesn't understand the terms "first/second/third world" pertain only to the Cold War

How does it feel to be a prodigal dumbass?

Why is Moldova the only other cunt that is coloured?

Public college in France can come extremely cheap or free.

you do realize that the meaning has shifted, right?
and the fact that you shout this stupid bullshit at the top of your lungs makes us realize that you are just a retarded nigger trying to come off as informed, when in reality we all know you're just another idiot and ignorant as fuck american.

>even our bottom 10% live far better than those in actual legitimate third world countries.
they likely live on par with some in so called first world countries


Because Moldovans are sick cunts

but we do have

>bottom 10% of poland lives better that bottom 10% of germany or britain and top 10% of russia and portugal

when did france become third world

Free higher education is crap.


What this guy said. I mean the map is labelled

>HDI is meaningless in this regard

Except literally every other metric reaffirms it. Fuck off dumb cunt. There's plenty of homeless in Australia


>tfw 3/3
It's awesome to live in civilised world, lads

College is basically free here for anyone who doesn't have much money

Free college is a mistake.

Canada is a mistake

why is poland listed as having no universal healthcare?

But we do have universal healthcare.

>new zealand wasn't erased