Is the wage gap real Sup Forums? Do women really get paid less than men...

Is the wage gap real Sup Forums? Do women really get paid less than men? Is this just libtards taking stuff they don't know about to autistic proportions?

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they get paid less on average

It's autism. Liberals don't understand the difference between wages and earnings. Women make the same, or in many cases more, money per hour, but typically don't work as long hours as men. It's simply a matter of different lifestyle choices. So when sweeping generalizations of entire industries is taken, it appears as though women make less money, when in fact women are likely to be paid more per hour then men.

No, it's a misrepresented statistic

just stop, stop.

don't ask anyone anything for just a second and ask yourself one question

when you look at a man and you look at a woman (use averages) do they look physically capable of doing the same amount of work, let alone even the same type of work?

ok, one more question to ask yourself.

from ALL your experience dealing with men and women both who do you find yourself having an easier time being around? this last one may be more subjective by i'm assuming if you're a functioning adult male that most women, by their nature, will annoy the shit out of you with their constant complaining and trivial pursuits of drama, et cetera.

assuming you've answered men in both categories (ie. men are physically and emotionally more capable) i don't think you need an answer to your original question.

it doesn't matter at this point, everything is a luxury provided by us / protected by us, et cetera.


Take all the wages earned by women and sum them, do the same for men, then divide one number by the other. This is literally how feminists "discovered" the so-called wage gap.

No, there is none. The get paid the same amount for the same work. A tiny disparity appears at higher levels of income at which people are expected to negotiate their salaries which is likely the result of less aggressive bargaining by women.

Adjust for field, education, experience, hours worked, geographical area, etc., no, there is no fucking gap.

Of all feminism's lies, this one has got to be the most successful. And why shouldn't it? The technique is ancient: tell a simple, easily internalised, easily repeated lie over and over agin until it becomes accepted as common wisdom.

Anyway, don't take my word for it; the figure and data are all out there for your perusal.

time to change boards to Sup Forums newfag

pretty much this

According to that one Maddox video, women make like 5 cents less than men on average, but it's typically because they don't ask for raises like men do

Women earn less, but are not paid less. They are less likely to ask for promotions, take high-paying jobs, take maternal leave, rarely work overtime, and the data does not take job/experience into account.

I linked the wrong video. My bad.

Also: women earn more than men from ages 19-35 or some shit.

to elaborate on what other anons said, the wage gap myth in which people state that women make ~30% less than men is a result of a single study that added up the annual salary of every man in every job with every level of experience in the US and divided it by the number of male workers to come up with an annual wage for the average american male, and then did the same for women.
it didn't take into account the fact that women are more likely to apply for lower-paying jobs, take time off work, and work part-time, all of which contribute to them earning less.
the results of the study were oversimplified and went viral which led to the spread of the 30% wage gap myth.
realistically our wage gap is about 7%. also remember that that 7% represents all women. i would assume that white women are the highest paid of their gender and that their pay is almost equal to the average male.


And the extra hilarity is that because men tend to negotiate more aggressively, when their demands are met, they enjoy higher salaries, but when they price themselves out of the market, *they don't get the job at all and so do not appear in the statistics*.

Depends on the country, they do get paid less, but their performance is lower, take out more days due to period/pregnancy etc.
Angry Foreigner on youtube explains it in one of his videos perfectly.

What MIGHT make their job harder, is sexism of customers/colleauge in certain fields, like IT.

There was a guy who switched identities with his female colleauge for a week, and though he gave the same advices, etc. Customers would question his competence, because they thought he was a woman.

All in all though, the solution for this could never be [autistic screeching] but representing women in these fields by excelling at what they do.

the statistics are correct, but they don't imply anything. there are heaps of quantifiable reasons why it happens. the implyers imply that its because of patriarchy, which isn't quantifiable. the end

If women really were paid less than men would never get jobs because a company could save a bundle on payroll by only hiring women.


so much bad b8 in this thread. no wage gape, but there is an annual earning gap.

agree with this wholeheartedly bar the emotionally capable bit.

when kill themselves because they cant deal with their emotions, women just bitch for an hour.

>explains how mean statistics work
>proceeds to explain thats how the wage gap occurs, and how there is none

there is a gap. its a mean statistic. its because more females are lazy, more work the gutter jobs and shit out babies

In short , no.

In most if not all nations of the west , there has been legislation in place for roughly 40 years making it illegal to pay women less than men for the exact same job for the same hours worked.

So basically it boils down to this , women CHOOSE to work in less profitable professions , be it because they don't want to get into STEM or work the dangerous and/or dirty work that men do that pays more.

Women also don't want to work as many hours per week , nor do they want to work for as many years as men , retiring on average close to two decades earlier than men , women also take far more time off work for holidays and personal reasons , not to mention maternity leave.

So , yes there is an EARNINGS gap , because women do not EARN as much as men , on average.

But to say that women just get paid less per hour than men is a total fallacy and if a woman did find herself in this situation in the UK , EU , North America or Australia/NewZealand , they could take their employer to court , since it is ILLEGAL.
TL;DR - Bitches be lazy and know how to use manipulation to get more money without working.

>There was a guy who switched identities with his female colleauge for a week, and though he gave the same advices, etc. Customers would question his competence, because they thought he was a woman.
Source on this?

cheers lad
