Washington D.C

Washington D.C.

What does "D.C." stand for?

None of you fuckers better answer. If you know the answer don't post it.

If you're living in America and you don't know the answer to this question or simple grade school questions about our great nation, then it's time you get deported as well.

You dumb fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


District of Columbia

Who doesn't know that? You're setting a pretty low standard for knowledge. Just like the rest of America.

>Washington Dicks & Cocks.

I bet this failfag doesn't know

I just said not to answer if you know.

You'd be surprised how many people don't know anseers to simple questions about our country.

>don't answer the question if you know
>I'm trying to prove that nobody knows the answer

What kind of pathetic faggot needs to look down on people to feel good about himself? You're a shit person. We should deport you, you entitled white know-nothing.

District of Coons

Donald Cunt

Dumb Chimp

Dumb cucks

dopey cunt

sure shill

>alternative facts



deceitful cretin

>what is photoshop

District of Columbia

>libtards actually believe this

>Makes thread asking people if they know
>don't answer if you know


MSN lol

Dangerous Clown

Disconnected Cunts

Let's take numbers from one of the largest recessions in history and compare it to 8 years later.

>11% to 9%
>this equals down 20%
Who wrote this, a fucking third grader?


about as believable as CNN lol


>National debt when obama entered office $10 Trillion

>National debt when obama left office $20 trillion

>More than all previous presidents combined

sure is russia in there today

believes MSN

>not believing MSN

Democrat Clown


and how did we get in that recession?


got any proofs?

>If you know the answer don't post it.

District of Columbia

Donald Cuck

>t. ShareBlue


Deez Nuts


Dick cunt. Getthelube.com


>translation : I have no proofs


Dickheads Capital

Ur welcome


You know the term DC used after the name of a place isn't exclusive to America? They do it in Columbia, and lots of other Spanish-y countries
Oh also it means district capital. I'm from England, we don't use it here but I'm not a dumb American cunt; I pay attention to stuff that doesn't concern me, too.

Democrats = Cucks

Demonstrably cucked

>thinks that Trump supporters also support the Bush family

The Bush/Clinton families both need to be gassed. Fuck off with your shill shit.

Dangerous Cucks

Damn coons

Dumped Clinton

District of Columbine

Damage Control :^)

I lived in DC in the 90s. There were signs that said egress and had an arrow pointing the direction you should go if you don't want to have an unpleasant encounter with uncivilized negroids.

Deceiving Cow

>translation : I have no proofs



Destroyed by Canada

>Daily News

My sides xD

Dirty Cheat

>cartoon by assblasted libcuck


Democratic Crybabies




This is what's wrong with america today, all these liberal crybaby ass snowflakes



Dogshit Candidate


If you want to make a good quote about someone, you shouldn't be able to replace their name with over a million others and have it sound exactly the same.



Disastrous Coon


I guarantee if you put HILLARY on the flags and took it to a demoncrap event, you would have obtained the result.


this is america

District of Columbia


>thinks a shooped pic means anything


Yet you'll unironically defend companies that hire illegal immigrants. Also, aren't democrats the same people who will always toss out that the Republicans/Democrats switched platforms in the 60's? Using FDR quotes really doesn't help you there, buddy.




sure shill


Sounds legit


>fake and gay

District of Columbia

google the name "Ralph Shortey" There's plenty more sources.

Democrat Cuck

It's funny too because left wing activists are making it common knowledge that they're raiding these events. At least 75% of the people waving the flags in these pictures are probably demoncrap plants.

>Google it yourself

Sorry, not my job to prove your claims. I can only assume you're lying through your teeth :)

Trumps literal goal is to destroy the government.

>google the name "Ralph Shortey" There's plenty more fake news sources.



I'm not even gonna open the thread to check if someone already posted it but it stands for District of Columbia

That was Obama's intention, he left America worst than Bush did. Thank god we got a real President fixing all this shit now.

I did google and I know the truth. No point in posting more sources here though. You trumptards/trolls/shills will only reply like

Good. It's time for a change for the better. Europe is burning and shills like Obama do everything they can to follow in their footsteps. We need to blaze our own trail, and breaking free of the chains enforced on us by paid politicians is the first step in that.

If you follow, Europeans are awakening to their failed system. Brexit happened, France has shown considerable support for Le Pen and even the Swedes are beginning to speak out against their corrupt government that paints them as a dreamworld in the same way the North Korean one does. Wake the fuck up.