What stops you from ending it all, Sup Forums?

What stops you from ending it all, Sup Forums?

From a purely hypothetical perspective, what stops you from killing yourself, from doing something stupid in public, from publicly humiliating someone, from committing terrorism, announcing to the world that you are a ginormous faggot, from doing anything extreme you wouldn't normally do?

If I kill myself, it will fuck up my younger brother.
I love him too much to do this to him.

I still have hope.

Same exact thing as this user. And for some reason, he is pure. Not cynical about the world at all. Where as when I was his age I was already about to pull the plug on myself

I do not want to cut open my shit. That's gross.

It possible that when you die, there's nothing, and you may not even know you're dead.
You will die eventually, so why rush it?

I can still move around, wipe my own ass. I see no point in killing myself. If people are disgusted by me being alive, all the better.

>from killing myself
I have a purpose and follow a goal I want to achieve.

>doing something stupid in public
Laws, "moral laws", trying not to be weird

>from publicly humiliating someone
I actually do. I fucking hate all stoners.

>from commiting terrorism
Define terrorism.

>announce that I'm a faggot
I like pussy, therefore I'm not a faggot

>from doing anything extreme I wouldn't normally do
I always push my limits if that's what you ask.


who dis? more!

>what stops you from killing yourself
self preserving instinct
>from doing something stupid in public
i do stupid things in public, i just get drunk before
>from publicly humiliating someone
dunno, i think it cost nothing to be nice to people but repays one day
>from committing terrorism
self preserving instinct and not being a gigantic faggot
>announcing to the world that you are a ginormous faggot
im not
>from doing anything extreme you wouldn't normally do?
self preserving instinct, but i still do stupid things if the risks are calculable

>I have a purpose I want to achieve
Is that your primary drive/reason that prevents you?

That doesn't matter if you consider killing yourself. You'd be too dead to care.

>Publicly humiliating someone
Same as above - what does it matter if you wouldn't be around for the consequence?

>define terrorism
Anything - shooting up a school, becoming a serial killer, committing a bombing, poisoning a town's water supply, leaking classified data, exposing someone you know and destroying their life

>I like pussy
Even so, just announcing it anyway (regardless of sexual orientation) just because why the fuck not

>I always push my limits
Not being brave, I mean being extreme as in causing public nuisance, vandalism, putting yourself in near-death situations on purpose, risking your life for no good reason, making stupid decisions etc.

I think its something hardwired in your brain. If your ancestors were free to kill themselv, you wouldnt be here. Life sucks enough to justify suicide now. Imagine how terrible it had to be thousands year before.

>exposing someone you know and destroying their life
>you know
thats not terrorism
your target must be the whole society, not specific individuums

FINALLY, get to post this again. Its been so long.

The 14 words. No I'm not being ironic.

>what stops you from killing yourself
>from doing something stupid in public
The fact that i'm not stupid, i think...
>from publicly humiliating someone
no one in mind that worth the effort
>from committing terrorism
The fact that I will not be able to see the result since I will be dead kill all the fun
>announcing to the world that you are a ginormous faggot
I'm not and if I were I would not say to be more accepted by society.
>from doing anything extreme you wouldn't normally do

Too many loose ends in my life to tie up.

I have too many people to thank getting me where I am, and I had always intended to pay them back somehow.

I haven't done that yet.

The reasons are rhetorical - it's just a thought experiment.

>I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming
Why, though? I think embracing it is just as valid response for it.

Sure, feel he has point, but i cant see reason for it. Only reason to deny the programming i can see is desire to manifest your freewill and independence on outer world... but you are negating both by killing yourself.

Quit thinking, build some new ego, get out and have fun

Not OP here.
Is having fun what would you suggest as solution to existential dread?

you love another man? lol faggot

> not killing myself
I enjoy the challenge so far.
Eventually when I am old or debilitated I may kill myself. Euthanasia is permitted where I live.

> not doing something stupid in public
I could have auditioned for Jackass with some of the shit I've done. I've calmed down mostly due to lack of opportunity.

> not publicly humiliating someone
I told a fat lady who was goading her kid on to pick junk food for their lunch that they shouldn't force their kid to turn out luke them not two weeks ago. Fucking hate fat people (used to be one @ 300lbs. Now 185lbs.)

> not commiting terrorism
Depends on the circumstances.
Everyone is a potential terrorist if the situation fits. If a superior force invaded my country and as a civilian using guerilla tactics got me branded a terrorist. So be it.

> not announcing I'm an enormous faggot
There are too many loud obnoxious faggots already.

> not doing extreme stuff you wouldn't normally do
Jail is a pretty good deterent.
I'd love to fuck highschool girls, and some consider that extreme. But the consequences are too high.
Same for other things. There's a list of people I would purge if it were legal.
But prison is a thing.

Side note: who is the girl in the pic?
I want to break my cock off inside her.