>Hi I'm 13 and I listen to dadrock! xD old music is the only real music
WTF I love Bob Dylan now!
That is WILD
Queen is not that bad. They have some annoying songs but that's about it. Not sure why they're considered the musical embodiment of reddit
Igor Stravinsky
wrote "Rite of Spring"
Let that sink in...
Wtf a single writer can write a page worth of material ???
What the fuck was Tolstoy made of he made like 1400 pages :DDDDDD
Next thing you know Boston will be the greatest band of all time.
Tolstoy didn't exist. It was actually 1400 different russians.
Its not hard to write songs even a masterpiece like bohemeian rapsbody it just takes time skill and patience
>love Queen
>can't say so without it seeming like a meme
The internet was a mistake.
I know that feel
fuck off sink
Bach's music was written by ONE PERSON: Bach
let that tickle your neurons
>Its not hard to write songs even a masterpiece like bohemeian rapsbody it just takes time skill and patience
dumb frogposter
it's pretty funny how rock musicians always need a fucking army of writers/producers to make a single 3-5 minute song while classical composers regularly write multiple-hour-long masterpieces on their own
I think Bach had autism
>don't like Queen
>can't say so without it seeming like a meme
>IRL was a mistake.
wouldn't surprise me, autistic people tend to be extremely creative (not Sup Forums autism, I mean ACTUAL autism)
Actualy it was 1400 black female lesbian slaves with mental illness that wrote the novel but they never got recognition because the white man be evil.
>while classical composers regularly write multiple-hour-long masterpieces on their own
You really believe this?
Much better songs were written by one person.
>tfw autistic but dumb, uncreative and with no talents
This is actually true
Nah, Queen is 9gag.
Radiohead is Reddit.
But it wasn't produced by him.
>had 20 children
Gorillaz is iFunny
Sparks > Queen tbqhfam
yeah I mean it's been objectively proven so why wouldn't I?
Or luck
and what's Sup Forums?
animal collective probably
Neautral milk hotel, duh
Kanye West
Or nickelback
Top 40
pitchfork essentials and le right generation music
that song is a mess
Iggy Azalea