What is your views on girlfriends hiding their cellphones from you?

what is your views on girlfriends hiding their cellphones from you?

long story short i've been with a girl for a few months and she's been having an affair with her ex and possibly other guys.

i found out by checking her phone while she was distracted and one time she got a text from a guy saying "hey baby" or some shit

so we've talked and she deleted all her apps and she's not supposed to be cheating anymore but she still won't let me see her cellphone.


i asked her if i can try the game she's playing and she won't trust me holding her phone unless she can see the screen and threw a big fit because of this until i gave up.

hides her phone under her pillow when she sleeps
she always brings it to the bathroom and never leaves it unattended, and when i grabbed her phone while she was in the bathroom earlier she freaked out and threatened to call the cops

im not looking for advice on how to dump her or anything, that is my personal problem. i rather discuss openly about the subject and share with other people who have similar experiences so we can learn from each other.

TL;DR: if your girl doesnt show you her phone does it mean 100% she's cheating?

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>she's not supposed to be cheating anymore
hahahahahaha you dumb cuck. once a cheater always a cheater, she'll never quench her insatiable lust for nigger cocks and the only thing you'll get from this relationship is suffering and AIDS. Break up with her now, let her go be a whore and find someone who can keep a dick out of her mouth for longer than 30 seconds.

IF she had nothing to hide she wouldn't be hiding. You're getting fucked harder than she is..probably

No it doesn't automatically mean she's cheating.
It means it is her phone, her property, so fuck off and respect her privacy.
What her previous cheating means is that she is a cheating whore and cannot be trusted.Once a cheater, always a cheater when she is going behind your back like that. Her cheating wasn't some "drunk accident".It was planned and thought out with another person.

So yes, she is probably cheating on you again.

Girls lie all the time and talk to multiple guys. Fuck bitches. The one will find you eventually.

I assure you, she's fucking A LOT of dudes.

>having a girlfriend
>owning a nsa tracking device worse than this computer
lmao @ you're "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""life"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

You dense motherfucker. All girls that aren't fucking hideous get random motherfuckers trying to come on to them. If the only evidence you have is a text from someone else with no replies, you're being an overly possessive freak.

Maybe she isn't trying to hide anything; maybe she just doesn't like being fucking interrogated.

Alright, I guess the spotlight is on me.

So, she was with some guy and his parents kicked her out, so she has been swinging from guy to guy for material support (place to live, car etc.) until they kick her out because they found out she is cheating or just because of her nasty attitude with her fake boyfriends, then we met.

at first, she would always be on the phone with him, talk about him, even when we were at my friends house she would get mad at me for nothing then call her ex until my friend told her to stop because it wasn't normal, which upset her.

she'd ask me to drive her to go see him, at first she didn't even tell me who he was but i noticed some pictures of them and caught on right away, although i didn't imagine it would go so deep, i didnt think much of it yet.

once she went in his house with him to get some paper and it took 20 minutes before she came back outside while i waited in the car

once she even asked me if we could bring him with us to the country house. obviously i refused. she would get mad at me for no reason and call him and said stuff like i love you and shit

this stuff was in the beginning, then it calmed down, and i started school, that's when it started again.

>if your girl doesnt show you her phone does it mean 100% she's cheating?

No but it's a very good indicator and means she does not trust you.

Yea she's still hung up on her ex user.

She obviously does not care about you at all.

If she cleans and cooks and helps with rent it may be worth it for the pity sex you get.

Bu she don't do none of that does she?

whatever her story is doesn't matter, it's mostly likely all bullshit, and even if it isn't and it's half true who fucking cares. Get rid of her, no pussy is worth the problems and drama this slut is going to give you. Stop trying to make excuses for her.

She started seeing him again as soon as I started school, the first day, she posted on his facebook wall all in capitals "i love u so much blablabla"
obviously i wasnt aware of this until later on, since i am not paranoid by nature.

as soon as i'd leave for school, she'd also leave the house to go in her ex's neighborhood using excuses like going to see other people.

then she gets pregnant (from me hopefully). i have strong doubts at this point and i've already had a talk with her, when one day my friends come up to me with screenshots prooving that she is seeing her ex and stuff like that. so i grabbed her phone while she wasnt paying attention and i found right away a bunch of shit that broke my heart and after reading a few i didnt want to see more so i told her what i was doing and she took the phone away.

Fastforward to now, we always get in fights when she comes back from town because my suspicions are too strong and i get mad at her.

example: im pretty sure she went to see him on monday and tuesday, no need for details but its common sense, then i dropped out of school on wedsnday and she stopped seeing him for a few days but yesterday she started picking a fight with me out of nowhere because i was sleeping too much and basically slammed the door on the way out, she came back in a good mood and even offered me if i wanted to play my favorite game, something i thought was off.
she was also telling me that she is tired but when i confronted her about being tired because she had sex, she changed her speech drastically and firmly denied being tired anymore.

and finally, i touched her pussy and it seemed more wet than usual, as in i could just slide my dick in without using any saliva, which i did.

this morning she cried, i'm guessing because she is feeling guilty of being found out. but anyway this is a wierd situation and i dont know what to think of it.

She only helps with rent. No cooking or cleaning, never offers me a blowjob and when I ask for one it's like dragging my balls in a mile of broken glass and when I want to have sex she usually has excuses, in fact she uses excuses a lot about everything.
when i look on google a check sheet of signs your girl is cheating, she usually scores at least 7-8 out of 10.

one time when we were out of cigarettes, she told me a (male) friend of hers would give her 2 packs, i thought it was wierd especially since ive never heard of him before like its probably just a random dude, so i told her ok but i want to be there when he gives them to you. she didnt listen and saw him while i was at school and ended up getting only 1 pack.

>i've been with a girl for a few months
>she's been having an affair with her ex and possibly other guys.
>so we've talked and she deleted all her apps and she's not supposed to be cheating anymore

You are such a fucking pussy

as a past/current cheating scumbag I can assure you 100% that she is at the very least talking to other dudes if not fooling around.

I've also done the same, where I hide text notifications and app alerts until the phone is unlocked, dont let her have the password, pretty much have it in my pocket or beside me 24/7. All the warning flags are raised from personal experience...I would have an honest talk, perhaps an open relationship and keep it casual until you see if things are right to make it serious or just see it as a fuckaround relationship, have fun and then move on when it ends.

I can assure you that the more furtive, the more dirt she's got

is this your first relationship?

when someone cheats, you break up.
no questions asked

I was the other guy getting ass from a married chick at work. I knew what it was so no big deal.
Then she got caught and her dumbass husband (they were both several years younger than me, idgaf) decided to stay with her.

You cucks come in all shapes and sizes

another one felt for the bait

abandon thread
its cheap bait

user... Out of a very painful and expensive personal experience I can tell you, the fact she won't let you see our touch her phone unattended means def. Something is wrong.
I snuck into my wife's phone because she was acting exactly the same way found out I was being played for a fool for a long time. When I confronted her, she had a fit about some shit about privacy and personal property. It turns out thanks to anti men divorce laws I'd get really screwed if we divorced. So she basically told me eat sh*t.
Bottom line if you got nothing to hide you don't need to be all careful with the phone. Also once a cheater, she should be working really hard to earn your trust back now, not act all shifty.


You just in all kinds of shit user.

Get the papa test.

if your girl doesn't show you her cellphone, it doesn't 100% mean she's cheating.

If she's been caught cheating, it's 99% that she will cheat again.

If you are ok with this, talk to her about possibly having an open relationship for the both of you. Your relationship is only a few months old, perhaps she thinks its nothing to be serious about. It's clear she doesn't respect you though, or at least not enough to make the commitment you thought you were making.

I hope your finances are currently seperate.

If you aren't ok with an open relationship, dump her asap, before she really hurts you.

by the way i decided to sleep on the couch last night.

one night i decided to follow her and see what she is up to, but it failed because she started having doubts when i denied facetime.i still continued spying but i did not find any conclusive evidence other than my gut feeling and the light was closed in his room so he probably wasnt home. she eventually caught me and the cops were there too, they told me it was a wierd story because usually it's ex's who spy, and to go home. now she always makes sure i'm not spying on her when she's out in town but i have a better idea anyway, i'm going to plant a mic on her

Once a cheater, always a cheater. Now you're the cuck user

>being this autistic

Not really. It was just ass to me. I wasn't trying to domesticate the stupid slag.

oh nvm, after seeing these details, i'm sure things are ok user. Asl to marry her, that will probably stop her cheating.

Make sure to stick around until at least 1-2 years after the baby, that way you can get visitation rights in court.

Yes. Dumbass

OP when you put it like that, it sounds pretty much like she's still cheating. Just leave her now or be prepared for a misserable life as cuck

The only reason to hide your phone is if you have something to hide. She's cheating still.

How do they get her number without her giving it up? Think about it you beta faggot.

You must like being a cuck, OP.
You know she's cheating on you, just break up with her. Being pregnant is not an excuse, specially because it's probably not yours.
I had a similar relationship and I just ended it. I know it sucks, but it'll pass in the following 4 years or so. Trust me.

You must be desperate or fucked in the head from your childhood making you enjoy being used and lied to.

Seek therapy, get rid of that skank, and abort the kid.

ive fucked some married chicks before too, but the point is, if she stops cheating then who cares, she's had other dicks in her before too, the husband is still getting pussy 24/7

its a matter of perspective. a guy with less options will be more inclined of forgiving a cheater.

>If she hides her phone does it mean she's cheating?
>If she's cheated in the past especially via mobile device and continues to hide her phone or get defensive?
Absolutely, 100%.

In my experience and all of my immediate friends experiences, if your girl cheats on you once, she already thinks you're a beta bitch from the beginning especially if you didn't dump her hard as fuck. You're clearly a bitch who allowed his girlfriend to have multiple affairs and then continued to be with her "with rules".

Sorry man truth hurts.

user you are codependent.
That means you picked bad people to be in relationships with.
I know from experience, you have all the classic signs, the jealous paranoid behavior.
The unwillingness to give up on a relationship because, to you, you are not a complete person without one.
I made a list of things I want in a mate and stick too it I tell my friends and family the list and if I start hanging around a person who does not pass I trust them to challenge me on it.

oh we're on the same page with that. i guess i didn't know what angle you were coming at it. like the husband+op both being cucks = my pov

yeah but how far along does she have to be until we can take the test? its killing me

lmao "she's not supposed to be cheating anymore"
dump this cheating bitch and be smarter OP

2-3 weeks then you can take a blood test.

if only i had this on my hook when i go fishing with papito

i am op dude, lol. like i said beggars cant be choosers but i can shoot that motherfucker dead in the street like a dog. haha just kidding bro

stop being a beggar. get some fucking standards.

Ohhh shit really ?! She's about 2-3 months along !

I'm on that !! Thanks bud

are you retarded?
drop the bitch she's fucking other dudes.

Dude, if its causing you enough anxiety to spend your spare time following her, feeling like this, or making posts on Sup Forums about it, then you really need to chuck her skank ass to the kerb. You already caught her cheating. That would be enough for most guys to be done already.

If you're worried about being lonely, dont be. Chicks like that suck the life out of you, and you will feel heaps better even a few weeks later.
And i dont care if you look like Giles from the weaboo fan club, you can find someone who treats you with the respect you deserve.

Why are there so many cucks on this board, JESUS.

Me and my girlfriend we dont really care much for each others phone, but like if either she or me is texting a lot we have the freedom to ask who the other one is talking to and even look at the conversatition, but this doesnt really happen often, and when it does its really more out of curiosity than distrust. Also she is good looking and guys are scumbags so from time to time some douche texts her trying to flirt, this happens to every girl its just life, but she always show it to me when that sort of thing happens

Btw your girl seems to have a LOT of red flags, ultimately if she wont let you see her phone under no circumstance shes definitely hiding something

i've talked to her about an open relationship and she doesn't agree, it's really a selfish thing. i got equal the other day tho if you knnow what i mean haha

Dump the girl.
There's no trust.
Jerking off is less stressful.
Half the population is female.
You're behaving like a cuck

i know, and i will talk with her again about it

I guess you're right but time will tell anyway and I have to at least take care of the child, assuming the DNA tests will prove I'm the father

Talk as much as you like Sup Forumsrah. She will keep playing you for a fool as long as she can.

Wow OP, i really hope that baby is not yours, that girl is clearly a egocentric crazy bitch.

You should dump her ASAP, no pussy ir worth that drama. Also its pretty creepy that all this is happening a few months into the relationships, this should be the honeymoon phase of the relationship where you fuck like rabbits and want to spend all the time together, seriously.

>I guess you're right but time will tell anyway and I have to at least take care of the child, assuming the DNA tests will prove I'm the father

Stop living with her immediately.
Pack her shit and put it on the sidewalk.
Get out now.
You may or may not be a parent.
Stop fucking this girl before you get aides or something.
Get her out of your house before her boyfriend moves in.
Recover what's left of your dignity now

If you don't trust her then fuck the relationship and break up. You can tell in the first few months if it's worth sticking around so don't be afraid to dump someone like a ton of bricks when you get a bad feeling.

It should feel awesome to be with someone, should be full of kek and memes especially in the first few months, if it isn't then break up regardless of whether they are cheating or not, something isn't working so don't fall into the trap of trying to make it work, a relationship isn't a car, you can't fix it.

With the phone thing, yeah she is being suspicious if she is hiding her phone. Either she has some secret porn stash on there, fucked up search history or she has been texting other people and flirting, either way "red flags". If she goes fucking nuts at you for seeing something you weren't supposed to, on purpose or otherwise then she is probably a crazy bitch and not worth your time.

The same goes for guys and people in general. Fuck them, leave them, move on until you find decent people.

The thing is she ain't playin nobody no more and I let her know that I am fully aware of her game.

guys upvote this real quick it's already over 5k

Get your shit together OP, this girl so crystal clearlly does not make you feel cared for at all , why the fuck do you keep jumping trough hoops to be with her?
Just dump her , relationships are supposed to be easy and fun , and you're obviously not having fun. Dump her, you're being a fool, other girls will come..

You guys finally picked one that wasn't being flagged?


Prefacing with some advice:

She cheated on you. She doesn't respect you, and she'll cheat on you again. Dump her ass and find you another one. If you break up and completely ignore her, she'll come back to you. Then just use her for sex or break contact for good. It's your choice, although you sound like you couldn't handle using her, so I recommend no contact whatsoever.

As for the phone situation; you don't own her nor her phone, so you can't get upset over her not showing you her phone. However, secrecy is unhealthy for a relationship and is definitely a red flag. If she won't show you her phone, it could mean that she's not the kind of person willing to be in a committed relationship, or that she simply values her privacy. Don't assume. You should know which one it is by now.

Because she cheated, it's most likely the former, and she is still cheating, which is why I say dump her.

That's just my 2ยข. Good luck, user.

sounds like she cheating on you sry mate, but she could also have some fucked up shit on her phone that shes trying to hide.

thats the thing, i really enjoy her company, we have good chemistry and i can feel she's only acting nasty because there's that ex in the background pulling strings if you get the metaphor.

so im two inches from packing her bags to the curb but im just curious to see where this is going and if i can pull this off or not, i mean getting her to dump her ex and make a decent person out of her

thats my mentality, some people are fixable, others are not.

i found a list of phone numbers of guys she met on a dating site, there was like 30 numbers, i ripped it in pieces and threw it outside, and when i told her she got mad at me

At this point OP is just being an att whore, its obvious that girl is not relationship material and he's sticking with her cuz hes needy, and thats why he keep making excuses for her to keep this thread going

Why would you stick around if you know she is cheating? Just dump her and move on. It sounds like you are the only one in the "relationship" anyway. Unless you enjoy being a cuck. For future reference, if they make a big deal about you grabbing their phone, they have something to hide.

>i mean getting her to dump her ex and make a decent person out of her

You can't change people like that user, she has no respect for you and the fact you still want her around shows how little respect you have for yourself.

He's obviously codependant.

hey man i know you aint looking for advice and all, but people rarely change best to just get rid of her

meh im sick of talking about this, its been good but overall i agree it centered too much around me and not the subject in general

Spotted the cheating whore.

I wanna hear him admit that hes codependant

No one is fixable, you honestly need to get that out of your head right away if you have any hope of not having a mental breakdown in the future.

I'm sure there is some reason why you are with her, either she is hot and you like the sex or you do have some genuine good times, but this is all meaningless bullshit in a relationship. You can have that same chemistry with friends or whoever else, a partner is supposed to be chill as fuck and not try to fuck you up.

You both probably need to grow up a tad before actually jumping into relationships. Normal relationships don't make you feel like breaking up with her and stalking her. You shouldn't feel uneasy about her doing things and you should trust her. The second that goes it's time to move on.

So kick her to the curb, get her stuff together and Chuck it outside.

I admit it lol

You have to get out of this situation.
Kick her out

Alright man I will keep your advice in mind.
Thanks everyone.

>so we've talked and she deleted all her apps and she's not supposed to be cheating anymore

lmfao you dense motherfucker

I've had a similar experience. My girlfriend told me I could take a look at her phone because she knew I was so insecure. When we finally got together, she decided not to let me. The whore broke up with me yesterday, which I'm not surprised about. She was texting up this fucker I told her not to talk to, but she did it anyway

This is just typical whore bullshit. They keep multiple plates spinning trying to keep backup dudes hot and ready in case their primary focus falls through. It stems from having daddy issues. The worst possible thing in their minds is not having a man in their life, so they string multiple dudes along to ensure that they always have a backup man to fall back on in case shit goes south.

You're not even trying anymore...

Please put some effort into your bait. It's fucking pathetic.

if she really likes you, she will go out of her way to show you that she does and will not want any secrets to be hidden and want you and only you.

If you worry about her hiding her phone you are being a beta cunt, just act like it doesnt bother you and be self centered and dont let her knock you off your masculine core. She will find that attractive and wonder why you have "Indifferent feelings" and chase you and not those supposedly other guys.

If it really bothers you alot find someone else or whatever, dont let women and their bullshit control you besides feminine behavior is to chase and not be centered and a strong anchor. she will test your strength by throwing trying to unbalance your centered strength to see if you are worthy to be with her unlike those other guys.

women like guys whose feelings are unclear so they chase
The more she is into you the less she will test your strength
dont be a beta be an alpha make them come to as much as possible

If not cheating she's getting ready to. gf and me have been together for 4 years, we share a desktop and a laptop and don't even have passwords on our phones. You don't freak out like that unless you've got something to hide.

i dont get it

jesus fuck man never puke your feelings up about being insecure about her phone, makes you look weak, you are supposed to not give a fuck

Trust me, I know from experience that if she's hiding something you need to dump her and move on before you end up married or with a kid together and she will still be seeking attention just like my ex.

google corey wayne and find the video that is for you and fix it

I got the first iPhone when it came out in '07, and got rid of my last cellphone in 2012. Never again.

I'm building a house in the north woods, with a greenhouse, a library full of books in it, and a bike and ski workshop in it. You can keep your brain-throttling constitution-shredding idiot boxes and retard your own development if you want. We'll see who lives better longer.

Here is the generic relationship advice with respect to phones, trust & cheating:
a) the rules should apply to both of you. If you see her phone, you should be fine with her seeing your phone.
b) it's ok to keep your phones to yourselves, and if you want it to be secure it should be password protected & encrypted.
c) If you are in a declared mutual relationship, just touching their phone should NOT cause a panic from either of you.
d) If you are dating, it is bad form to be on any of the dating sites/apps, and it is acceptable to call out this disrespect, or end the relationship.
e) If you expect fidelity in the relationship, that should be made clear at the beginning of the relationship, and should be enforced with a no-tolerance policy. Fidelity, once lost, can never be regained.

ya...user you must be stupid.

you must want a shitty ass relationship

you honestly think she'll be better now?

hah! you must be stupid

my gf lets me go through all of her shit and to be honest i never find anything.

shes actually the best gf I've ever had and its because we're 100% honest with each other.

even when i say a chick is super fucking hot, she just agrees with me.

you must live in a shitty state or country rofl

>bitches about technology ruining civilization
>posts on Sup Forums

Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger

maybe its the state because all my girlfriends cheated on me and same for my friends.


Here's the science of a good, stable relationship:
You should be having more positive interactions with your partner than negative ones. Specifically a 5:1 ratio is a good indicator of long term stability. Relationships that do not maintain a sufficient ratio will eventually fall apart due to stress/cheating/fighting/etc. Every single person should be searching for relationships that net them and their partner a high (+):(-) experience ratio.

From the OP, it is readily apparent you are having more negative experiences than positive ones based on your confessions (and a happy person doesn't post on Sup Forums). You should absolutely abandon this relationship before it seriously harms you. By the way, having a cheater for a partner is like having $100,000 in debt. You will be constantly paying it off, in stress because of it, and won't be happy till you are free.

Ditto I've done the same as a guy and I can confirm I did the same things to my ex.. She's going behind your back bro. Plus I've had many girls do this same site to me. She's playing to you, save yourself and save the pain you'll receive.


Think for a moment: would you appreciate a person trying to change you against your will?
The normal human impulse is to resist, not to acquiesce. So to will it be with your gf when you try to change her. She will inevitably resist, and you will eventually tire of her shit.

You are already in the death spiral as evidenced by your posting on Sup Forums. No happy member of a couple posts on Sup Forums about their relationship, because they are usually too busy being fucking happy. You are in pain and suffering, hence the reason to vent here to Sup Forums, and you are just deluding yourself that it is worth it for the meager company she provides, because you are afraid of being alone.