Hey Sup Forums lets discuss life

Hey Sup Forums lets discuss life

Do you believe in Spirituality?
Life after Death?
What is this life about?

Quantumphysics proved that without the consciousness no physical world would be possible as consciousness form our physical world (Watch Double-Slit Experiment on YT). Without consciousness there would be only energy in forms of waves. Also its proven that we human also sub-consciously communicate on another world outside of this physical world via frequency. Also thanks to physics non-locality has been proved meaning: Everyone is connected to each other just like a big consciousness.

I get the points, we associated ourselfs with our physical essence because since we're born we look at our hands, feet, genitals. mirror, hear ourselfsbreathing trough vibration etc and get told that that is "i". but how can you explain dreaming or out of body experiences? The brain seems to me more like a super-advanced Quantumcomputer that translates this physical world into our consciousness rather than the one creating consciousness itself. Our physical body is basically just here to follow the brain's and nervs commands, and the brain is just here to follow basic electric impulses, if we go deeper than that everything in the neurons is a storage algorythm of bits 0's and 1's.
Forget the "random" big-bang theory how stupid are you? (for the idiots: yes im also sure the big-bang happen, but there has to be something that initiated the big-bang) Out of nothing- there can be nothing, period.
For me its clear either 1 of these 2 possibilities are true:
>We are living in a computer simulation.
>We are god and everyone has god inside them, can just only experiences this life instance after instance independently of another instance since we're all connected.

Ask me anything, im really interested in hearing all kind of toughts to this topic.

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Also the further the brain gets researched the more people come to the conclusion that the brain seems more and more like a reciever rather than the one creating consciousness. At this date there's already devices that can read minds via frequency (still in work tho).

Elon Musk CEO of Tesla said in 2030 - 2035 it would be possible to upload the consciousness into a computer. If yes than immortality in this physical world would be in close reach because we would not need our physical essence's anymore to survive in this physical world. What do you think?


You have a very poor understanding of the double slit experiment. It basically demonstrates that the act of measuring something affects it.

Consciousness is a by product of language development. A way for us to refer to ourselves.

I get that you're high and you think you're being smart/deep/enlightened, but I'm a neuroscience minor and I can tell you you're talking out your ass. Go get some actual education instead of watching bogus sci-fi vids on youtube.


enlighten us with a 10 page essay due next week

Fuck you I'm on spring break bitch.

The very act of measuring == consciousness.
Check'mate the only one talking out of your ass is you "Im a neuroscience minor" wow congrats. I dont have to imply what i work for nor my profession, because we know "individuals" exists. Individuals (indep. of race, profession) =/= Smart.

dude to you even know what defines consciousness? lol

It's funny how people can say life after death is impossible. We can't even explain why this current reality exists yet these people claim there is no other reality. This current reality exists which opens the door for another reality to follow.

the second of your two green options is the correct assertion.
our development of computing systems is a mirror of the global human psyche as we continue to develop a universally shared recognition of the patterns that govern the universe: from huge events such as big bangs to 'smaller' particles, the 'god' consciousness embodies and shepherds every orbit and aspect.

Guys, did not posted this thread to discuss this kind of topics with people who THINK they know everything, im here to discuss it with intelect individuals who KNOW they know nothing. Goes for your you mighty "neuroscience minor" basically if you still dont understand im just saying that you can fuck off.

>I work at McDonald's
>Therefore I know as much as someone who specializes in a field
>Just because I don't have a degree doesn't mean I'm not smart

Just sit down you're embarrassing yourself.

I believe that everything we are taught is a lie, therefore I am the smartest person in the world.

Very nice Point of View.

Dude facts are facts, just because you chose not to believe them doesn't make them true. And I think a nueroscince minor knows more about the brain than someone who clearly has no idea what they're talking about. I'd rather trust my Dr about whether I should get vaccinated rather and Jenny's mom on Facebook that tells me vaccines are made of devil's blood.

Oh buddy i do not nor never have worked at McDonalds. I do not have to imply my profession or anything (often its just a psychological way looking for attention) I started this thread to discuss it with individuals, not to talk about profession. If you would be a girl, you also would have written "Im a girl and neuroscience minor so blablabla..".
Dont play this game with me, you mighty "neuroscience minor" you'll loose.

It may be a higher intellectual outcome to accept you know nothing, but asking what people know is something you do in order to get people to tell you what they think.
If you came to Sup Forums to find a bunch of Zen intellectuals to say they're agnostic you should give up and go back to your studies.

You're also one of those people that voluntarily jumps on a train to Auschwitz.

Will not return to this page to do further studies.
Everyonce in a while i see some really outstanding individuals here with an enourmous intellectual thinking patterns, that was what i was searching for unfortunately i forgot about all the pedophiles and peep's who gets turned on by blood or corpses here which build the majority lol. You can continue to discuss it on yourself im outtie

mate, firstly, stop calling people individuals like who the fuck are you some cranky school teacher going to talk to the individuals responsible for putting a pin on your chair.
some people share things scientifically because they're used to it that way.
some people need youtube videos.
you're both interested in the same topic about inter-connectedness yet somehow find the temerity to bicker over things like command over language, the minors we study, probably IQ etc
get a grip and get on with it eh

retard alert

>Will not return to this page to do further studies

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA If you want to do "further studies" read a fucking textbook. Don't come to Sup Forums thinking you're going to learn anything.

I think its good that you're embracing a sense of spirituality. Its something western society deeply lacks.

However, I also think that you need to limit yourself somewhat in your speculations, and I also think you have a very deep misunderstanding of quantum physics. Quantum physics does not require an observer - rather, it just requires that the particle interact with something else. Invariably, measurement requires interaction. Its also been interpreted as part of the consequence between the microscopic (where quantum mechanics lays) and the macroscale, where quantum mechanics "averages out" to produce much of classical mechanics. Consciousness is still very interesting, but I think that its apparent that once we study the subject deeply, that we cannot make the kind of assertions that you have. We know the brain is very complicated. However, it has not been proven that humans "also sub-consciously communicate on another world outside of this physical world via frequency", which is also a somewhat meaningless statement - for if it is external to this world, it could not influence this world. Certainly, everybody is connected with each other - the chain of cause and effect in this world runs far too deep for somebody to ever necessarily be "independent" or necessarily original.


And as for your last comment, I think you're mistaken. Your human intuition only applies for a small segment of the world. Recent advances in physics has demonstrated the existence of virtual particles, flashing in and out of existence from the vaccuum. And what initiates the big bang, naturally begs the question of what initiated the initiator. It also begs the question as to why the universe can't simply just "Be." We also don't absolutely know that there was nothing before. It may be that the lifecycle of this universe is cyclic, and was birthed from the collapse of a previous universe, or was birthed from a sort of multiverse. We just don't know. We do know, however, that the big-bang or something very similar did occur.

I think you might be very interested in the idea of Pantheism. Essentially, it is the idea that the universe is god - i.e, god is that "force" or "quality" that causes everything to exist, and act according to physical laws. A related idea to pantheism is panpsychism, the idea that consciousness is a inherent property of matter.

You're almost as bad as a liberal cuck who takes sociology 101 and thinks they know economics and how the country should be run. Almost

Just my opinion, not trying to force this on others or anything,

I dont think ghosts/spirits/or a god exists. Its all a petty myth to make humans not want to dwell on the fact there is no afterlife. We only have religion so people dont kill themselves or think about the inevitability of death, the end After death there is nothing. We are nothing but a ball of energy. Since we are basically just energy, and "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another." than I assume we just turn into some other form of energy. Really that is it. If there was some savior, than we wouldnt die. We wouldnt have the need for rapist, or murderers, or WHATEVER. God would have proven himself. Thats to say about any GOD really. We all die.

Life has no meaning. We were born to serve a purpose, like everything, a meaningless purpose until our world blows up by the sun or some shit. It is to energize (food/water), procreate, die. That is it. We arent made for some other meaning, like all animals we are just as worthless as an ant on the sidewalk. Created to fulfill a job and sent away into a dark end with once again no other meaning.

As for the whole.."matrix computer simulation" thing. Its not to say its a possibility, but thinking about it wont change anything. Sure we could all be code in some large computer, but whats the point of this theory? If this is so than whats the motive behind being a simulation? What do the beings that created our world benefit from us? And even so I dont really see any use.

I dont even want to address your second possibility because it is just completely retarded to me and I cant even see the information you have to prove this.

You shouldnt use information gained from a single experiment found on a youtube video. Im not really in the mood to watch the video but im just saying from the way you put it it seems like you base your opinions on just a video??

Bravo sir, I'd like to meet you. Cheers faggot good read.

I guess, but unlike sociology to economics nueroscience actually goes into the structures and functions of the brain on a cellular level. And when you've taken 4 semesters studying it and then hear shit like
>Also its proven that we human also sub-consciously communicate on another world outside of this physical world via frequency.

"neuroscience minor" I Kek'd. I know my shit, i had neuro sci 101.

Altho you have a point, he does not get the double slit experiment.

Elon musk is a guy with cool ideas, but the infomorph is not a new idea and in many regards already exists. Now cloning a humain "mind" and making it essentially in an informorph is another topic all together.I doubt 2030-35 sees this, but yes, to many, it is possible and quantum computers would be able to host and harness multiple human minds interacting together.

Effectively vitualizing our reality and making the human experience "infinite"

Maybe life after death is possible, but I dont think humans have any correct theories on the subject. Most of our theories are just religions, and most dont have any scientific evidence besides "faith" and when you question them they get all triggered and shit.

I barely know shit about quantum physics. "Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level."


"Quantum Physics is a fundamental branch of physics concerned with processes involving, for example, atoms and photons."

Random Thought: It amazes me how we know more about the universe than we do about how our brain works. Functionally I mean..

He is right tough. Every tought you make sends a specific frequency which others can observe but cannot see.

this is only what we call the biological approach. The biological approach is also based on assumptions, some assumptions being correlated to things we accept as "facts". Could nonetheless transcend human experience and be complicated beyond our realm of understanding.

You're correct to say that we do just turn into other energy. Heat into the surroundings, and food for worms.

And you're right to take such a nhilistic view. When you develop a physical understanding of the world, its the only possible result if you choose not to delude yourself.

However, and I think I've found this myself only recently, religion has much, much more to offer than a distraction, Modern man has existed, for what, 200,000 years? Our experience of reality is at its basis confusing and chaotic. What religion has to offer, when you see past its cultural markers and its symbols, it bears a deeply important message of "how to human well". How to develop spirituality (though the word is bastardized and little understood these days). In this sense, hinduism, buddhism, taoism, Christianity, Islam all offer essentially the same message and meaning, after stripping the rest away, though buddhism bit into the psychology and technique the most deeply and taoism the essentially idea most eloquently. I would like to explain it more, but its so difficult to do in a way that that would make sense to somebody that hasn't experience it themselves. its not even putting oneself in a state of mind where you're "one with the universe" - its realizing on an intellectual level that there's no separation, and learning to look and experience and understand deeply.

glad you enjoyed and that somebody actually read it. I don't get to rant much,

Except anything you think is a fact about human consciousness is pure fallacy and naivety. While OP may be wrong, and sure we think and are self aware with our brains, the conscious has no real fact based scientific method. I get it, you took some classes but I can assure you, if you had some idiot teacher tell you anything as fact related to this topic, they are fucking wrong.


And to clarify - I consider "god" to be a symbol, whose purpose in religion I feel most misunderstand, including the religious and devout believers (yeah, I know its conceited, but I honestly think they have their thoughts on their own "god" wrong).

Most often, 'god' is used as a symbol for that universal force of being or existence - that quality that makes thing "be", and what one shares when they look deeply into the nature of things and of experience. He doesn't need to take the form of a magical sky daddy. Interpreted in this way, atheist, thiest, diest, and pantheist all begin to lose their meanings, provided all those discussing have had this same experience of "godhead" or looking deeply.

Despite while others might classify me as a "militant agnostic", I've spoken with enough deeply 'conventionally' religious people to know that when we speak of God, and of experiencing God, we understand the same thing, and have experienced the same thing, though they might personify it and project a will and consciousness to it.

No homo but you mind giving a little background on yourself?I'm fanboying your brain atm

3rd year physics major with a lifelong interest in philosophy. Also began in interest in spirituality (through a deeply atheistic lens) after being given the ''Tao of Pooh" by a teacher my final year of high school.

It wasn't until about six months ago that I began to understand things more deeply and find more relevance in the "religious" side of things after having my first psychedelic experience and especially after discovering a deeply intellectually and spiritually stimulating friend.

What's your email? I'd love to find more people to talk about this sort of thing with.

I really hope there is some sort of life after death. I just have a hard time believing it considering how we are made. If the human conscious was some sort of way for our celestial minds to plug into human bodies, how does that correlate to how we reproduce? What happens if there is miscarriage or abortion. Why would we plug into a nigger or retarded person?

[email protected] yeah I need friends like you

Well "assumptions" are based on decades of research that has been peer reviewed a 100 times over. Holy crap let me educate you nitwits.
Holy crap. Here let me educate you idiots.




How the nervous system evolved

I believe in Christianity but I don't want others to be discouraged by my choices

Tldr what does this have to do with the human conscious?

LOL what a garden variety - "Qunatum Mechanics Therefore God!" guy

Nervous system =/= consciousness

Consciousness comes from the brain. OP showing how brain evolved. Not that complicated m8

You've never had to wipe a brain dead patients ass have you. Trust me they don't have a conscience

1. I believe as little as possible, much preferring to consider as many ideas as possible and be beholden to none of them.

2. I refuse to believe "in" anything, bc anything that requires my belief "in" it to exist, seems, due to the lack if any evident structures or mechanics to support the existenc of such a relationship in this universe, most likely to not exist, or if it did, does so by the narrowest thread, is so short-term and trivial it's not worth writing about.

3. I have seen no technical reason why a human brain could not gradually integrate artificial circuitry, and over time slowly migrate over to it completely, transitioning from biological to electronic hardware and eventually becoming software and interconnecting with others available on a network.

I rather think the species will be so drastically reduced from the supply-side environmental/ecological/energy collapse that "society" won't afford sufficient number of specialists to make it happen in a reasonable amount of time.

Probably for the best.

>[email protected]

emailed you.


we are here to make hats and go to hat god when we die where we make hats forever in hat heaven

>Do you believe in Spirituality?
>Life after Death?
there will be a state of somewhat but certainly no "life"
>What is this life about?
to reproduce and become a completely perfect living being

You have some good policies. You might be interested in some of Popper's work, Bryan Magee has a good synopsis of it.

I appreciate it, very few people take the policy of simultaneous skepticism and open-mindedness (beyond what they want to believe, of course).

Looking forward to chatting mate. I need sleep for now. Cheers

You'd think a neuroscience major would have noticed at some point that no two scholars have ever even agreed on a definition of what they mean b "consciousness", much less a definition it understanding of how whatever that is works. I get that you like reading books on the subject, but you need to read more authors, and stay away from the self-help & spiritualty section. Try a scientific journal sometime.

You too, and same here. Night.

I came here looking for advice and instead I find a pissing contest. Wanna know what I think? Remember what it was like before you were born. That's what it's like after death. Nothing.

Realize it yourself.

YouTube mooji.(disregard his religious quips. Just listen and try meditations )

Audio book called "waking up" by Sam something or other.
It's in pirate bays top 100 audio books. Has something to do with conciousness.
Very great to listen to.

There is no life after death, our consciousness comes from our brains. Once they die we're gone

the question is what is the state of "gone"?

Whatever it was like before you were born, I guess

You can't recall it because you didn't exist; it's not recorded by your brain

For me the sad thing about death is that the world goes on and you're no longer allowed to be a part of it

>it has been proved
Agreed, op is talking shit out of his ass and Sup Forums is full of jelly snowflakes who can't assimilate the idea of having someone knowing something better than them.

It's a lack of state. You don't experience it. There is no you.

"Quantumphysics proved that without the consciousness no physical world would be possible as consciousness form our physical world (Watch Double-Slit Experiment on YT)."

That is not even remotely what the double-slit experiment proves.

What the double-slit experiment proves is that reality is just amplitudes that happen to factorize-- that is, that wave and particle are only useful but wrong concepts, like Bohr's model.

Consciousness is completely irrelevant to the double-slit experiment-- an automated computer you never read will record the same results.

To get a better idea of this, look up the improved version of dohble slit, the half silvered mirror experiment.

Leaving this right here.

>You have a very poor understanding of the double slit experiment.

t. youtube.com/watch?v=0AihD2__gKE&list=PLF4513ADF171E3995

i like the "imagining the 10th dimension" philosophy

The real problem with religion is that they focus on "God" or another divine being, but the real truth is that if there is a God, he doesn't give a shit to us. Let's assume he exists, he gave us the universe, matter and life, also sadness, pain and death. He doesn't really care about our hapiness or else he would just create a heaven where we could all go numbly happy forever, he gave us this existence and a faint glimpse of hapiness to pursue. All the other factors are obstacles or goals that we use to climb into a state of hapiness, but it's a fleeting moment, rarely we will be truly happy or fulfilled. What truly matters to "God" isn't our hapiness, it's our existence, the pieces of experience we gather through our lifes... Have you ever read the book "hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" where Douglas Adams jokingly says earth was a computer where every being of earth was a part of it? Just to generate a question? That may be a good answer that why created us or he was just bored, nevertheless we are here, most of the times suffering and fighting against depression and this unjust existence, he knew this could happen and maybe know it is happening, but he's idle and silent. He doesn't give a shit, that's the part where religion fail, it shouldn't be about God. It should be about us, our common existence and destiny, what is hapiness, how to make this world a better place, not of which religion has a better God.

>to reproduce and become a completely perfect living being
To create AI.

Another philosophical retard pretending you're a quantum scientist. If the brain isn't the source of consciousness, then explain why brain injuries can and often do change a person's personality. Explain why retardation is directly related to a physically defective brain.

You're just mentally masturbating to your own bullshit. As soon as you realize that you actually will gain a higher sense of awareness.