Sweden will win the Cold War when America and Russia destroy each other.
Sweden will win the Cold War when America and Russia destroy each other
I stand with Sweden against the right wing's fake news machine.
Sweds are gay tho
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it an 8
I'll take the bait. The reason liberal/socialist policies benefit everyone in Sweden is because everyone is the same race. Liberal policies in the US are set by white liberals, and those policies keep minorities poor and uneducated. Detroit should be in good shape financially, the Democrats spent a lot of money bailing out the auto industry. But instead black communities in Michigan have poverty, no jobs, and some have poisonous water.
Um the reason why Democrats keep failing is because Republicans keep denying them anything beneficial. Every time they try to pass something good 8/10 times it gets shot down by the repubs.
Sweden is doing so well because we pay for their defense system, so they have tons of cash to spend it on. Socialism works in small countries and last I checked, America is huge
>The reason liberal/socialist policies benefit everyone in Sweden is because everyone is the same race
Literally retarded.
Sweden isn't socialist, it's a social democracy. Why the fuck does everyone think the nordic countries are socialist? They're not and never have been.
As a socialist, it pisses me off.
>I'll take the bait. The reason liberal/socialist policies benefit everyone in Sweden is because everyone is the same race.
This is so 5 years ago argument. The new right winger argument is that sweden is worse then Mogadishu. Litterslly saw an article on breitbart about how violence is so bad in sweden that a somali immigrant is going back to somalia
>Liberal policies in the US are set by white liberals, and those policies keep minorities poor and uneducated. Detroit should be in good shape financially, the Democrats spent a lot of money bailing out the auto industry. But instead black communities in Michigan have poverty, no jobs, and some have poisonous water.
auto industry is the only employer you dumbass
the reason that detroit is shit is that the population of the city has shrunk by 70% as the auto industry down sized jobs