Okay Sup Forums real Fucking talk

Okay Sup Forums real Fucking talk
Someone needs to tell me why every ignorant fuck thinks microwaves are going to give you radiation damage. Every Fucking time I stand next to it waiting for my food some Fucking moron says I'm getting cancer and its pissing me off. Im getting a lot more cancer from Sup Forums than I am from a Fucking microwave. Anyone else hate this shit?

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Microwaves give you cancer.

That and cellphones


just remember these are the same people who will say water is the source of all life but you mentiom dihydrogen monoxide and they lose their shit.

Why do I have to share a planet with these people

Its not fair

I deserve better!

I want to be venusian god damn it

Silver storms are good FOR YOU FUCKING SKIN



>meant to say sulfer
>wrong picture
>your not you
God damn it man I didn't need this right now

Do you know what kind of radiation microwave radiation is?

Because I do. Microwave radiation is non ionizing radiation. As opposed to ionizing radiation. Cancer is caused by ionizing radiation. Microwaves are the equivalent to putting an LED light up to your food to cook it. The only difference is that microwaves are better suited to penetrate the food

Microwaves can give you cancer like most forms of EM radiation, although microwaves aren't particularly energetic (being between infrared and radiowaves) and are thus stopped by a simple measures such as the glass window that is the door of a microwave oven.
This is why all microwaves are built so that you can't switch them on without closing the door first.
Bypassing this security feature, or if the door (or other covering on the microwave oven) is broken, dangerous quantities of EM radiation could leak through.
Basically, as long as your micro door is fine, no problem. If there is a hole, and you are right in front of it, repeatedly, welcome to cancer land.

And yo dumb ass is telling me that I'm going to be irradiated by what is pretty much a Fucking incandescent light bulb

Okay last time I'm saying this hopefully. Ionizing radiation is what causes cancer. The fact that its energetic is the thing that makes cancer happen. That's why uv rays give you cancer and not light waves. Microwaves are just light a light bulb, they are non Ionizing rays

No one is scared of radio waves or light bulbs or any other non ionizing radiation. Why are people scared of microwaves when they are the same type of electromagnetic radiation


I take back everything that was funny as shit sorry user

>funny as shit
thanks that's the reason i posted

all the dhmo hoaxes

Sorry about that I'm kinda on edge from the less... Pallatable people here
My reaction was a little bit extra

-microwaves use radiation
-radiation causes cancer
-most people are not educated enough on radiation or cancer to understand there are different types of radiation and some aren't going to give you cancer.

Do some basic high school physics, learn about it yourself so you have more ammunition to come back at people with. A microwave gives off electromagnetic radiation, it is not a source of nuclear radiation. If you took off the metal mesh plate on your microwave, you would be at risk of temperature burns before you died of anything else.

OP here
I thank you all for being even slightly scientifically literate.
I was about to kick the next person who said this dumb shit to me
Thank you all for helping me regain my sanity in a bleak, vastly incorrect world

I am a hazmat operator, and I HATE the microwave joke/myth. Its almost as bad as "desiccant is asbestos".

But I just smile everytime someone says it, even if it is some PhD working for a big research firm.

pls help my wifi is killing me should i buy an anti radiation pendant and iodine tablets???

There's some ionizing radiation from older microwaves, however you can protect yourself by putting metal into the microwave when in use.

Then how can i get skin cancer from sunlight? Faggot.