Gonna be doing LSD form the 1st time in about 3 hrs What to expect and how to prep and what to do while on it

Gonna be doing LSD form the 1st time in about 3 hrs What to expect and how to prep and what to do while on it

> was gonna go to the beach but said because its my 1st time ill do it home 1st

Other urls found in this thread:


Dancing dicks everywhere. Pussys with teeth. Very bad nightmares comming to life.

L-Arginine and Lecithin

You proboly got Nbom or a cheap psy on blotter. Youl fuckin die theirs not that much lsd chemist around theirs more cheaper stronger shit sold as lsd. Just dont say this after you take a tab. Im going to die.

You will shit yourself

Have fun developing HPPD and tripping for ever

Youl turn into a goddam hippy

Dont listen to these guys op. Best thing to do is to watch horror movies

Best thing you should do is get a lawyer. You broke the law and that is the best way to perpare for a shorter sentance and less ass rape

Oh man, my friend told me about this while i was tripping hard and it fucked me right up. Started thinking about how fucked i would be if i couldn't function in society anymore and how it would impact my family. shit was intense

just find a good hiding place and stay there for 12 hours

lol, if you aren't just fucking around and trolling or whatever and you're really going to do this strong ass shit, it's best you have either a friend who's extremely familiar with it and responsible to be around to help you out or at least a friend who loves you enough to keep you from hurting yourself...it's not like weed if you're used to that shit...it's not like that at ALL...in fact, I'd just say don't even do it until you've been around other people on it and see how the fuck they act...then decide if you wanna be like that...(inb4 it affects everyone differently, yeah it does but sometimes it's similar for people)

Don't listen to any of these Sup Forums faggots it's an amazing drug have a good time don't go in with a shitty mindset

I swear down to you right now do this one thing!. When you start coming up watch Fear and loathing in Las Vegas thank me later.

Yup. Theirs tons of youtube vids on it. In one wrong trip you can end up seeing floaters for the rest od your life of have static vision from time to time. Thats when you see specs of white moving around like a snowy staticy tv station. Like in the 90s when you tried jerking it to a ppv channel you did not payfor but you got %5 nipple and %95 snow

Ha! Gaayyy

Dude don't forget to go on roof of tall building and try to glide off it

yeah, like your first time is going to have anything at all to do with your fucking mindset going into it..lmao...get real nigga...the shit takes you where IT wants to go...I've seen plenty of smiles turn to frowns from people who were damn happy and excited to do the shit and no amount of glow sticks, music and orange juice helped them not ending up sick and feeling like they were dead lol..but yeah to each their own, good luck.

Hppd is real


Everything will look like your in the simpsonsEATmYsHorRTs

My first time I took it 30 mins before I left work and ended up in in a grocery store appreciating the bulk candy section laughing hysterically with my friend

Lol at everyone in this thread. Just take a tab or half a tab. You will be fine.cI found LSD to be easier to handle than weed.

Keep some water around you.

Keep yourself in a safe, comfortable environment.

If your tripping area is messy, clean it up beforehand.

It takes about 45-60 minutes to start feeling it.

The come up can be a little uncomfortable physically and mentally. Just remember to relax.

I don't know about this shit that's out there today but the shit 20 years ago would keep you fucked up for 12 hours or more...it's fun for a while, then it's like goddamn when's it going to be over, I got shit I need to do and when it's about done and you're all dried up inside you swear you'll never do that shit again, but ya do anyway cause fuck it why not

trips of truth

I have done it you shitlord my friend did it at the same time. he did it and regretted doing it he had a horrible trip while I was having an amazing one. fuck outta here I ain't no nigga. Yes I'm tilted

>Keep some water around you

But not too much water, that could be dangerous

maybe you ain't no nigga but you probably a bunk bitch and yo friend paid for the shit and gave u a lil corna piece while he was the one that actually got the dose...and your gay ass thinking you seeing dragons and shit with the placebo effect while your buddy really fucking was seeing dragons and shit..

Go in with a good mental state. Don't trip if you're mad, sad,etc.

Prepare healthy food for coming down. Fruit salad is good.

literally shows how much you know you dumb fuck a took a full hit he took a half. I payed. Seeing shit? bruh are you fucking retarded. That's shrooms. sometimes acid depending if you took enough to kill a full grown elephant °-°

This is absolute bullshit, don't listen to this dipshit. Yes, lots of LSD sold is RCs or NBOME, but there's plenty of real L to be found if you aren't a moron.

Use a testkit, know your source, research the source. If the seller can't tell you a source, don't buy it. If the seller bought from anywhere other than the darknet, don't buy it. If the testkit doesn't come back positive for LSD, don't buy it. If the testkit comes back positive for anything other than LSD, don't buy it. Finally, if your seller won't show you the darknet site, the comments/reviews, and a lab test, don't buy it. If you're safe, you'll never get an RC or NBOME or any other junk.

If you put the tab on your mouth and it tastes bitter, spit it the fuck out and have an anti-psychotic such as seroquel ready. If no anti-psych, have xanax or another strong benzo to dull any potential negative effects if they come along.

Now, all of that bullshit aside, assuming you have real L, which as I said is not difficult to obtain if you know what you're doing, what the trip is like:

First hour after dropping is the come-up. You'll start feeling it anywhere between 20-60 minutes. It'll ramp up rapidly over the next 2-3 hours, before peaking, then slowly dissipate over the next 5-9 hours. Runtime is about 10-14 hours depending on your brain, your dosage, the food you ate in the last couple weeks, any other drugs you might be taking, etc. Also, on that topic, research any potential interactions with pharmaceuticals that you're currently taking. Especially do not combine with anti-psychotics or antidepressants.

So the first hour is generally very mild. You'll start to feel euphoric, as if your body is buzzing. The effects of LSD are extremely subjective, meaning they're very different from person to person. Some people get strong visual distortion, others get none. Most get a solid body high and a strong sense of "oneness" that honestly cannot be described with words.

Cont'd in next post.

OP shouldn't have come here then, this cesspool is just one big shitty mindset

After the first hour, the effects ramp up over the next two to three hours before peaking. This time is usually spent being mostly quiet - conversation will be difficult, functioning normally will become difficult. You'll likely be so euphoric from the body high alone that all you'll want to do is lounge around on a comfortable bed. Thoughts will come and go in your mind, and your memory will be very short. You'll forget your thoughts rapidly, as your mind will be racing. What I describe this to people as, is if you can imagine the normal state of the brain as a filtered input. We have all of these senses, only the sheer vastness of information received would be totally overwhelming and you couldn't possibly function if you were busy paying attention to it all. Sound, sight, smell, touch, etc. are all going through a filter in your brain. LSD in a sense removes that filter, or at least turns most of the filter off. Suddenly, you're rushed with all the information that you normally wouldn't really notice at all. You will see things you normally don't see, you will hear things you normally don't hear, and you'll feel things you normally wouldn't feel. Everything is amplified. The ability to discern one object from another becomes poor, and the borders between things suddenly will cease to exist. The objects and people around you might vibrate, and you'll realize they've always vibrated, only you didn't really pay enough attention to notice. You might see the individual rays of light coming down from your lightbulbs, or the sun, or the moon. You might feel the air currents in your home or outdoors, smell the various smells that normally aren't noticeable. You'll feel your own body heat and your breath, you'll hear the energy pulsing through the cables in your walls, you'll hear your mechanical devices humming, your TV and computer monitor will buzz.

A common misconception with LSD is that you'll see things that aren't there.


fair enough.

lol, this is pretty much accurate...good mental flashback reading all of it...and things "vibrating" is a pretty good explanation of the true "visuals"...also from experience, if you're in a place that has one of those "sprayed popcorn ceilings" take a look at that shit..wow..lol, you might just start seeing formations of the "popcorn" into images, sort of like "hey that cloud looks like a dick" so...u do get those kind of "visuals" but no u won't see dragons and shit...

This is simply not true. Nothing that isn't there will be seen. Things will morph and flow and vibrate and hum and sing, but it's all there, and it's all real.

There's only one exception to this: people with mental illness have the potential to see things that aren't real. An underlying case of schizophrenia can suddenly come out into light. Mental issues that you have will be released into the wild, without fail, upon use of LSD. Depression, anxiety, psychotic tendencies, all of this will show its face during your trip. But the great thing about LSD is that if and when these sorts of issues show, you are able and allowed to come to terms with them. Rather than burying your sadness, frustration, anger, anxiety, fear, etc. you will be forced to deal with it. If you decide you want to learn about yourself and learn to move past these sorts of problems, you will. Without fail. I've seen it happen, I've had it happen. It's a powerful tool. My first few trips were godawful because of my anxiety and depression. Only after deciding it was time to fix these issues was I able to trip and move past the depression and anxiety. Now, I live daily life without it.

If you do see things, it's either an underlying mental illness or a sign of a very creative imagination. I have had friends, mostly artists and musicians, tell me that they have more vivid hallucinations -- seeing things that aren't there. But I find this only happens in people that are naturally creative types. Or, if the visions are extremely aggressive, or generally negative, this is a good sign that you have a serious mental illness and should never trip again. I repeat, if you see shit that isn't there, and it scares the living fuck out of you, ditch the psychedelics. Also, if you see shit on low doses of L, and the shit is telling you, or seems to be asking you, to hurt yourself or others, you need to immediately drop a xanax or preferably an anti-psychotic down your throat and never trip.


>an underlying mental illness

>mostly artists and musicians


this man is smart

I loooove patterned ceilings on LSD. This is a good example of LSD visuals. Things will form patterns on them. Higher doses will cause most all objects to be patterned, lower more stable doses only do it on things with a pattern already. I explain this to people as the brains pattern recognition system going into overdrive. Our brains are basically giant computers that are always looking for patterns. It's how we function on a day-to-day basis. But on LSD, your brain's more subconscious pattern recognition, that mostly gets ignored outside of a trip, becomes consciously active and you will start to see patterns on objects. It's pretty neat, but it's also some of the only visual effects you'll get. Morphing, vibrating, patterns, sometimes colours, light rays, etc. All things that are either caused by your brains subconscious mechanisms, or actually real things that you just don't normally perceive.

Basically, the chance of you having any real negative effects are slim. Just be prepared in case you do. I've had friends freak out and try to kill me and themselves, and it's not pleasant. One friend became convinced he had to kill himself to get out of a false reality - and then he looked at me, realized we were one and the same, and decided if I died, he'd die. After taking a lot of LSD, I realize he's completely right, but I'm not ready to leave this world. I like it here. It's an adventure. I'm not ready to stop adventuring. What I believe, after many lessons from acid, is that we're all one consciousness, hopping from body to body, experiencing every possible part of the world, on repeat, for eternity.

But anyway, it's besides the point. By the 10-hour mark you will be exhausted. Your bones might hurt a bit, your jaw might be very tense, you'll want to sleep. This is a good time to get some weed out -- it'll cure all the uncomfortable comedown ailments, if you have any, and also give you amazingly beautiful visuals.


thx bb

Don't smoke weed, though, if you are prone to anxiety on weed. Anxiety ain't fun on acid.

Do you have any questions? Anything you're curious about?

There's two things I didn't discuss: set and setting, and having a partner or a sitter.

Set and setting refers to your mindset and your environment. The term basically means that prior to tripping, it's important to consider your mindset, and your surroundings. This includes the people you'll be with, the place(s) you will be, and the things you might have in mind to do. Your mindset refers to your current state of mind, as well as your state of mind in the last month or two. If you've had any sort of emotional trauma, tripping is not recommended whatsoever. Be sure to consider your environment and your mindset. If the people you're with aren't close, trusted friends, people that you wouldn't mind seeing you act foolish, childish, and silly, then don't trip with them around. It's also generally advised not to trip around people who are not tripping with you, except for maybe one experienced trip-sitter.

A sitter is important if you're tripping on your own. Especially if it's your first time. You need to have someone around you that is experienced enough to help calm you if you become anxious. Someone that can hold you if you feel afraid, or sad. I basically only recommend tripping with people who you wouldn't mind seeing you naked. People that you would be okay with literally being butt-naked sitting next to. By all means, this does not mean you should strip down when you're on acid -- you still need to consider others, and most don't enjoy having someone suddenly be naked. But, you should not feel as if they would judge you for anything, or feel uncomfortable at all around them. It's very important that those around you are trusted people that love you and care for you. Many times I've heard people tripping at a party, or with people they don't really know, and it being uncomfortable

So yeah, be prepared, but have fun. You should be fine, and it should be a very good experience for you. Please don't trip alone for your first time, and please trust the people around you. Please consider your environment, and please have anti-psychs or benzos available in case things go south, which they almost certainly won't, but it's good to be prepared. Please avoid drugs that interact badly with LSD. And please, most of all, enjoy the hell out of your trip. You'll learn a lot about the functions of the universe, should you allow the LSD to teach you. You'll also learn a lot about your own inner workings. Do a lot of thinking, sitting still and enjoying the waves of euphoria, watch the room around you. Meditate. Stay away from electronics -- they're not fun and highly detract from the LSD experience. There is generally nothing on a TV screen or computer monitor that is going to be any different on L than it is normally. And something about screens seems to kick the mind back into its normal functioning state. It's just not very fun.

If you have any questions for me, I'd happily answer. Feel free to ask away.

Have fun, dude, and be safe.

Just be aware it can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours to really kick in.

You'll be fine going anywhere/doing anything. It doesn't fuck with your perception enough to make reality unnavigable. Just don't drive on it until you've had enough experience to know exactly how you handle it.

One warning though, as it creeps up on you you might get VERY drowsy. You can easily fall asleep and miss good parts of the trip.

Also, if you're doing blotter paper hits, first wash your mouth out as best you can, and then put the hit under your tongue until it fully dissolves. Do not simply swallow.

Have fun. And stay the FUCK away from mirrors!

HPPD is really not debilitating in most patients. Some, yes, but I guarantee you they had underlying mental illness that was triggered by the LSD.

Just did 2c-b 2 days ago and watched alice in wonderland twice. fucking great movie my god. then watched alice through the lookibng glass, not as good but still very fine

This is really really not true at all. This is some seriously bullshit information.

Most people CANNOT ACTUALLY FALL ASLEEP on LSD. It stimulates the hell out of your brain. You might feel euphoric to the point of not wanting to move, but you will not sleep. Some people, sure. Almost all, no.

Furthermore, you don't need to wash your mouth out, you don't need to put it under your tongue until it dissolves. And you can simply swallow. LSD works on the top of your tongue, ti works in your stomach, it works under your tongue. It only needs to even be on your tongue for a minute or two for it to be fully absorbed, although the recommendation is 15 just in case. Swallowing does nothing harmful whatsoever, and in fact I've known many that simply swallow it and trip just like they would otherwise.

And mirrors are not at all scary like most people warn about. Everyone I've tripped with has loved looking into the mirror with me. The only reason anyone would be afraid of a mirror is if some dipshit told them to be afraid of the mirror and they believed him because they didn't know any better.

I bet OP straight up trolling or has already went out into the wild and isn't even fucking here to read ANY of this advice..you'd think if they were actually serious there would be a few questions....oh well...

Yeah, that's typically what happens when I pop in and explain shit. Everytime I've done that on Sup Forums the thread just dies.

don't waste it at home, go to the beach!

Pretty sure that shit isn't from acid, it's from research chemicals that people sell claiming to be acid. I occasionally, very very very infrequently, get some shooting white specks in my vision but I did a fair amount of 25-I. Someone else I've known whose done a lot more 25-I reports a similar effect but colored specks instead of white.

I've also done plenty of acid and most of the other people I know who do acid and not research chems have never mentioned anything like that.

It's extraordinarily rare. HPPD effects very very few people, and given its hard to tell whether those people used RCs or LSD, we can't say one way or another. Chances are it's caused by RCs, but who really knows.

i seriously fucking doubt that. Firstly,it can only develop in larger doese or if you take lsd frequently,secondly you cant be tripping forever,the trip might come back sometimes but thats it. The case itslef is extremely rare,and you fags shouldnt comment on an lsd thread if you never tried it yourself and are as uninformed as you are. Do not listen to these pussies op,dont take too much relax with some friends and you will be fine,its not as intense as people make it to be

Not OP
But holy shit dude, thanks

Do NOT go to the beach or anywhere you could easily get hurt. All it takes is one good, happy, everything-is-all-right-and-positive trip to lead you into thinking it's alright to wade out into the ocean and get sucked under or eaten by a shark ... sharks, covered in jellyfish, giant squid, rip tides, sand chiggers, howling wolf grass, moon demons, etc. etc.

lol no.

LSD does not dehydrate you, and you will not feel the urge to drink so much water that you get sick. This isn't MDMA. It's LSD. It's not a stimulant. It doesn't make you overheat. You'll drink just as much water as you need and no more and no less, it's not going to make you need to drink any more than you normally would.

Come on people. Stop being stupid. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

You're welcome dude. Drugs are awesome and fun, so long as you're safe about it. Know what you're taking, know what to expect, be prepared in case things go wrong, and if you've done everything right you'll have a blast. Do you have any questions you want answered?

LOL shut the fuck up you idiot

have 50 tabs of 140 ug

Are you seriously so dumb that you think that's how LSD works?


the first time in 3 hours? dude you're addicted af

You might want to take a half of a 140ug tab for starters. 140ug is a pretty hefty dose. Normally, people start at 80-100ug, sometimes even as low as 50ug. I would never recommend someone take anything above 100ug as their first dose.

This, hail Satan!

Yeah, uh... What about nausea? I get it whenever I drink or smoke too much

>It doesn't make you overheat.
Yes it does if you're in for a bad ride, trust me

Weed doesn't last 12 hours or have the ability to alter what you think is really real.

^ this

Yeah, nausea actually is an issue with LSD for a good chunk of people. Not everyone gets it, but many do. Personally, I went to a doctor and said I was struggling with nausea and asked for a prescription for Zofran (ondansetron) and I take one of those about an hour before dropping the acid, and then another about 4-6 hours later. No more nausea, no more painful stomach cramping, etc. I have chronic stomach pain from a birth defect, so the pain during LSD got amplified tenfold. I can only actually trip with ondansetron and oxycodone, which sucks because the trip gets a bit dulled from the oxy, but oh well.

So in short, Zofran (ondansetron) works wonders for nausea, and I highly recommend you go get a script before you drop acid. Definitely try out the zofran before you trip, like a day or two before just so you know what the effects of zofran are like, but pretty much no negative side effects and it one hundred percent stops nausea from LSD.

I've taken LSD numerous times. It's guaranteed that if you take enough to have decent sensory hallucinations, then you can absolutely make poor, dangerous decisions because LSD is more or less giving you temporary schizophrenia.

I've motherfucking car surfed on LSD, damn near jumped off a bridge because I thought I saw a ladder going down, I've seen some shit that looked VERY real and almost waded out into a river myself, but backed out last minute because I got scared.

user, you want to be somewhere warm, cozy, NOT public, with good people for your first trip. PERIOD. Go exploring in the wild after you've had a few trips. Alternatively, woods and mushrooms is pretty good.

Thank you so much man

Yeah, it doesn't. LSD does not have any effect on your body whatsoever. It latches onto your serotonin receptors and fucks around in your brain and that's it. It doesn't make you overheat whatsoever. The only way you'd overheat is due to intense panic, but even then, you're just going to be sweating about as much as you would if you panicked without LSD in your system.

There is 100% no way that you could ever overheat to the point that you have any actual physical problem, as in, you can't die, you won't get sick, etc.

Certainly, if you feel hot and sweaty, drink some water. But you are not going to die if you don't. You might think you are, if you're panicking, but you will absolutely not die of dehydration from LSD, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT DEHYDRATE YOU.

Go ahead, find me a source saying that LSD causes you to overheat, I dare you.

Sure, if you take an extraordinarily high dose, somewhere around 200+ug, then sure you'll do extremely stupid shit. But I'm not talking about high dose LSD. I'm talking about a safe, normal dose of LSD. It sounds to me like you either a) took a high dose, or b) are fucking crazy and an idiot. I do agree, though, for your first few trips, you should not go out in the public. I still don't like going out in the public during a trip, entirely because it's weird as fuck to be around sober people when you're tripping.

You're welcome. I'm outta here, 'cause the dipshits are starting to pile in and give terrible bullshit advice based entirely on their own mental illness, high doses of LSD which should never be taken, claims of overheating being an issue (which again, it isn't), etc.

Don't feel like fighting with dumbshits.

A great source of information on LSD is at erowid. Google "erowid LSD" and you'll find trip reports, and tons of information on how to stage a trip. I highly recommend you to do as much research as you can before tripping for the first time. You should go into the trip feeling prepared, excited, and without much worry of any problems. My bad trips have only ever happened because I was scared of having bad trips. Your mindset is so important, I can't stress it enough.

Have a good night, and have fun dude.

Good vibes

In my experience, there's never been enough consistency to know when you're going to get 50 micrograms or 200+. :/

BTW OP make sure you swallow the tab, don't keep it in your mouth. If by small chance you have Nbone it won't get absorbed thru your stomach.

If you do it right, your perception of the physical world will change forever.

Via con dios.

This user needs a medal.
I have saved your knowledge and will post it in any other thread with the likes of this one that pops up on Sup Forums. Thank you.


that's ridiculous, the beach is peaceful and fun, especially in the moonlight, you can even go skinny dipping!

I would not waste my first LSD experience at home, mine was in Anstey Hill South Australia.

you'll be find, just remember to enjoy yourself, its fun!

Pro tip: smoke heaps of weed when you take it, and keep smoking 'til shit starts to get weird then walk out the door and keep walking until you remember where home is.
Probably a bit late now, but stock up on nitrous oxide for later, it's the icing on the cake.

Make sure you take a shit tripping.
Its like a dragon crawling out of your ass.

stare at your own face in a mirror for a few hours

Find a crowded public place and start masturbating. Always works for me.

Bump for gr8 advice