What's your excuse for not having a vegetarian body?
What's your excuse for not having a vegetarian body?
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im not gay
sounds plausible
Hitler was a vegetarian and wasn't ripped. Since there is no correlation, why should I stop eating delicious meat ?
Distancing myself from Onision
Wondering why he has such a disproportionately large head. And so many fucking freckles. Also, Onision
Eating animals that have been born raised and killed specifically to feed humans help reinforce the idea that we're at the top of the food chain. Its an insecurity thing.
A healthy diet.
I'm a banana
I'm not vegetarian
Kebabs are delicious
I like meat.
I like meat.
good for you
>What's your excuse for not having a vegetarian body?
I've never seen one properly cooked. I'm open to the suggestion, though
I'm not gay
A noble cause.
Not getting the proper nutrition fucks with your brain, I mean fag in OP's pic is a prime example right there.
Wow he has a fucking ugly ass chest, that makes me feel so much better about myself and blessed I don't have a chest literally covered in fucking moles and acne.
You can tell he also did some basic chest and arm exercises before posting that, his face is beat red and he clearly has achieved a very basic pump.
Say again?
im not vegetable
I'm a fat vegetarian.
Jesus, how'd you pull that off?
To be fair, I'm a fat omnivore, just amazed you could do it WITHOUT meat.
Vegan here.
I went from 29 bmi to 24.
My skin is clearer.
My blood tests r better.
Best thing i ever did.
The awkward thing is that everyone around me always makes it out to be something huge. I dont understand what the big fucking deal is.
Mmmm these ribs are great.
Why are you a vegan?
He only eats cake
It's a shame your English didn't get any better!
To have as little in common with that faggot as possible.
Just one little papercut and that fucker is going to bleed out like a stuck pig.
He should chill before he fucking pops.
Factory farms r fucked
This is Sup Forums you autistic neckbeard
Because when I can be bothered with keeping up my gym routine I have a better body. It doesn't matter if you eat meat or not. There are fat, unhealthy vegetarians, because they have poor nutrition. I know a vegan that eats pasta almost daily and has a body equivalent to a dough ball.
Yep I'm one of those people. I'm vegetarian for ethical reasons. I still eat unhealthy and am a fat fuck.
I agree there, Ive seen the videos. I'm glad you're doing it for that reason. Sometimes people do it because it's "In" or they want to "Try it."
I'm not a faggot.
I was a vegetarian for two years but I slaughtered the gay away
So basically your body is nice but your brain is still lazy and easily upset? Seems like a lot of effort for a small gain!
whats so ethical about taking the life of plants and not animals?
I'm pretty sure he was doing pull ups in that video
omnivorous incisiors
>life feeds on life
plant murderers
Except he uses all kinds of drugs and supplements including kreatin which is not vegan.
He's a fraud.
Cheese, lots of rice and beans, lots of pasta.
Lots of butter and olive oil.
Not that hard.
Plants want us to eat their fruit thus propagating their seed if we actually shit in the wild
If u think a bmi of 24 is a nice body u must be fat as fuck.
Thx. I think most people would reconsider their diet if they visited a factory farm.
That's what happened with me. I completely reconsidered once I saw videos, and read articles about it. It would be too sad to actually go there.
That makes a lot of sense. Sorry man.
Actually despite eating meat, I'm pretty sure it's largely the same for me.
Do you have ambitions of improving your health?
thats fruit, youre not actually killing it though
you plants are alive and they feel
They resist giving up thier live as much as any animal
Lets face it theres nothing morally wrong with eating animals, its more than natural
>Plants are alive
>No nervous system
>bmi of 24
It's tolerable. That's still no excuse for such awful grammar though. Especially for such a well-fed brain!
Ok for all you veggie and vegan fags.
If your cooking (killing) your food or eating it from a package you're fucking idiots. You defeat all the health benefits of your lifestyle that's why you still are fat acne prone malnutrition ridden and weak as fuck.
And everyone else that does the same and incorporates (cooked) meats have fun dying a painfully humiliating death.
Read "the secret life of plants" and try to claim that again
Because i dont consume dairy&eggs
Dairy&eggs are fucking degenerated.
It takes moral courage to make the switch.
Even if you do it for the right reasons people will think you re virtue signalling.
Then i realized that it is better to be thought of as some virtue signalling faggot then contribute to animal suffering.
Agreed I misread
I watched a documentary called The Secret Life of Pets. Would that do?
Not quite, but it will help with the Sup Forums desires of animal torture and such
Normal Omnivore here,
5,11 ft , went from 105kg to 85kg
reduced portion size,
varied diet
cut processed shit
cut juices
cut sugar
excised 3-4 times a week
never been healthier
skins cleaner
Blood are fine and cholesterol very good
blood pressure very good
pulse avg 55 bpm at rest
Still love meat and tastes better then ever
Fuck you veganfag
Guess how many plants have to be killed to produce meat.
Also appeal to nature fallacy
How about just mostly eating like a vegan but eating meat once in a while? Wouldn't this be better?
I like eating meat.
Nigga this is easy.
Dude you have reaction images stored on your computer and ur only point is spelling when nobody even cares or tries. Your mother must cry herself to sleep at night knowing her son is such a failure
Good for u.
Eat whatever u want.
Morality and logic does not appeal to everyone.
I don't want to be fat is my reason.
And yet I managed to get a reaction out of you.
Also, your grammar still has much to be desired even now.
Jeebus give it a rest. Less meat in your diet would resolve you of your aggressive posturing.
My reaction? Pointing out the obvious? Haha so fucking autistic
And give up my vastly superior manner of speech? I think not, my determinantly inferior confidant! Surely I've obtained my better brains by eating brains.
I will not retell the tale to make clear what is already known! Though I am glad you are able to entertain yourself.
Your 'better brains' are obviously obtuse to the fact that they are speaking to a vastly superior entity. You must be Deanna Troi
This is an argument utterly without substance or style. In fact, even Troi herself could have done better, despite being quite flawed and acting as a crutch for under developed characters.
tell that to nature vegfag, nothing illogical or immoral about eating food your digestion system has evolved to digest.
Vegetarian body is pretty accurate, though he's probably frail as hell.
Au contraire mon ami, Troi *was* the underdeveloped character.
Troi was below underdeveloped characters. Often she was simply a tool who even failed to satisfy those seeking sexual appeal. In short, Troi was to the show she appeared in as a mop is to the floor beneath the sloppings of a drunken painter.
That guy looks way too skinny
I eat meat.
Sorry, Howard/10
please stop with the bait
being vegan lowers your bodies ability to fight infection, lowers your immune system in general, and severely lowers your bodys ability to repair itself
yes you can take steroids and workout 2x as hard as a normal person to achieve big muscles
but your still restricting nutrients your body needs. period. anyone who tells you other wise is a cuck jew
im pretty sure people can make kreatin on labs
Merch chick at a show last night was chucking her guts out after eating a veggie burger cooked in a pan that meat had been cooked in. Funniest shit of the night.
because I don't wanna look like the guy you posted. doesn't train biceps, shoulders, or anything for that matter
I'm not a cuck
I need protein and iron to drop big cums in your girl
spoken like a boss
god bless aonon
20kg down, nice!
how long did it take?
Also hes fat