I got 2 wisdom teeth removed today. One came right out and the other was a cunt of a thing and didn't. The pains fucked...

I got 2 wisdom teeth removed today. One came right out and the other was a cunt of a thing and didn't. The pains fucked. Dentist said to take ibuprofen. I have ibuprofen 200mg+codeine 12.8mg that says not to take more than 6 per 24 hours and 2 per 4-6 hours.
Well they last about 3 hours. Is it a bad idea to take 2 every 4 hours? That'd be double the daily recommended limit, but what the fuck am i supposed to do other than put up with the pain?

pain is good.
makes you alive.

Got it removed yesterday.
I have something called Paralgin Forte, which is pretty god damn strong, but if the pain is really bad, I would recommend getting some morphine instead. It's better to go with a few strong meds rather than a lot of weak meds.

Also, the pain will be almost completely gone tomorrow. Had panic inducing pain yesterday, haven't have the need to take any pain killers today.

I took 600mg 4x a day, so you can easily take more ibu.
Its just bad for your stomach

Quit being a pussy its just a little pain pill, pop a handful, sit back and get high. I got a root canal later on today so Im gonna do the same.

200mg Ibuprofen is the standard dose limit, and any more would certainly not help you. Its there in part so you don't overdose on the codeine (think acetaminophen in cough syrup.) Get some better pain pills, its the only thing you can do.

i have 4 wisdom tooth's growing people say those things don't hurt when you remove them is that true or am i fucked.

When I had an abscess I was alternating asprin and paracetamol.

Paracetamol and NSAID's don't interact, so you can take 6 paracetamol and 6 ibuprofen doses per day, and be on alternate doses every two hours, which should get you through.

Depends. I still have one in - not all wisdom teeth cause problems. My wife had all four out in one session when she was under a GA - she was groggy and a bit sore for a day or so.

Simple. Bottle of scotch. Drink. Pain goes away.