G'morning b

g'morning b.
hope u slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

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I'm too sedentary to be bothered

I guess im not sad enough

I'm great and my woman is great and shit's going great.
Cheers op.

Too tired from overtime shift. Wife will be home soon. Gotta feed the dog.

glad ur not sad.
glad you have greatness.

G'morning ANONS!!!!

Just rubbed out two in a half loads in one session using nothing but my imagination while sexting with my dream girl. The third date is around the corner, I just got my tax return. Going to the mall and getting a hotel room. Oh god is she going to get a thorough rogering.


Cos I heard on darkwebs that shit is going to go down for trump today and I wanna see what happens

No one will shitpost on creep threads and call all those fuckers pedos.... They fukin hate that kek