I fucked this guy's wife and now he wants to kill me, what should I do?
I fucked this guy's wife and now he wants to kill me, what should I do?
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fuck his wife again
Fuck him
Kill yourself to piss him off!
fuck both
Fuck yourself
Arrange to meet up in a remote location in a field preferably with bushy terrain to fight. Set a time, wait for him to get there. Hide in treeline/bush with a sniper rifle or any hunting rifle. Shoot in the chest. Find bullet still lodged in him, remove bullet, bury gun in a different state, act like nothing happened. Report gun as stolen a year or two down the line.
>Yeah, I never showed up to fight him.
Kill yourself so he can't kill you
To make it up to him, offer to let him fuck you.
It's the only way to settle the score.
kill him first, you would have done a great favor to brazil
This. If your going to to die, might as well get as much pussy in as you can. Not like he's going to kill you less once he gets a hold of you.
Bonus.... cum in her as much as possible. Its not going to be your problem after all.
This. It's the only way.
>To make it up to him, offer to fuck him.
>It's the only way to settle the score.
lol wtf this guys seems cool
Leonardo Moretti Sakamoto [ 1 ] is a Brazilian journalist. In addition to his degree in journalism , he holds a master's degree ( 2002 ) and a doctorate in political science ( 2007 ) from USP. It covered armed conflicts and disrespect for human rights in East Timor, Angola and Pakistan. Director of the NGO Reporter Brazil and his representative on the National Commission for the Eradication of Slave Labor, [ 2 ] is an adviser to the United Nations Fund for Contemporary Forms of Slavery.
After the Short Story Tales to Start the Day (2012), Leonardo Sakamoto launches, in 2016, What I Learned Being Haunted on the Internet . [ 3 ] In 2016, he was nominated for the Reporters Without Borders for Freedom of the Press award in the journalist-citizen / blogger category. [ 4 ]
Kill him, so when he tries to kill you he can't.
Asian huenigger, pretty rare
Sounds like a dude who's begging to be cheated on.
OP.. I think your safe
Fuck him and kill his wife.
Make him realize that his wife is a whore if she cheated on him and that you've done him a favour because if it wasn't you it would be someone else.
Don't fuck a man's wife unless you can handle the husband.
If you can handle this guy, kick his ass. If not, you deserve the beating for poor judgement.
Its allright cuz theres plenty more sheep in the ocean
You fucked your hand faggot. Stop dreaming
Get yourself arrested with a non related crime. He might get into jail just to go after you, but you can be smart and try to use the enviroment at your favor. But think it well and check you options. Cause it might no be good for you, and you might don't know it. So think it well. There's plenty options for you.
get expensive life insurance then gay marry me
That chart is wrong: China is increasing defense spending to catch up with the US. They are not spending more in total.