ITT: prove your an oldfag

ITT: prove your an oldfag.

Other urls found in this thread:

Im an oldfag, I've been here since last week.

oldfag here, been here since last summer

an hero

oldfag reporting in, been here since 2015 when this site opened.

Idk what you define as an old fag. I was here in 2007 browsing a cute kitten gif thread when I saw one of the gifs was a kitten getting crushed by high heels.

That was a really shitty way to start the 9th grade.

i loved the duckroll


Am I an oldfag now?

how am i a newfag if im here since the start in 2015?

been around since 2004.

duckrolling stopped because of reply previews(same with rickrolling and fucking embed feature) which was relatively recent.
sorry newfriend.

hi welcome to Sup Forums

idk how long ago this was but it was years


my nigga. your still a newfag tho.

I'm an old fag, been here since yesterday

or are you the newfag?

Been here 1.5 years but still know all the old memes anyway.

i've been here since Epic Beard Man.
>tfw we couldn't find amber lamps

I don't need to prove anything, roodypoo. You're just a candy ass

I was Heaven

Do a barell roll!! shoop da woopi!! You just got rick rolled XDDD

as soon as she touched my dick

that guy was baiting you

but it's because some degenerates have been here off and on for over a decade, like me. I cant stand to use this site for longer than a couple of weeks a year though. so I pretty much am a new fag

i remember trip codes.

odlfags as in 2004-2010

know you're meme is the cancer killing Sup Forums.
kill yourself my man.

both of these

imma newfag

Still a bawksy fan

I don't give a fuck about proving it, but I just realized I've been here since about 2006.

Holy shit

brb suicide

get your roodypoo candy-ass got outta here


I have that desu bill with the embedded CG zip in it, but 4chib disabled emebeded files in images a while ago.

Same here man.
Sometimes I wonder if I could have grown to be a normie if I hadn't seen all that fucked up stuff at such a young age. I'm 26 now.

Nigga I've been lurking since '05 when my lame ass family got lame ass dialup in the middle of nowhere in the lame ass Midwest.

I used to walk to school, 8 miles in the snow, uphill both ways.

Back in my day teh 4chinz was all about hax0rs, a children's cartoon bear, and fires in Malaysia. Those were the good ol' days... Back then, we'd fap to anything with a pulse... or without.

fuck child porn OP

beware im watchin you

I had Sup Forums on all Christmas and listened to this in my sleep... weird dreams.

naziCAT is watchin Sup Forums 15y ago, faaaaggit

Milhouse is not a meme!

i saw a lot of suicides and live-kills on Sup Forums

I'm a summerfag from the class of 2008

Sup Forumsizza killer its a MeMe

been browsing before

I 'member a time before the banana

To this day, since 2007, I never went out of my way to learn how to triforce.

I still don't really care.

you can't anymore. moot changed the invisible character posting.

hi, im here since 1 weedk, since the serial killer from germany was here

2009 flashbacks I just had

Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot.
The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet.
Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways.
Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag?
Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

too soon

and i smoke weed right now.....can you understand my shitty english??!!


its my first time writing of english, i learning my skills from eminem records an easy e



Ur a new fags, not one of you has mentioned the skeleton wars.
I'll never forget.

I still use WinRAR.

I smoke weed all the time. Yes. Very dank. Good game user.

▲ ▲

Fuck tha police coming straight for for them thugs. A young nigga got it bad with those dubs.

Into the trash it goes.

damnnnn right.......


>August 23, 2006

