I need a fucking job. Problem is, no employer will touch me because I have a bad reputation, a DUI...

I need a fucking job. Problem is, no employer will touch me because I have a bad reputation, a DUI, and a lack of references. I also have no wheels to get to a job outside of my small suburb, where all the jobs are basically in retail and manufacturing, which I'm over-qualified for. What do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Get a job in manufacturing until you can afford a car

Invest in Kneepads

Is there no bus system where you live?

mother fucker, you are about to get the bitter taste of reality. Your qualifications don't matter, what you have available is what you are going to have to do.

Yeah, but all the good jobs are in the city. I've worked in offices and non-profits for years and have 2 degrees, so I feel like my time would be wasted by taking a menial job. It would only pay slightly more than I'm getting from disability. Thought about doing some freelance work (writing, marketing, or web design), but not sure how to start

Yeah, I'll prob have to suck it up and take what I can find.

I think he means that the people who hire at the jobs say he's overqualified, though not sure. don't list anything for the jobs that you don't need to. A part time job at a grocery store doesn't want to hear abobut you bach degree in human sciences. just don't put that shit on the application or resume

What degrees do you have? How does the job being in the city impact your ability to get there? Buses dont go to the city? Is there not a rail system going into your city??

I applied at subway back in highschool and I was told I was overqualified because I was taking a lot of AP courses
>what the fuck