1 reason why I shouldn't commit suicide?

1 reason why I shouldn't commit suicide?

>I'm 18 years old, 6'1, 130 pounds. My bro is 11 years old, 5'2, 90 pounds.
>He manages to pin me and stuff a worm in my mouth, holds my jaw shut until I eat it.
>One day decided I had enough of his shit and fight him. He wraps his legs around my chest and I can't get out
>Brother won't let go even though I'm throwing up and tapping out
>Brother won't let go until I say that I lick donkey balls
>Open mouth to say it but no air is going in
>Pass out and crack 3 ribs
>Pissed myself and am crying

I'm too pathetic to live. Pic is of him making me tap out. The ironic thing is, I'm too weak to kill myself as well and probably won't go through with it unless really drunk.

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Pretty much, yep.

pussy. do some exercise and learn how to fight, neither of which are hard. I don't get why you're not biting him/ slamming your elbows into his gay little face?

6'1, 130 lbs?

Holy shit user, join your school's wrestling team.

Make exercise bro

If I did that, he'd just make it 10 times worse for me.

Why? Is being skinny good for wrestling or something?

find a hard book, or something equally hard and blunt-y and suprise that motherfucker with attack to the back to the head

that or frame him for raping you (like jerk him off and take his semen and shove it up your ass)

Guy who just said "pussy" here. I'm a high school senior, and I've been wrestling for 5 years, and I'll tell you, WRESTLE.

Next time grab him by the ear and twist.

Your brother could beat Stephen hawking too. Big deal. Your embarassed.

Get a job and lift weights.

Come on dude, life is easy. Tomorrow always comes and there are more laughs to be had.

Catch your brother jerking off and make fun of him. Though he might whoop your ass

I wouldn't fight him again since he's the superior fighter who obviously wants to humiliate you. Tell your parents, you have nothing to lose.

Just run from him you'll be fine

He will get kungfued trust me, wait n see

This is just a re-hash of the thread yesterday about the user who was 18 and choked out by his 11 year old brother and pissed himself. He was asking Sup Forums if he had brain damage.

You're not original.

are you a skeleton?

Stephen Hawking accomplished something though. I'm not good at anything. I get terrible grades despite sort of trying for exams. My brother though has skipped a year.

We live in the same house.

what the fuck, beat his ass with a bat or some shit. if my brother ever tried that shit i'd bash his fuckin head in

You're 18. You don't know anything about yourself yet.

And if you don't stop with the excuses, you'll never allow yourself to succeed by just accepting failure.

Read "the 50th law"

Life is easy, young grasshopper, you're just too young to see past your small problems.

Ever wondered how you were gonna make it without starving? Probably not. Your problems are nothing at all.

If you stay alive, you may be in a plain crash and provide nourishment for the other passengers with your flesh.

You got knocked out because he was blocking your diaphragm from expanding which meant that you couldn't take in oxygen. Maybe if you ate some more, this type of this wouldn't happen. The kid has no leg muscles, it shouldn't have knocked you out.

It's not a small problem. I cracked 3 ribs and ate a fucking worm. I'm shit scared of an 11 year old, it's pathetic. Just because I'm not starving, doesn't make it not important.

He's got more than me anyway.

You are not a manlet 5'7" here

You are 18 and loosing against an 11 yr old??? I cannot believe this.

Don't care about your "story", but if younreally wanna kill yourself then go for paracetamol overdose. Take around 50-100 tablets and you should good "to go".

Question is why shouldn't you kill your brother.

>Jerk him off and take his semen and shove it up your ass

Top kek

Yeah what happened to you isn't that bad, your reaction toit being wanting to kill yourself is whats actually pathetic. If this is how you actually think on a day to day basis just go through with it, become an darwinism.

Small problem. Get past it

you're a stupid fuck for exerting your strength while being pinned. he isn't someone you have to play nice with. bite the shit out of him. pinch his skin or something. stop being such a retard

Terrible idea. Liver will die, only hope would be a transplant. Suicidals are put at the bottom of the list. Long slow certain death , ya cunt.

So what? You're stronger.

He was sitting on my shoulders so his arms were free but mine weren't so I couldn't pinch him. As for biting, he was holding my jaw and mouth shut. Even if I could, he would probably knock me out again if I tried anything.

Just stick his cock in your mouth. That'll teach him.

Couldn't you stand up? He only weighs 90 pounds.

No, I was pinned. He's stronger than me anyway, once beat me in an arm wrestle using only 3 fingers.

seriously, stab him a few times on the outer side of his thigh, or wack him over the head with a bat, tie him up and scare the fucking shit out of him. Tell me one more thing from him and he will have to kill you or you will kill him.

you could try lifting weights. build up muscle mass. It's a pretty stupid reason to kill yourself just because you are not as strong as your brother. This is a temporary problem that you can fix.

My friend is a pharmacist, he knows stuff. The so called long slow death only happens if you didn't take enough to make it lethal. Yes irreversible liver failure but only for 2-3 days not weeks like you can read off google. Besides, they will put you to sleep so you don't suffer until your final moment.

You need to do a sport or somthin physical or U will be a weak faggot forever. I was a faggot, began training Bjj in 2010. Now I'm alpha. Start and do quit. Or kill ur self

Kill your brother while sleeping

I'm not bringing any weapons. He could take them off me and use it against me.

I not just that though. I can deal with being weak. I just don't want to be emasculated constantly. Even if I did lift weights, I'm still going to be that helpless bitch who pissed himself.

dont be a retard, suicide is the most caward thing to do, that happend to me, but now that we are both older my brother and me get along like i always wanted, you just need to wait and try to kick his ass to, its normal for family to fight

This sounds like really bad bait.

Ur attitude to life is dog shit. Give your head a wobble. Do a sport and get a skill.

Assuming you're an americunt, why don't you buy a gun, shoot your brother and then decide whether or not to shoot yourself?

How? He looks like your typical white nerd. You must be weak af to lose to him. Is he learning a martial arts by any chance?

Get a weapon fag

cus u can watch this pussy ass stream:

>I not just that though. I can deal with being weak. I just don't want to be emasculated constantly. Even if I did lift weights, I'm still going to be that helpless bitch who pissed himself.
not to sage too much, but those kinds of things happen to most people at some point in their lives. Just use it as motivation to get stronger.

So you're dumber and weaker than him? Ouch.

It's obviously not just this, there's other things too. Ah this thread was probably just me venting anyway, I don't think I'm going to do anything.

But at least I've still got my personality, am I right? Sarcasm btw

No reason not to. Just fucking do it faggot quit wasting our time. Dont forget to stream it.

You made your brother sound like such an alpha and then when I realized it was him in the picture I was disappointed. He looks like a fucking beta, how can you let him beat you so badly? You must be the beta of the betas.

The kid is an alpha, do you know how much force it takes to knock someone out with a body scissor? It may not look like it, but the kid is probably strong as fuck.

Yeah, he can squat his body weight or at least so he says. He could be lying.


I'm not American and I'm not going to do that, he may be an asshole but he's still just an 11 year old.

Wouldn't it make more sense to kill him?

I have a feeling that you will benefit from this OP.

watch till the end. Just don't hold back and next time fucking throat punch the cunt, that'll do it.

True. I've got some hard squeezes but I've never been close to making someone pass out from one. Someone needs to get this kid into BJJ.

I already tried fighting back and got knocked out. I'm not risking it again, I don't care how much of a pussy I look like.


It's literally the worst feeling in the world. Never want to be in that much pain ever again or feel that helpless.

my fuckin sides

You weren't helpless, you could have tried punching or scratching his leg instead of trying to gasp for air.

But did you try dirty fighting? I mean he's your brother and he's 11 just sack him in the balls man, that should do it. I mean you're already at the point where you don't care how much of apussy you look like so.. why not fight dirty ?

It's not that easy. He'll fight back and make it hurt ten times more. I'm not a good fighter and he scares me.

>Wake up Neo.
Death is the exit from this simulation.

I didn't read any of this shit. Just fucking kill yourself and stop wasting everyone's time

My hands were shaking and my vision was blurry. Any scratches or punches wouldn't have done any damage.

6'1" at 130? My god, go eat some thing.

That's not the problem.

Do what a friend of mine did, use weapons and Beat the shit out of him when he least expects it, he will learn if acts like a little turd again the same thing will be waiting around the corner again. And worried about him taking that frying pan, whack him over the head when he is sleeping

You'll miss out on the reign of the greatest president that'll ever be

Just go and rat him out to your mom, ffs

blood = ur || his

do something

Yes it fucking is

He's 40 pounds less than me anyway, it's not the problem.

She'll tell him off for 5 minutes and then my brother would fucking kill me.

Jesus loves you

rape his hairless boy cunt, 11yo butthole is fucking prime

Knock that faggot the fuck out user

How did you let him overpower you like that? He looks like a twig. There's no way he should be pinning you and there's no way he should be making you piss yourself and then cry about it you pussy. You're pretty much his bitch now though, you don't get back your respect from something like this.

How the hell did he do that with his chicken legs? Why couldn't you just remove them? You had your arms free.

I can't.

I couldn't even move his legs, how was I supposed to lift them off me?

His legs must be strong as fuck