Anyone still support Trump?
Anyone still support Trump?
yes. united we stand
stop Posting and go build your Wall. All of you. you make me sick. I was promised a Wall and now all I have is no health care. gonna Grab my Gun. every Patriot should do the same. just go out shoot someone. things will always Change. btw why did us Military start coloring most oder their humvees black instead of Sand color? means they will use it in the us. Grab your Gun and shoot around.
>implying some stupid reddit tier idiocracy meme your faggot ass made means anything at all
a house divided will not stand
Everything he has done since in office has been a positive or neutral thing.
He hasn't done one thing to fuck anything up.
No Promise to shut down Gitmo by an arbitrary date.
No clash for clunkers.
No stimulus.
It's a pretty good year so far.
Only hard working men and women do. And people who have faith in this great man bringing jobs back to the US.
I never did tbh.
Bernie would have won.
HillaTrump. And yes as a Canadian voter I still support him.
As sad as it is, I voted him in to ruin feminists stranglehold on society.
You think he's going to do that with his daughter calling the shots on womens stuff?
Shia, pls go