Alright, which one of you did it?

Alright, which one of you did it?


haha fucking murricans with their school shootings


Not even one dead! Fucking pussy! We are far from our fellow muricans when it come to mass shooting.

me lol

just because the school is in france doesn't mean the shooter isn't american

The shooter had to use his ultimate ability, The French Flag
>Pic related

shooter was an akbar
no doubt angry because he missed his breakfast raping session

what exactly happened there ? im 99,99% sure that was some muslim nigger shooting

such a dumb meme. french have a pretty impressive military history over all.

Kek! It would have been awesome if he had actually killed someone by stabing him with a flag!

losing that much is impressive

Who cares? Muricans are fatass, french are cowards, Greek are poorfags, etc.

the US hasn't won a single war on it's own in it's entire history

damn world would be so good if only french terrorists existed , on every attack screaming " I SURRENDER !!! " and doing nothing else

nice deflection, frog

Yet murica hasn't started a war on it's own since the 1800's

Back to back world wars, revolutionary, and civil etc.

You mean WWII? I assume you're not talking about Napoleon, or the Hundred Years' War, or the Thirty Years War, or the French colonial empire, or the Revolutionary War, or WWI...

Even in WWII the French Resistance was pretty kickass though.

who ever won anything ? war is always death and loss of resources for everyone

maybe except ancient greeks how militiades and themistocles fucked persians


nice apostrophe you flipping retarded person

>war is always death and loss of resources for everyone
or massive territorial gains while your enemy pays reparations


civil war ? when do you win when your right hand is punching your face and left hand tries to stop it ?

Allies in a nutshell

When do we get our 40 acres and a mule from Germany?

you don't unless you're a kike

France 1
Murica 1000

that's right, you prefer your shootings to be islamists in the streets, not kids in schools

at least europe blames niggers and muslims
but whole this continent together doesnt have as many kills from shooting and bombs as usa alone

war of 1812 read a book cunt

probably a mudslime

>minor theatre in the napoleonic wars
>white house set ablaze
>americans btfo when they try to invade canada

>massive american losses
>military stalemate


is she taking a selfie with the crying girls?
