How does it feel to be statistically lesser educated if you voted for the trumpster?

How does it feel to be statistically lesser educated if you voted for the trumpster?

>Statistically lesser educated.
Stop giving me cancer.

It feels pretty good to see all those butthurt lefties fuming about trump voters so much, they cover their eyes and ears with self created pseudoscience and drip themselves in self created moral and intellectual "superiority".

It must shows how despicable they are in their arrogance and their strong desperate need to feel superior above other people.

"educated" aka indoctrinated

Statistics have nothing to do with what level of education I have had.

Also, I think left cucks put to much faith into what an education really means. A bachelors degree does not mean you are an enlightened intellectual. It's nothing more than a piece of paper that says you are capable of being an employee, or that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to move to the next level of education. Having a bachelors does not make your vote better or more informed than say a welder or some other blue collar worker. When it comes to important decisions, I would value their opinion based on real world wisdom over a feminist dance theory degree holder with a completely out of touch ivory tower based opinion.

Communications, psychology, sociology, journalism, art/art history, theater, and any race or gender studies. That is what liberals go to study, that is not a true education. They just become baristas anyway.

How does it feel to be statistically poor if you voted hillary?


But if this is true doesn't this mean that democrats should put more money into groups that supported Trump and support their education. Maybe affirmative action would be good for groups that supported Trump the most?

US schrools are behind 12 developed nations in math history english science
democrat run fuck you

How does it feel to be statistically poorer if you didn't vote for Trump?

Also Lib arts degree =/= educated.

Psychology is legit interesting though. And you can easily make 100k a year. ~60K if you just get into research.

Yep basically if you have a college degree and work for minimum wage you voted hillary. If you actually got a good job you voted Trump.

Well considering we're well into march and the left is still being giant crybabies, I'd say it feels pretty good

Poor is a compliment for them. They want to be the victim that bad

They don't though. Seems like every psychology major is just a woman that wants to be able to diagnose herself and everyone around her. They live for that shit.

You don't know what the word "statistically" means. At all.

If by "educated" you actually mean "indoctrinated", then these data make sense.

Of course they have a lower average education, that's how the Republican Party works! The minority of the party is made up of financial conservatives who then fool stupid fundies into voting against their own interests because it's what baby Jesus wants them to do. It's entirely intentional.

Yeah education is hit or miss of whether someone actually becomes smarter from going through it, about 90% of the time if they don't become a teacher afterward, they don't.

>collage 9/10 professors are liberal/democrat
>collage kids vote hillary
your point?

I actually don't know much about women in psychology. A lot want to just be therapists with a shiny degree. But those who actually practice it can easily make good cash. Government research stars at ~ 45k/year and you can pretty much always get a job doing that. As far as helping people making at least $60.00/hour is common, and over $100.00/hr is reasonable. Insurance can cover it too. Anyone who can't make a very good living with a psychology degree fucked up their life pretty badly.


Please don't strengthen their point

This. Why doesn't government try to support those groups and their education then? If they would get affirmative action they wouldn't probably vote Trump, right? I mean if the education was the reason they voted Trump like OP suggests.

at least we're smarter than the dumbasses who voted for donny

$0.01 has been deposited into your account

don't weaken his with an argument...

>we're poor
>and we lost
>but trust me we're smarter

They take something I, and everyone already knows how to do, or could figure out in 1/10 the time, and give it to them in the form of an obliged insult.
Sometimes the insult goes so far that someone will give up entirely on learning a task that could be of the most mundane nature, to wait for a time when the insulting nature of the task of learning it leaves them. It usually takes only one instance of something like this for a student to think "I'm not good at Writing" or "I'm not good at Math" When in fact it is a complete and continued failure of educational systems, or failed teachers. Teaching or (educational systems) are compulsory and never administered correctly, or to an extent to correct instances like this. It's nothing more than brainwashing, even attempts to do less work will leave someone bored to tears, and result in further problems. Pressure around these systems create impossible mental situations and lack of any time to correct problems that continually persist within and outside the systems. Either completely strip your individuality and lack pressure of the mind, or retain individuality and bear immense mental pressure to navigate and dodge brainwashing attempts while still participating in them. It's not that I don't want to try, it's not that i don't think I have the ability, its not that I can't do it, its not even that I don't care or am lazy, its the fact of the insulting nature of the whole idea.

If you want to help someone do nothing.



>lesser educated

you mean lesser indoctrinated



proof that both sides of american politics is filled with impressionable retards

op learn how to interpret graphs u undereducated fuck

>believing "studies" that could have, in no way, obtained enough information to draw any conclusions whatsoever


It feels pretty good OP, because i'd let any nigger be statistically smarter than me. Still doesn't make them smarter than me. 132 IQ, voted trump. Why? because smart people asses the situation and weigh out the pros and cons of both. Everyone who didn't vote for Trump, voted because they wanted a woman as president. Or because they saw some shit Trump said on CNN. Mindless fucking normies who gather a collected opinion through their favorite celebs and magazine articles written by spoiled, entitled brats who hate the white male for existing. The same people who complain about sexism and the wage gap but turn the Television off when they see starving children adverts during their regular "cry and eat an entire tub of ice cream" moment.

because trumpsters only want to reduce their own taxes

> implying putting your faith into either the democrat or republican parties makes you educated at all

Seriously anons, if you look outside your political bubble and forget about your narrow worldview you'll realize they are both scamming us.

woke af user over here


Right... what is your point? I thought the point of this thread was to point out how Trump voters are "statistically not as intelligent." EVERYONE wants to pay less tax, the only way we can achieve that is through making the system support itself through trade etc. Not letting every sand nigger and there best friends aunt walk into our country through illegal activity and sending our U.S dollar back to their country.

Also as a side note, It's statistically proven that wealthier people are more intelligent... So if the majority of people who voted trump are wealthy surely that debunks this thread.


Trumpsters are the only ones who pay taxes. If you dont earn that much you dont pay taxes.

This. People cry that Trump supporters are uneducated but don't want to support education of those same groups?! Like what the fuck? If those groups who support Donald Trump are uneducated shouldn't government give those people affirmative action then? That would solve it or at least help it. Right?

Formal education tends to be very libral and influences most people with formal educations to support the libral parties/groups regardless of their intrests

the poll was basedvon voters from CNN politics nice b8 m8 kys

Everyone is selfish and self-interested. Of course Democrats and Republicans are going to clamor over each other getting things for themselves. It doesn't mean either are right to do so.