Can some medfag tell me what this is? I thought it was a pimple but it isnt

Can some medfag tell me what this is? I thought it was a pimple but it isnt

does it hurts?

It's what you get when you let niggers fuck your ass without a condom. Enjoy your AIDS.


Can anyone tell me?

It hurts only if i squeez it

cyst. lance or slice it and squeeze hard

if it's not a pimple, then it looks like herpes. But seriously, over 80% of the population has herpes with no reoccurring symptoms. i had one herpes sore once and it never came back, still have the virus, but it's whatever bruh.

Inflamed pore with a bit of infection.

You could, use nail clippers/sharp instrument and cut it just enough to let it come out slowly then ice it down, it'll be fully healed in three days.

Don't force it to pop, that shit will hurt.

Boil. Put heat on it a few times a day until it comes to a white head and then drain it.

>that shit will hurt

Inflamed pore.
Don't freak out

Ok, so cut it and drain it
Wish me luck

its probably a boil/ingrown hair. just take a hot compress and leaved it there for 15minutes to soften the skin. try to pop it. if you need a pin/needle sterilize it with alcohol first so you don't get an infection. godspeed user.

Cancer... you're about to die in 2 weeks... Sorry user

clearly AIDS


Its an ingrown hair trying to come back out of the hole you cut it too far down in. Leave it. Don't pop it. You'll have a tiny scar when it'll just disappear in a month or so on its own.

Can tell by your recently shaven balls. Try going with the grain only down there or using a really sharp razor. Bad razors cause ingrown hairs too.

Pop it and stop crying

post pics

Some blood came out

Clean it, and fuck off


does it have a hard core? does it feel like a tiny pebble is in there?

lance it with a sterilized needle
soak a cotton ball in salt water and hold it against the boil
osmotic pressure will draw out some of the fluid into the cotton ball
you can keep doing this as long as you're careful and don't spear your benis

you may wish to use some polysporin or something else to further sterilize the site

if it doesn't go away, it might be something more serious and you'll want to go to a doctor. as of now it just looks like a boil of some kind. basically your body had a gland or a follicle there that got closed over, and then fluid built up but didn't break the surface. that is why it's important to keep it sterile -- it's basically a cup of you soup ready for bacteria to grow in, and you don't want a benis boil to get infected.

Any pus?

Herpes mother fucker. Welcome to real life.

It's not ready yet, give it a few days.

OP, you gotta stop shaving your pubes with shitty razors and you won't get dick pimples. If you are going to shave, use a buzzer feelsgoodman.img and shower afterwards and wash it carefully with body wash and avoid using a scrubber. Just use your hands.

No pus came out

Fucking dumbass. Cut it off with nail clippers

god thanks for showing your aids ridden baby dick OP

You didn't squeeze hard enough

it looks kinda big for a razor boil but it could be

op needs to either tweezer those hairs, use a quality expensive razor, or use an electric razor.

you'd get these boils if you shaved your stomach or arsehole too

weirdly, legs don't tend to get shaving boils, although you might if you have sensitive skin

I had that shit. anwser my question The more you agitate it the more its going to grow and bind to your tissue. you can't push it out.

Have it removed by a doctor or do it yourself with an exacto knife.

omg sterilize everything and wash your fucking hands!
you want an infection?

Could be Herps, go see a doctor

If it's blood it could be a wart or cyst, a callous or pimple wouldnt bleed like that.

time stamp this shit.

Aids, clearly it is.

Herpetic Lesion

t. Brain Surgeon

Sorry bro, think it's leprosy

I had something similar, not sure if exactly the same. Mine was kinda firm. Doctor called it an atherom, nothing problematic he said, but an aesthetic issue. I went to surgeon and he cut it out, whole procedure done in under an hour or so.

thats a good sign. that means its not a bacteria. but that leaves virus and or overgrowth as a possibility. if its either of those ur best best is cutting it off. i suggest cutting a football shape with about 3-5 millimaters on either side the growth, at the middle of the football. make sure u remove all hard flesh, then wrap that shit with gauss, followed by tape supahtight for about 5 days, with cleanings about once a day

cut wiener

Actual Medfag here. It's a sebaceous cyst. Leave it alone and stop trying to pop it and it will go down on its own. If you keep fucking with it, you're gonna have to get it surgically drained/popped

i also think it may be AIDS

It's probably Musculum.

Dont' let this guy lie to you. The number is more like over 360% of the population has it. Babies are being born these days with severe hemorrhoids.

it's just a pimple but not "mature" yet. when it pops on a thin layer of skin, like on a face, it can be immediately squeezed. in this case, you need to wait until it moves to the outside. you started poking it and you simply damaged the skin around it.

it's just a blocked pore. squeeze it gently and let it be. repeat several times a day and it will naturally evacuate in 2-3 days. the feeling is orgasmic when it finally comes off.

I had one last week and popped it, didn't hurt too much. Although mine was in my bush and not on my nut so maybe that hurt less.