ITT: We judge each other personalities by judging each other's eyes

ITT: We judge each other personalities by judging each other's eyes

Those look like the eyes of a man who goes out on the streets at night and murders hobos with a hammer while wearing a red polka dot dress and a red wig with pigtails


It`s been a long time since I saw a thread like yours... bump


Looks like you are the kind of guy who likes beating hookers

You look like you are masturbating to emma watson boobs


Im impressed, how do you know?

Everyone likes it.

Diarrhea colored eyes, ouch

Looks like you need to choose between two dildos but you don't like neither of them



it symbolises... something.

Seems like you are trying to sneak a fart


my Sup Forumsrother?

Crazy eyes m8 did your parents use LSD while they made you? trippy as fuck


Quite the opposite and there aren't even hookers around here. For some reason everyone comments something along those lines about my eyes. They look evil or scary or can see through the soul or something similar.

Not enough yellow.


Thats what someone evil and manipulative would say...


nice try nsa

I don't think so. It kind of bothers me.

M or F?

>troll aesthetics

Don`t be bothered about it, use at your favor

You seem.... flaky.

It's the long nose and hair, right?

i want to puch you in the head so bad you annoying retard
ugly fucking piece of shit
dont deserve human respect

Male gender

What did you do to be so suspicious about it?

Show some skin

I feel like you're unnecessarily rude to people that could be good friends of yours but that drives them away and it makes you wonder what you've done to deserve this... but you never seem to accept you're the problem.


nice eyelashes


Kekd u mad bro?

He must be jelly or something



A better pic


looks like you are a major stoner



That was exactly what I was going for.



Sup Forums knows me so well

Thanks for the information Folks.

You are welcome officer

I'm am dude
>inb4 brown
They're hazel nigga


Very nice eyes user you seem to be that kind of guys who produces meth or something

Judge this edgy friend of mine. I ridicule him daily.

looks like he needs a medicine called cyanide

Almost! My associates sell it, and I know a master cook.
Thanks for the compliment tho
>inb4 role playing faggot

Hey my have edgy cosmetic attributes but he looks like he has a good heart

show face?



looks like someone is hiding from you

Cute eye, probably a charming person


looks like you work on a fast food

Heroin user 4 sure

You look feminine

I do tend to fend people off because I like to be alone....

More troll aesthetics, maybe?


OP here looks like mine but much prettier, we both have this cirle things on the outer iris. Maybe we are related kek

I'm shy mr. FBI

Yeah kinda similar. Well, maybe, but im European tho

Fucking jew.

kek You don`t need to It`s just that you look a lot like someone I know


Alex Jones

Lookin sad user



Unfortunately no.


puts on a masculine persona, but secretly is quite self-conscious with a tendency to overthink, probably waiting with baited breath for this (you).


You look dead inside, happen to go to uni in America and be gazillion dollars in debt??


>Dead inside

Nailed that one, boy-o.


Nah, no debt needed for this look, actually fairly financially stable for lower-middle-class living on my own.

Still living with parents.
Manipulative nature, but tries to keep that hidden.
Anger Issues.

Is that you?

Well damn....

If this is the actual poster of that pic, I'm sure your actually a very introspective person trying your best. Sorry for only listing vaguely negative things. /whiteknight



>lensflare on eye

Are you an anime?


Angle of eyes


