How does Sup Forums feel about climate change?

How does Sup Forums feel about climate change?

No bites?


But it could kill MILLIONS of people!

So could Godzilla

we dont have to care, next generation will have to

im pretty sure were already doomed. and with china coming online its only going to accelerate global warming/cooling

the human race is going to be the first species to extinct itself

It could get really bad by the 2030s though!

Godzilla isn't real, climate change is!

Total climate destruction is inevitable. Just enjoying the ride while we still can. Helps to be born in the world's wealthiest country. We have the resources to sustain the minor changes already happening. In the next couple decades we'll see a massive spike in climate refugees. It's funny how Americans treat war refugees now, just wait until later.

i dont care, i dont plan on living past my 30s


Urgent. But in the sense that we must arise this problem through the rise of technology, not by holding a sign or berating others through. Keep/get a job in tech and stimulate the advancement by eating/purchasing quality meat and not the ham sandwich for in your car that you didn't finish but threw away. Do it by driving a Tesla for all I care. The muslims are gonna muslim and the humans are gonna human. Have a blast but keep a small fire burning for spreading and defending the rise of a new age into science (without fedora/neckbeard that is). It's not that hard. Until then I'll smoke another bowl and keep on innovating through my programming. Sorry I'm blazed as fuck. Go suck a cock.

Don't know, have not noticed it..


This offends me but I don't know why


>-40 degrees.
How the fuck do you live in that?
Never get's colder than around 10 Celsius here. And that's a thick jacket, hat, gloves and I'm still freezing.

Not that stoned yet. Try harder.

No problems. I like the cold.
10-15 degrees is summer weather for us. Hotter than that and I feel ill.

Couldn't give a fuck, I'll be long dead before anything happens.

Let the millenial cry babies deal with the fucked up mess weve left them......

you're welcome

If dubs climate change is a hoax

BOOM, mythbusters has fuck all on you pal


Feels bad


It's called adaptation. I bet Lapland user would die in your country from a heatstroke.

Confirmed hoax. /thread

Next thread: solving world hunger.

okè (TT)

I'm not a person in power to be able to make meaningful change. I don't go crazy with conservation, but I try not to be wasteful. I'd never drive a suburban xl as a daily. But I really don't give a fuck. My voice does not matter to anybody. I'm in it for the ride.

Funny thing is, this is the second time I posted this and I have gotten dubs both times

Kek. No my problem. Haven't seen any changes. I live inside Arctic Circle. Actually over half of my country is inside Arctic Circle. Just had -34°C couple weeks ago...

well all the people who study it say it's happening and largely caused by humans. the few who don't are often directly funded by an industry that has a lot to lose if we act on climate change.

It also doesn't help that people qq about needing A/C. My workplace just recently decided to get A/C for a 300,000 sq ft tin can warehouse. My daily contributions are shit compared to that kind of behavior. You don't need AC in a steel warehouse. And I say that as someone who sweats too much.

Climate change happens all the time. Do you mean global warming? It's good for the planet to be warm. It's bad for it to be cold. maybe you're talking about one specific focus on man made co2 effecting the planet? It's very minimal despite what the paid shills are trying to convince everyone. There are many factors in global warming. Not just co2. Co2 is a very mild greenhouse gas. It's also feeds plant life. Plant life is good for the planet. Unfortunately people are trying to scare everyone with these hockey stick charts creating a false correlation of co2 and temperature rise. We are currently living in the most stable environment the planet has seen in a long time. Check the ice core data from Greenland and Antarctica. They go back a long ways and show a lot worse climate change in the past than we are experiencing today. Don't let it scare you. The planet is very resilient to things being thrown at it. There's nothing it hasn't experienced before. Also remember co2 also releases from the ocean and melting ice caps. Non the less, if you check the history, glacial resession has been receding at the exact same rate it is now from 160 years ago. This is way before we've been pumping enough co2 to make any kind of dent in the output. It hasn't sped up or slowed down. So don't let that false correlation mislead you.

I don't give a fuck about it. Although I do realize that humans have a great track record of attempting to make things better and ultimately fuck things up worse. We should probably just ignore climate change. Let the earth handle it if the earth kills us, so be it.

This is literally truth

You ain't shitting man. Earth has a very good mechanism of cleaning itself up. Oil spills and all. You'd be surprised how little we should be doing to correct things. Thing is though we should not pollute and respect nature a little more.

it doesn't affecting me, then I don't give shit

The actual process is worrying, but at this point I'm just too fatigued with worry to really be able to care.

What frustrates me more are the people who actively deny climate change. The amount of scientific ignorance in the world is staggering, compounded by the people maliciously sowing doubt in order to profit.

The fact that climate change has become a partisan issue is disgusting. Unlike politicians, the facts don't lie: climate change is happening, it's our fault, and it's very likely too late to fix it.

Sorry man but if you don't actually research it yourself and believe paid scientists over actual hard facts, you'll be tricked easy. First off. No one denies climate change. This is being used to trick people. The issue is global warming and the simple fact you said climate change makes you ignorant to the issue. Man made co2 being the only solo cause is straight ignorant.

climate change leads to the globe warming you dumb shit

>paid scientists over hard facts


Hey retard. Climate change goes in both directions. An ice age is a climate change and is also the real threat. Global warming is climate change as well. No one denise climate change, they deny the scientists being paid to create the false correlation with co2 and temperature rise. Which has been very minimal and very stable if you actual check the hard facts. Stop believing everything on tv, it's very dangerous

"Climate Change" is about getting a world tax and a One World Govt. Wake up you fools!

4 billion a year to say it's man made? That money could of solved the "problem" instead. Enjoy paying that carbon tax. Do you know the difference? Keep watching tv

Tipping my tin foil fedora

>Not knowing the fact that many politicians have been bought and sold by oil interests
>carbon tax that not everyone agrees with

Keep watching your right-wing bloggers.
