I love my Austrian Würstel

I love my Austrian Würstel.
Post typical food of your country




That's not the food of any country. It's a fast food restaurant found almost anywhere in the world.

Cocks for cucks

Kill yourself, faggot
That's American Fast Fat food




ANYTHING sold in McDonald's is amerifat food

Schnitzl isch leiwand

True but at least we dont get hormone injected Mexican cows like they do

But it's still America fatfood

German Döner. Yummie!


Granted but we can hardly claim any kind of culinary awards

Wiener Schnitzel mit Kartoffelsalat

The only award you get is a cardiac arrest

Wiener schnitzel for you, you fat german cuck

Southwest germany
Potatos, leek, onion, bacon together with mashed appels

This looks extremly good. What is it?

Potée auvergate


Steak Tartare

Langue de boeuf