Prove that your country is better than France

Prove that your country is better than France
> Pro tip: you can't

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We don't speak French

we dont raise white flags immediately

We don't get bombed weekly.

french Anne-Laure!

Kys Fucking French fags


Lowest quality bait I've ever seen, and I was here in the early 2000's

Cette appât est nul !

Va te faire enculler, en plus tu es un Faggot.

>shit bait
>go get fucked in the ass, op is a faggot

We don't give up on everything in 15 minutes.

I clearly recall a little incident called World War 2.

theres none of this shit in my country

What is free speach

>What is free speach

You spelled "spinach" wrong.

then who does all the shitty work ?

Native ?

Terror attacks
Black French people
Hairy armpit girls
Stench that lingers
Overall people
Everything about France
Capital "F"
Being on Earth
Being a Homosapien
Being a humanoid
Having a pulse
Having matter
>> pick one

>tfw when ur empire is gone but the inhabitants now colonized ur nation

how is it colonization where these people come to France to be wage-slave doing all the shitty work that no frenchman wants to do ?

Too easy. French growth is absolute pathetic.

What makes it work the whites don't want to do exactly are u implying those jobs are for lesser people and that Whites are superior and that only lesser people such as the blacks and Arabs are lesser so they should do those jobs that you imply only lesser people would do. Plus French and other whites have been doing these jobs for centuries before they were even introduced to those people so what makes them not qualified shouldn't they more qualified if anything else because they have been historically doing for hundreds of years.

*taps screen*
Tell me why like the baby boomers I hear all the time why white people "don't want to do this jobs" that they've been using for centuries all of sudden have no interest in doing as you and baby boomers say

French people have been doing these jobs until the post WWII era when through education and communism they realized these jobs were really shitty and that they could fight for better pay and better work condition

So they started fighting for it.

But it was easier for employers to import wage-slave from country where people are dumb as fuck and don't fight for their right.

at least our country isn't a chicken

Live in Franceistan, am French. Can confirm that other than the countryside France is a shit country

laisse moi deviner t'es pauvre ?

wesh gros je vis pas en teci tkt !

> talks about education
> doesn't realize uni is a meme
> doesn't realize most degrees are shit and highly unlikely ull get a job
> go to trade school
> be electrician/plumber
> get paid nice
> one day my boss decides to hire immigrants because they're cheaper
> boss fires me because he's a cheap asshole and wants cheap foreign labor
> niggers steal my job
> go home
> cry how I have no gf because feminism made women "free" and can't even have a romantic relationship because society encourages decadence and gov makes decisions destroys the family
>tfw I just want my country back to what my grandfather lived through as did all my ancestors
> hears a boomer tell "they just do the jobs we don't do" while getting his nice pensions which will be dried up once the welfare state goes kaboom when less and less whites aren't paying taxes
> that boomers pension will be gone as more and more niggers will come and the gov will put them over the people who built this country
> tfw your country fought the wrong war

>Muh USA saved France in WW2
>Muh France saved USA for your independence

Non je suis étudiant, donc je vie la même chose que la majorité des personnes de mon age. C'est juste que je ne peut pas blairer les villes comme Paris ou Marseille
C'est pour ça que tu parlez comme un nègreubeuh
Tbh you should have either not stopped bombing us or you should have left us alone to become german rapebabies

Fuck. *que tu parles

>Non je suis étudiant, donc je vie la même chose que la majorité des personnes de mon age. C'est juste que je ne peut pas blairer les villes comme Paris ou Marseille

Donc, t'es pauvre. Evidemment quand on a pas d'argent, on est obligé de vivre dans les quartier à bougnoules.

Gagne un peu d'argent, tu verras que Paris c'est pas trop le francistan dès que tu sors du 19eme

J'essaie de défendre la cause française, et tu dit qu'on aurait dû se laisser enculer par nos voisins?

Tu ne cache pas ton homosexualité toi

France have won loads of wars. I'm English and England literally lost to some potato farmers. And only beat Argentina because regan. Fancied Thatcher. The Spanish enter gibraltar. Load and all the UK does is issue. Banter and letters..

nice spelling there you fucking monkey

In France, we are smart. Uni is free and a scam to let arabs and negros think they can have access to education while white people with educated families goes to engineering school, or business school.

If you have chosen to learn a trade and is unable to become your own boss then you're as dumb as a polish plumber and deserve to live a shitty life like them.

C'est pas les Arabes ou les noirs qui me gênent. C'est le fait que c'est putain de sale. Même dans les petites villes comme Rennes ou Caen il y a des mégots et des déchets partout (les déchets un peu moins mais assez pour rendre sale quoi). Les transports en commun sont aussi sales, surtout le metro Parisien punaise. Ça pue, il y a des graffitis partout, il faut monter des escaliers pour ensuite en descendre, tourner à gauche pour aller à droite puis remonter pour redescendre.

c'est les bougnoules et les negro qui chient partout ( y a des videos qui trainent sur quatre champs)
n'empechent y a deux trois beurettes a chicha que j e baiserai bien dedicace a zora et willem

>don't maintain ur countries racial identity
>don't have ur country put the interests of the people who founded and built the nation first
>don't get a wife to help your people survive
>don't call out a corrupt system that pushes primitive foreigners into your country
>don't get disgusted by the medias various moves to genocide your race via demographic replacement via propaganda
>don't get angry when your tax dollars go to feed niggers that don't respect your countries laws, way of life, culture, or your people whilst they steal your jobs, rape your women, kill your children, and rob you of homeland that your ancestors suffered to make what you once call home

How's that highschool shooting going for ya?

Encore une fois, le métro Parisien est sale, dans les lignes et stations pour prolétaires.

Le 7eme arrondissement de même, est complètement dénué du moindre graffiti ou d'odeur de pisse.

Après tu peux aussi choisir de ne pas prendre les transports en commun et faire comme dans ta putain de campagne de bouseux en te déplaçant à vélocipède.

T'as un peu le choix entre un million de moyen de transport. Tu peux prendre le bus, louer un vélo, un scooter, ou une auto en libre service. Prendre un taxi ou un uber. Ou le tramway. Si t'aimes pas le métro/RER, tu peux faire ça.

Alors que dans ton bled, si t'aimes pas te déplacer en calèche t'es niqué

We didn't need to be bailed out of back to back world wars... You're welcome frogs

Tu parle des grands échangeurs de métro genre Châtelet?
C'est juste que les stations sont stupidement grandes, mais au moins bien indiqué, si tu te perd dedans, c'est que t'es quand même un petit peu con

france objectively has the best hip hop artists

Diams was awesome
Sadly she stopped :(

Pretty simple.

I live in a different country.

That is all.

>best hip hop artists

on en parle de la culotte a ta maman qu'elle a oublie hier chez moi?

Où sont mes petits fucbois ?

>don't maintain ur countries racial identity

My country is lead by white people. We have the power. People who define french culture and french identity are white ( or jewish )

>don't have ur country put the interests of the people who founded and built the nation first

How do you explain that all the elite in France is white if we don't put our interest first ?

>don't get a wife to help your people survive

i have a wife, and we plan to have 1 or 2 children because it's better to have 1 successful child than 5 dumb kids from 4 wife.

>>don't call out a corrupt system that pushes primitive foreigners into your country

of course it's corrupt, but the corruption is in my interest. Why should i call out a system that give me a great life ?

>don't get disgusted by the medias various moves to genocide your race via demographic replacement via propaganda

It's not a replacement. These people we accept in our country are there to serve us. Not to replace us. If there is only 1 french for 9 nigger it's even better, that means we'll have more slave per capita.

>don't get angry when your tax dollars go to feed niggers that don't respect your countries laws, way of life, culture, or your people whilst they steal your jobs, rape your women, kill your children, and rob you of homeland that your ancestors suffered to make what you once call home

My tax are used to keep these guy docile. We use tax money to trick them into thinking they can be somehow happy. We give them barely enough to live. I don't care what they think about my culture, or my way of life, as long as they keep doing shitty job for shitty pay. They only rape the women who live in their neighborhood, and they are nowhere close to have any kind of power in my homeland.

Règle global 2: vous cesserez immédiatement et ne continurez pas d'accéder au site si vous avez moins de 18 ans

also kek.

avec tous les fans que cette grosse pute a, elle pourrait quand même faire un petit tour d'europe en tant qu'escort elle récolterai de l'argent en masse et pourrait enfin s'offrir une chirurgie mammaire digne de ce nom...


This. We're not really in a place to brag about repaying our revolutionary war debts 160 years after the fact. It wasn't even JUST the US saving France during WWII. It was the allied powers AT the time, which included several other countries.

J'aime ton style.
