Illegal immigration down by 40%

Illegal immigration down by 40%

unemployment dropped by 4.75

Trump kills TPP. Even Bernie Sanders praises him

Dow soars 300 points, closes above 21,000 for the first time

ISIS getting its ass kicked

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is gay

Drops to, dumbass. If it dropped 4.75 then unemployment would be ~ 0.


he doesn't have a cabinet together yet you fucking retard

>EPA funding cut
>USA turned into superfund site
>trumpsters now hunting (and fucking) irradiated hogs.

Failed Yemen raid. Failed Executive Orders. U.S. is paying for the wall. Failed Obamacare replacement. Budget wants to take away your grandmother's Meals on Wheels. Record disapproval rating. Yeah, he's killing it.

how is the democrats being babies and needlessly delaying his cabinet appointments Trumps failure or negate all the things in OP?

but hey! theres less illegal mexicans! now we can pick the fruit! bringing down the unemployment too! WOOP-DANG!

>right wingers wanting so badly to crush the left in a petty slap fight that they're willing to put up with this.

Actual children.

Y'all need to check out his tax reform. $25k or less a year pay no taxes, and $25k-$50k save tons. I'd save $1k a year if it gets passed.

I'm saying how can he take credit for these things apart from speeches

what has be specifically implemented to produce these numbers?

Huurrrrrrrr duurrrrrrrrrr make america great again. Duuuuurrrrrrrrr


Also, the democrats being cry babies and autistically poo pooing everything he tries to do isnt really his failure. also considering hes only been in office a few months.

what a well put together and articulate argument

They're not being nominated by Trump and you blame the Dems.

Trump 2020

>how can Trump take credit for killing TPP?!


>Republicans are in power now
>Republicans show they're incompetent

words fail me


I was referring to the two statements with sources, sorry, he did kill tpp

Try looking at more than one poll. Also, you can't have it both ways. Trump is awesome! Look how great he is. But he hasn't been in office long. So he's still awesome, but can't be blamed for anything.

>something no one is able to monitor is less now
How the fuck can you quantify something that no one has data on?

Why are conservatives intent on reversing the progress of all mankind in every facet of life? Think of anything thing that would improve people's lives and its guaranteed that conservatives want the opposite.

neither of these are arguments

can you please just grow up and stop trying to crash america simply because your guy didnt win?

You mean just like the Republicans blocked Obama at every available turn - they wouldn't even let him appoint a judge to the Supreme Court, as was his right.

Then I suppose it was politics; when the shoe is on the other foot it's a secret plot to impeach Trump

>Illegal immigration down by 40%
Thing is, *nobody* wants to come here anymore, or can't. From Canadian nurses being turned back to tourists who bring dollars, the USA is becoming a raging police state governed by paranoia, hatred, and megalomania. You think this is making America great? Think again. Or start.

ford is making 700 jobs in usa because of trump

fuck me, brilliant. Can't wait for those 700 jobs

>Implying I'm american

Nah, just enjoy watching your country fuck itself, not even the right with trump, your left is fucking awful too
do you not have a decent centre ground?

All I see here are Trump supporters who are lapping at the cum drops of the capitalist class who have convinced them to fight against their own interests because arguing with a democrat is a release from their shitty lives which the capitalist class created.

Lies about jobs. Lies about the wall. Lies about repealing Obamacare. Wants to pump up military at the expense of everything else. Aiding ISIS with his stupid rhetoric. But keep on sucking his dick, dumbass.

So how shitty is it for Canadians visiting the USA if they decide to stay for a job or anything? A decision they should probably avoid and just go back? Mostly talking nursing/child support jobs.

10/10 post, would read again

>they wouldn't even let him appoint a judge to the Supreme Court, as was his right.

>implying democrats wont do the exact same fucking thing

Democrats literally cheered and celebrated when Scalia died.

this is childish bullshit and you know it. If no one wants to come to America, then why are illegal immigrants crying about how their lives are ruined when they are being raided by ICE?

If no one wants to come to america, then how come EVERYONE who said they were moving to liberal Trudeauian Canada was full of shit?

If no one wants to come to america, then how come democrats and liberals world wide OUTRAGED at Trumps 90 day Travel ban?

Holy shit 700!???? Wow we can pave the roads with gold bars now!


wow, what a reliable source!

Name one factory, or even one job that's not shoe shiner that has opened up directly because of trump. How did he have any impact on that, even your source doesn't imply that.

>Ford without warning last month canceled plans to build a $1.6 billion project in San Luis Potosi, an auto-making area in central Mexico.

>Gabriel Lopez, president and CEO of Ford Mexico, said however that this did not affect two other projects it has under way in the country since 2015, which are scheduled to begin production this year.

>The plants, in the central state of Guanajuato and the northern city of Chihuahua, will make engines and transmissions.

>The two facilities will cost about $2.5 billion and employ some 3,800 people, Lopez said on Wednesday.

So Ford are still building plants in Mexico, and importing the engines and transmissions into the USA.

3800 vs 700; $2,500k vs $700 and they're no longer the bad boys. Good business sense from Uncle Henry, plus great PR

You're trying too hard. Trump's a joke. Just watch the press conference from today. Total Chaos. He admitted he's getting his intel from Fox News. Sad!

The confirmation bias can truly be felt from him

>all of trumps immigration orders have been blocked by the courts
>trying to take credit for immigration rates anyways
fucking kek lad. they're not coming here because of trumps (identical to obamas) policies. they just DONT want to come here anymore.
>tfw even people living in 3rd world shitholes don't want to live here anymore

Sad! Low Energy!

You got me. We obviously know Trump doesn't lie. And we know he isn't a dumbass.

That's fake news, brah

Its still funny watching you 19 year old idiots who are frightened of work and who think you will be making 90K a year blogging or something shit talk jobs like that though while also trying to virtue signal about being leftist or liberal

Did you just learn that term? Do you understand why you don't actually understand it? We'll wait.

>Mexican import tax
>car manufacturing is mostly automated or will be very soon

>>all of trumps immigration orders have been blocked by the courts

His travel ban has. He just enforcing the laws on the books about illegals you dumbass.

Try getting your news from somewhere other than Stephen Colbert jokes

Please, enlighten is with YOUR fake news...

Would a trump supporter please explain something to me please?

I followed the campaign, Trump kept shouting about jobs, but not highly skilled jobs, talking of education or training people on apprentice scheme, like....manufacturing jobs.

Specifically, getting the manufacturing jobs back from China, the place where they sit in cramped factories putting iphones together and throwing themselves off the roof.

Why the fucking fuck, do you want to go back to making shit? why not education? Design the products, etc.
Manufacturing on a china scale is fucking nasty, why the fuck do you have this obsession with going backwards and not forwards?

Can you please stop using "kek we won libtard" like it's actually a political stance? What are you, fucking 5?
No better than pic related and I'm supposed to fucking take you seriously. Dont bother responding lad. Nothing you say matters now.

>they just DONT want to come here anymore.
Sounds like it's working

>unemployment dropped by 4.75
did you even look at your own link?

4.6 in november 4.7 in december 4.8 in january 4.7 in february

4.7 WE DID IT GOYS!!!!!

Your news is fake, brah

You mean the laws OTHER presidents made, that have been in effect for years BEFORE he even got into office?
Thats even more hilarious. Hes taking credit for shit he didn't even do.


Owned by Univision. Trash.

>67 KB
>implying taxes are optional and a form of charity.

Trump is paying more because the AMT prevented him from taking many (most?) of his deductions.
Why isn't clear, but it's certainly not a sign he's generously contributing more than he has to because he's just so damn cool.

Would Jews go to nazi Germany, no becaused they realized their leader was serious about taking action, why would they come to a country where they think most of the country voted for a racist, Damn it's like you people lack perspective, look it up.

This post is really telling of what a fucking worm you are. Like you think manufacturing jobs are SO beneath your liberal arts education. Who are you to talk down to anyone when you are going to be serving starbucks the rest of your life while in debt? And youre some middle class goober to, yet you act like this aristocrat whos TERRIFIED of working. You are going to be miserable the REST OF YOUR LIFE

Do you not realize people go to trade school and get great paying jobs for like no cost?

I mostly agree with this. I don't see any future where manufacturing work isn't going to be mostly automated (we're already at that point basically).

However, a lot of people in the US aren't cut out for education or designing products. A lot of people made their livelihood working with their hands. Those people need work. Trump knew this and appealed to them.

>tfw trumptards smear shit on the walls of their house just to get others to knock first before entering
well shit lad, i can't help you if you won't help yourself.

Huuurrrrrr duuurrrrr. Damn Mexicans and libtards. Huuuuuurrrrrrrrrr

Stay mad you spic manlet.

yeah, the laws obama refused to enforce. The laws that when Arizona actually enforced them, the liberal media shat on them as nazi germany.

Stop being retarded on purpose.

>democrats being babies and needlessly delaying his cabinet appointments
Moat Presidents don't have a cabinet in place until April or so.
And most presidents don't present such contentious appointees.

Do you always pretend to not know know what other people say or only when it's convenient for you?

lmao and he is proposing getting rid of the AMT

without the AMT he would of paid like 3% or less one article said

lol why are you so mad at the lack of illegal immigrants hahah

like what does that benefit you? Do you even think this shit out, or just blindly promote what ever cuck shit you are told to?

noun: metaphor; plural noun: metaphors

a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

>voted for Trump
It's not surprising that you struggle with this.

>"liberal arts education"
>"going to be serving starbucks the rest of your life in debt"

TFW you have an engineering degree on 90k p.a.
also, my "debt" it only starts getting paid back in small amounts when you start making real money because other countries don't have dogshit education systems like america

>convinced them to fight against their own interests

Sorry if i want to work for a living and reap the benefits of my labor, and not carry your lazy liberal asses.

Your comment was also intellectually stimulating, welcome to Sup Forums.

>ur dumb kek

Yea, you've got a point, he's gonna have a fucking storm if he's in for two terms and we have driverless trucks

>I mostly agree with this

you do realize you are NEVER going to get some meme job that pays great, right? You do realize that if you went to college and didnt study to become an engineer or doctor or something like that, you are wasting your time and will just be in massive debt?

Metaphors aren't reason. Tell me in your own non-metaphor words why you think people no longer want to illegally immigrate to the US.

That's not a big deal, but I'll recede I did only ask you to name one

how does that mean anyone is crashing America? Fundamentally, we have the right to disagree with Trump and believe that he isn't qualified. Does that make us any worse for it?

>hes still in school


>blindly promote whatever cuck shit you are told to?
oh the fucking irony. the POTUS has nothing to do with those statistics, because nothing he's done has AFFECTED those statistics. and IM the one promoting whatever I'm told to.
ITT babbys first election.
>tfw Trump told reporters to TELL YOU that those stats are a result of his legislation
>tfw you parrot it back like a child reciting its lessons


moving the FUCK out of the goal post.

Were you trying to make a point?

Nothing? Google couldn't find it for you? Bigly sad.

>thinks only graduates in medicine and engineering can get decent jobs

the numbers are higher in those fields sure, but to say you're wasting your time doing anything but those is wrong, your worldview is narrow as fuck if thats what you think

>reason on Sup Forums
And right there is where you fucked up. There is no point to make other than the one I've already made and I'm not going to sit here wasting an hour of my time linking you to sources just to hear you say "doesn't prove anything kek" over and over again. I've got better shit to do with my time than waste it walking you in logical circles, hoping you'll get it next rotation.

They don't want to come here because we just created a culture thats hostile towards them. They probably fear for their goddamn lives because we're all armed and pissed off at the wrong people.



dropped TO 4.75%, not BY 4.75%, but still progress


>but to say you're wasting your time doing anything but those is wrong, your worldview is narrow as fuck if thats what you think

Lol. I cant wait until you graduate and realize what a fucking idiot you were and what a world of shit you are in for wasting you time on a meme degree.

Change it to something hard and with math. If you cant do that, then go to a trade school.

nah, he just autistically screeches about how bad other peoples lives will be to distract himself from him fucking up his own life
We can him Autistic Alan, pay him no mind

>hey don't want to come here because we just created a culture thats hostile towards them. They probably fear for their goddamn lives because we're all armed and pissed off at the wrong people.

I'm glad we're in agreement with this. Illegal immigrants no longer want to come here because they're afraid of the consequences. Whether or not illegal immigrants should be given sanctuary is another question.

you didnt answer my question. Why the FUCK are you so angry that the country isnt being flooded with illegals? Did you even think this shit out or are you just reacting like the programmed dope you are?

Not moving anything you just can't see past the surface

why do you keep assuming people do liberal degrees because they don't agree they are worthless, i have friends who lecture, write books, teach, the list goes on who did those kind of degrees

We already had a net negative immigration before he was election. We've been having more immigrants leave than were entering for a couple years.

Maybe he doesn't want to foot the $21 billion for a fucking useless wall. Just a guess.

I agree but stop using meme like that you fucking faggot

>I-Im totally going to be a rich meme artist! My guidance counselur and mommy told me Im special!

If you are studying engineering or anything thats actually difficult than good on you. If you are studying anything easy and "fun" are are in a world of shit you dont even realize. you will be BEGGING to shill coffee at starbucks.

>healthcare is a fucking trainwreck and embarrassment for a first world country

"least there's less mexicans picking fruit from the back of trucks and washing cars"