Why do atheists reject God's benevolent love?
Why do they reject their own salvation?
Why do atheists reject God's benevolent love?
Why do they reject their own salvation?
because of niggers and aids
god aint existing man
hes not real
The devil here, Look uh, you'd think I'd like atheist but I hate them. Almost all are secular do gooders. Disappointed I could not leverage them for my purposes
same ol' bait
cause they are to stupid.
doesent save them from hell so...
Because sinning is winning
Do not speak for me.
God is literally a part of your brain. It's all in your head.
As the real anti-christ I approve of your 'playing devil' unlike god who disproves of people 'playing god'
There's some atheist cuck making all these for sure, that's dedicated (inb4 bot) to doing several of these per day.
I salute you, sir
God is a tulpa created by the pain of every organic being in the universe who uses the religious law to cause and spread physical, mental, and emotional pain on everyone it comes in contact with.
This is why the law revolves around denying yourself natural human impulses. Subjucate, control, and above all else, kill nonbelievers.
Judaism and every religion spawned off of it feeds this creature.
Who would win:
WWYD thread VS. Atheism Copypasta Shitpost VS. Wincest Thread VS. moot VS. Heaven??????
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The antichrist is not the devil. I'll say again, do not speak for me.
You realize this has been going on for years right
There never was a god, it was all made to help people cope with death and the fact that we will all one day die and there is nothing after that, and nothing we can do to stop it
Pain is in your head, as well as everyone else's. This does not make it not real, just not what you think real is.
I could imagine these threasd have gone on for a while, I just admire these threads
because atheists are stupid arrogant people who think they know it all.
but they will burn in hell for their arrogance, dont worry user.
It was made to use fear of death to control people. Fear and pain are the most powerful methods of control.
Because there is no proof of your invisible man
Your soul will be devoured by the very god you believe to be benign.
Fuck me why does this infinite shitpost always get filled with a metric shitton of faggot comments
dude, god is made up by men. does your cat ponder over this? how about your dog? no, they go through life normally, eating, sleeping. in a way your pets are wiser than you are. while you are lost in your head practially going nuts.
For the same reason you keep reading them.
nope. i have accepted jesus christ as my lord and saviour. only those who reject his love will perish.
God is the devourer of souls. This is why he requires converts. When you die, the essence of you, what makes you, you, will be eaten by God.
Heaven is a lie made so you accept your fate.
God was not made by man, but by all sentient beings.
god is beyond human comprehension. thats why you dont understand him unless you let him into your heart.
If he is beyond human comprehension, how do you comprehend him? How do you know what his intentions are? How do you know he's really out to save your soul? How do you know he tells the truth? The bible says so?
Well by that logic, I'm right because I say I'm right, and you can't prove me wrong.
There's no god.
If there is a god, it's not benevolent and it definitely doesn't love anything on this planet.
>how do you comprehend him?
i already said you have to let him into your heart first. are atheists this stupid and illiterate and they cant even read?
no wonder most people hate you.
Pagan here, ask away
There is a god, but he is not all-powerful. He is simply large, and not made of matter but rather of energy.
And you're right. He does not love us, and he is not benevolent.
dont give atheists what they want. they are already hateful enough.
Because what's freedom of choice if you don't exercise it?
> Fuck you and your "love", God. It's creepy enough when you watch while I shower.
You replied to the wrong post.
Also, do I really sound like an atheist? You're making assumptions based on facts that aren't true. I absolutely believe in God, I just see him without the rose-tinted glasses you Christians love to wear.
God gave them free will and they hated and rejected him for it.
There is only one true god and his name is KEK
It's not about what anyone wants. God is not good, and someday you'll see it.
Lucifer gave them free will, and we are still being punished for it.
You can only ASSUME God exists. Atheists assume he does not exist and are able to live with the consequences if he doesn't.
Prove me wrong.
I failed. Before kek. No, you truly don't understand.
triple trips confirm
God here, don't listen to Satan, he's a pussy, there's a reason I made those guys without dicks, and its not because I wanted to, Its because they had [spoiler]no balls. [/spoiler]
Who the fuck is this cock goblin after two years on Sup Forums I need to fucking know
There's just a single trip there.
Because we're hardcore as fuck.
The princess from the Never Ending Story. I hope your next question isn't "well what the fuck does she have to do with atheism?" because I won't be able to help with that one.
You tried.
transgender jesus
Thanks user, I can die happy now.
This doesn't make any sense but it would be hubris to argue against trips so I'll just take your word for it.
The Child-like Empress
> seriously, OP is fucked in the head
The fish hooks are more relevant than you can imagine.
ITT: Literally only newfags who dont know this is old bait except some guys like
Man do you just post this thread everyday or something LMAO. Keep up the trolling.
Leave Sup Forums for a year, come back, this shit is still being posted for a year. Anyone who thinks these threads are still amusing needs to be thrown into a volcano.
user, we've all seen this thread like a zillion times. There's no way anyone could have been on Sup Forums for even a single day in the last 3 years, and not have seen a minor variation on this thread.
It happens.
Anyone who thought they were amusing in the first place should be thrown into a volcano tbh. And possibly raped first.
Don't let it get you down. Lucifer will always be your bro, even when you don't sell your soul to him.
[spoilers]That's what inviting god into your heart is [/spoilers]
why do people of continental lands always disrespect will of volcano's god by throwing only faggots inside?