Currently red pilling people on my small towns facebook page...

currently red pilling people on my small towns facebook page. Anyone care to share pictures of the delightful things Refugees and Islam bring to your city?

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What's the story of the second pic?


The truck of peace.


>All refugees are muslim
>All refugees are likely to commit violence and institute sharia in the U.S.
What's the matter, you need a safe space lil' boy?


I'm sure you don't know what that means.

lol when pussy faggot liberals try to turn terms that describe themselves on conservatives
>you are making fun of yourself
>go back to your safe space
>Yea im so triggered
>you gay love cock long tyme

Whatever, kiddo. I'm not the one demanding that the "differents" get out of my space. I don't mind new people and new ideas, and I fight bad ones.
Like yours.



Not letting people in who likely will not adopt a more american culture is not a bad idea, its a very realistic one.

"Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." -FDR

Don't bother. These people are so brainwashed in playing hero their pride blinds them to everything.

We already had an excellent system for vetting refugees, and top military brass all argued that cutting off refugees and banning muslims from entering the US would only strengthen ISIS recruiting.
Knowing any of this would only require people to read something other than Breitbart.

haha yeah totally bro red pill them about this shitty building they built called trump tower

Me? blinded? I read a lot. Everything I've read from the right/alt-right is just doom and gloom, apocalypse stuff that in no way matches objective fucking reality. How am I supposed to take that seriously?

It's not a Muslim ban, its a regional ban.

If Muslims are so peaceful why would they just suddenly turn on their peaceful ways and join ISIS?

>read something other than Breitbart
Honestly had no idea what this even was until that Milo guy started causing people to run for safe spaces. Visited their website once, looked messy and never went back.

ok faggots i need some gory shit. Not your memes and pictograms

I never said Muslims are peaceful because I understand that a group of a billion plus people can't be fucking broad brushed like that.
>Not a muslim ban
Literally all the courts disagree with you.
Also, it doesn't matter at this point. Trump and his flying monkeys have said it's a muslim ban so many times that the courts will never let it pass in any form.

"donald j trump is calling for a total and complete shut down of muslims trying to enter the united states"

He did as best as he could to get his muslim ban in, just because he didnt get everything he wanted doesnt mean we need to rename the name he himself gave it

Where did you get that? It's literally a regional ban. It says nothing about Muslims not being able to travel, just travel restrictions on places.

I could be a Christian or atheist from one of those places and not be able to travel to the USA.

Except you didn't see this Or you're intentionally forgetting that time all us "libcucks" all got super-pissed when he said it. Or you're intentionally forgetting that time he literally said "we're going to help the Christians (from Syria) get in."
Or you didn't read about that on RT.

sorry but cause of all the bias lies and bullshit from calling Trump Hitler, sexist, saying he is stupid for not cooking steak properly to outright lying about him I no longer trust anything about what the news says about anybody.

If it is cause "oh its cause your a trumpy fan" no its not, the same thing was seen with pewdiepie when he made a nazi joke.

I mean, you typed a lot of words

I linked a video of him actually saying the words..the words are on his website in a press release

"bias lies bullshit"
Okay, he's not literally hitler, but he IS undeniably sexist, and he IS undeniably saying some really REALLY dumb shit.
I don't understand how any thinking person stays on the side of a man that just lies directly to their faces.

i don't have picture but a muslim family sells me alcohol at the liquor store down the road. also they've never ID'd me which is pretty cool and they're daughter is kinda hot for a brown person

And words are always taking out of context.

If it makes you feel any better I mean everyone about everything I don't trust anymore when it comes to main stream news for both left and right leanings.

stay mad libtard cuck faggot

Except you're falling into a false equivalency.
Just because some media outlets suck doesn't mean all media sucks equally. CNN, MSNBC on cable and Reuters, AP, NYTimes, and NPR, while frequently impugned as liberally biased, get it right with great consistency (The notable exceptions being the cable networks' 'entertainment' offerings; Rachel Maddow and the like). Just because Sup Forums can make danker Trump memes than CNN doesn't make them the goddamned voice of reason.


continue being perturbed conservatard cuckold homosexual



Continuing this thought- I used to work for a principal who would look at two kids that had gotten into a fight and say, "You're telling me one story, you're telling another, so the truth must be somewhere in between."
That's the mentality too many people have taken with news media and it's fucking WRONG!
Most of the time one kid is being honest and the other is a lying little shitball. Just saying.

Entry level reversals need not apply

My jimmies remain unrustled queer bait

>unlimited sex slaves
sign me up

get a hooker mang

I'm not gone pop off and call kissless virgin

but if you are, get a damn hooker

not kissless
idk how and i can't afford to catch a case bruv

jokes on you m8. i had my jimmies surgically removed years ago. also i'm just trolling and haven't given a single fuck about a shit in a few years

Then you just lost because a master troll never reveals themselves. This is not Nam, there are rules.